[1] [2] The fight was sore and doubtfull for a while, till the Englishmen ouercome with the multitude of their enimies began to be slaine on ech side, so that few es|caped by flight. To the number of twentie worthie knights were taken,The English men vanqui|shed by the Scots. with their capteine the said lord Segraue being sore wounded, but he was by chance rescued and deliuered out of the enimies hands, by certeine horssemen, which vnder the leading of the [page 312] lord Robert Neuell a right valiant knight (vpon hearing the noise of them that fled) came on the spurs out of the next campe to the succour of their fellowes. Abington. Rafe Cõfreie was slaine at this incoun|ter, as Abing|ton saith. Rafe Confreie after this mishap (as Polydor saith) brought backe the residue of the armie into Eng|land, not thinking it necessarie to attempt any fur|ther enterprise at that time against the enimies, ouer|matching him both in strength and number. This in|counter chanced on the first sundaie in Lent. ¶I re|member the Scotish chronicles conteine much more of this enterprise greatlie to their glorie, and more (haplie) than is true, as by conferring the place where they intreat of it, with this that I haue here exem|plified out of our writers it may well appeare. The earle Marshall hauing spent largelie whilest he stood in contention against the king, who was now ear|nestlie called vpon to repaie such summes of monie as he had borowed of his brother Iohn Bigod, N. Triuet. The earle Marshall re|signeth his lands vnto the king. who was verie rich by reason of such benefices and spiri|tuall liuings as he had in his hands, the earle bicause he had no children, to whom he might leaue his lands, meant to haue left them vnto his said brother: but when he saw him so importunate in calling for the debts which he owght him; he tooke such displeasure therewith, that to obteine the kings fauour, and to disappoint his brother of the inheritance, he gaue vnto the king all his possessions, vpon conditi|on that the king adding thereto other lands in value woorth a thousand markes by yeare, should restore them to him againe to inioy during his life, the re|mainder after his deceasse to come vnto the king, and further, the king should paie and discharge him of all his debts.