[1] Also, by reason of the controuersie which depended as then betwixt diuerse persons,Controuersie about the crowne of Scotland. as competitors of the crowne of Scotland, he went into the north parts and kept his easter at Newcastell, and shortlie after, called a parlement at Northampton; where, by the aduise of the prelats and other of his councell, lear|ned in both the lawes, vpon knowledge had by search of records, and chronicles of ancient time, he caused all the prelats and barons of Scotland to be called a|fore him, and there in the parish-church of Norham, he declared vnto them his right to the superioritie of [page 286] the kingdome of Scotland, and requiring of them, that they would recognise the same, protesting that he would defend the right of his crowne, to the shed|ding of his owne bloud, that a true certificat and in|formation might come to light of his title and right|full claime, vnto the direct and supreme dominion o|uer the realme of Scotland.