[1] [2] [3] At a parlement holden at London in Lent this yeare, the king renewed the confirmation of the charters, and made certeine new statutes concer|ning fines and goale deliueries, verie profitable to the common-wealth. About the feast of saint Iohn Baptist, Abington. The king go|eth with an armie into Scotland. king Edward went with an armie into Scotland, and there granted a truce to the Scots that inhabited the mounteine countries to indure for eleuen moneths, that is to saie, till Whitsuntide next insuing. As the king was vpon his iournie fore|wards in the north parts, his late married wife queene Margaret was deliuered of hir first sonne at Brotherton,Thomas of Brotherton borne the first of Iune. a place in Yorkeshire not farre from Pontfret; he was named Thomas, and tooke the sur|name of Brotherton, of the place where he was borne.