[1] He was tall of stature, some what blacke of colour, strong of bodie, and leane, auoiding grosenesse,His stature and forme [...] bodie. with continuall exercise, of comelie fauour, and iettie eies, the which when he waxed angrie, would suddenlie be|come reddish, and seeme as though they sparkled with fire. The haire of his head was blacke and curled,His qualitie of mind. he continued for the most part in good health of bo|die, and was of a stout stomach, which neuer failed him in time of aduersitie. Moreouer, he had an ex|cellent good wit, for to whatsoeuer he applied his stu|die, he easilie atteined to the vnderstanding thereof: wise he was and vertuous, an earnest enimie of the high and presumptuous insolencie of préests, the which he iudged to procéed chéeflie of too much wealth and riches: and therefore,He misliked the pride of prelats. he deuised to establish the statute of Mortmaine, to be a bridle to their inordi|nate lusts and riotous excesse. He built the abbeie of the vale roiall in Cheshire, he was a constant fréend, but if he once tooke displeasure or hatred against any person, he would not easilie receiue him into fauour againe: whilest he had any vacant time from weigh|tie affaires, he spent lightlie the same in hunting.