[1] Beside the kings letters, which he wrote in his owne behalfe, there was an other letter deuised and written by all the lords temporall of the land, assem|bled in parlement at Lincolne, in which letter they answered in name of all the estates there gathered, vnto that point wherein the pope pretended a right to be iudge for the title of the realme of Scotland, pro|testing flatlie, that they would not consent that their king should doo any thing that might tend to the dis|heriting of the right of the crowne of England, and plaine ouerthrow of the state of the same realme, and [page 310] also hurt of the liberties, customs, and lawes of their fathers, sith it was neuer knowne, that the kings of this land had answered or ought to answer for their rights in the same realme, afore any iudge ecclesia|sticall or secular.