[1] [2] The archbish. of Canturbu|rie receiued into fauour.In this meane time king Edward at the feast of Lammas held a councell at London, where he recei|ued the archbishop of Canturburie againe into his fauor, restoring vnto him all his goods and lands. He appointed him and the lord Reinold Grey to haue his eldest sonne prince Edward in kéeping, till his re|turne out of Flanders. But Nicholas Triuet writeth, that the said prince Edward being appointed to re|maine at home, Nic. Triuet. Gardians ap|pointed to the kings sonne in his fathers absence. as lieutenant to his father, there were appointed vnto him as councellors, Richard bi|shop of London, William earle of Warwike, and the forenamed lord Reinold Grey, with the lord Iohn Gifford, and the lord Alane Plokenet, men of high wisedome,Earles Mar|shall and Here+ford refuse to go ouer with the king into Flanders. grauitie and discretion, without ma|king mention of the archbishop of Canturburie in that place. The two earles Marshall and Hereford being commanded to attend the king into Flan|ders, refused, excusing themselues by messenger.