[1] Pontsey won.Whilest they tried their manhood thus at Rion, the constable woone Pontesey or Pontsac vpon Dordone, and came to ioine with the earles de Ualois at Rion, and so inforced both their powers to win that towne. The Englishmen and Gascoins, though they were put in some feare, yet they shewed their approoued valiancie in defending the towne, till at length when they saw they could defend it no long|er, and were in no hope of succour from anie part, they fled out about midnight, and made toward their ships: but diuerse of them were taken by the waie, for the Frenchmen hauing knowledge of their in|tent, forlaie the passages, and taking some of them that first sought to escape thus by flight, slue them, but there was not many of those. For all the residue, when they perceiued that the Frenchmen had laid betwixt them and their ships, making vertue of ne|cessitie, stood still in defense of the towne, till the Frenchmen entred it by force of assault the friday in Easter wéeke. Nic. Triuet. Rion wo [...].