[1] Frier Iohn Peckham, whome the pope had alrea|die consecrated archbishop of Canturburie, being the 47 in number that had gouerned the said s [...], came this yeare ouer into England to supplie the roome. ¶ Also Walter Gifford archbishop of Yorke departed this life, in whose place succéeded William Wickham, the 37 archbishop there. The archbishop of Canturburie held a synod at Reading about the lat|ter end of Iulie,A synod at Reading. wherin he renewed the constitutions of the generall councell, as thus: That no ecclesiasti|call person should haue aboue one benefice to the which belonged cure of soule; and againe, that all those that were promoted to any ecclesiasticall liuing, should receiue the order of priesthood within one yere after his being promoted therevnto.