[1] Moreouer,The castell of Lamperde|uaur built. the king in the west part of Wales built at the same time a castle at Lamperdeuaur, to kéepe vnder the rebellious attempts of the Welshmen. King Edward gaue in mariage by waie of restituti|on to the fore-remembred Leolin prince of Wales the earle of Leicesters daughter, Anno. Reg. 6. 1278 which was taken (as ye haue heard) at the Ile of SillieLeolins wife restored to hir husband. He also bare all the charges of the feast at the daie of the marriage, and honored the same with the presence of himselfe and the queene. ¶ A subsidie of the twentieth part of euerie mans goods was granted to the king to|wards his charges susteined in the Welsh warres. Moreouer, in the sixt yéere of his reigne K. Edward held a parlement at Glocester,Statutes of Glocester. in the which were cer|teine acts and statutes made for the wealth and good gouernment of the realme, which vnto this daie are called the statutes of Glocester. ¶Alexander king of Scots came into England, to common with K. Edward, of matters touching his kingdome of Scotland. ¶Shortlie after king Edward went ouer into France, and there receiued certeine townes that were restored to him, but not the moitie of those that were promised to his father, when he released his title vnto the dutchie of Normandie.