[1] Robert Kilwarbie archbishop of Canturburie,The archbish. of Yorke being made cardinal resigneth his archbishoprike was by pope Nicholas aduanced to the dignitie of a cardinall, and made bishop of Portua, so that he went to Rome, and gaue ouer the archbishoprike of Canturburie, to the which through the popes grant frier Iohn Peckham was admitted archbishop.Iohn Peck|ham archbish. of Yorke. This yƩere there was inquirie made in London for such as had clipped, washed, & counterfaited the kings coine, wherevpon the Iewes of the citie and diuers gold|smiths that kept the exchange of siluer were indited,Clippers of monie. and after to the number of two hundreth foure score and seuenteene persons were condemned, Anno Reg. 7. Nic. Triuet. and in di|uers places put to execution. There were but 3. En|glishmen among them, all the residue were Iewes, but diuerse christians that were participants with them in their offenses were put to their fines, and not without iust cause.