[1] He had caused verelie all the histories, chronicles, and monuments that were to be found within Eng|land, Scotland and Wales, to be sought vp and per|used, that it might be knowen what right he had in this behalfe. Wherevpon it was found by the chroni|cles of Marianus the Scot, William of Malmesburie, Roger Houeden, Henrie Huntington, Rafe de Dice|to, and others, that in the yeare of our Lord 910, K. Edward surnamed Senior, or the elder, subdued to him the kings of Scots and Welshmen, so that in the yeare 921, the same people chose the said Ed|ward to be their king and patrone. And likewise in the yeare 926, Athelstan king of England vanqui|shed Constantine king of Scotland, and permitted him yet to reigne vnder him. Moreouer, Edred the brother of Athelstan, and king of England, ouercame the Scots and Northumbers, the which submitted themselues to him and sware him fealtie. Also Ed|gar king of England vanquished Kineth the son of Alpine king of Scotland, who sware fealtie to him. Likewise Cnute king of England and Denmarke, in the 16 yeare of his reigne ouercame Malcolme king of Scots, & so became king of foure kingdoms, England, Scotland, Denmarke, and Norwaie.