[1] The archbishop of Canturburie lost all the goods that he had, for he would neither agree to giue any thing,The archbish. of Canturbu|rie his goods confiscate. nor to laie any thing downe in the church, that the king might receiue it. Wherevpon he was brought to such extreme miserie, that all his seruants went from him, & commandement was giuen foorth, that no man should receiue him, neither within mo|nasterie nor without, and so not hauing any one place of all his bishoprike where to laie his head, he remained in the house of a poore person, onelie with one priest and one clearke: yet he stiffelie stood in the matter, affirming certeinlie, that all those which granted any thing,The obstinate maner of the archbishop of Canturburie. either to the king, or to any other temporall person without the popes leaue, ran with|out doubt into the danger of the sentence pronoun|ced in the canon.