[1] [2] ¶ There were reasons alledged why the king of England séemed to do wrong in challenging as then the kingdome of Scotland: and amongst other, N. Triuet. one was, that such homage as had beene doone of ancient time to the kings of England, by the kings of the Scots, was onelie meant for Tindale, Penreth, and such other lands as the Scotish kings held within England, and not for the realme of Scotland. And whereas the kings of Scotland had aided the kings of England in their warres against the rebels of the realme of England, and beene present at their co|ronation, the same was doone of speciall fauour, and not of dutie. K. Edward hauing receiued the popes prescript, and well considered the whole contents ther|of, sent in writing his answer at large, proouing by euident reasons that the right of proprietie in the kingdome of Scotland, did most iustlie apperteine vnto him, and that the allegations were not true, but forged, which had béene by surmised information presented against him.