[1] All these articles, with other additions, were accor|ded by the said cõmissioners at Aberconweie, on the tuesdaie before the feast of S. Martine, in the yeare 1277, and letters of confirmation made thereof by the king, dated at Rutland on the tenth daie of No|uember, in the fift yéere of his reigne. Also the said Leolin, by the name of Leolin ap Griffin prince of Wales, with letters vnder his seale, confirmed the abouesaid articles on his behalfe, for the releasing of his right to the foure cantreds and other things that should remaine to the king, which letters bare date at Aberconweie, on the foresaid tuesdaie in the said yeere 1277. Also the K. released to the said Leolin, the said summe of fiftie thousand pounds, and the said summe of a thousand marks yéerelie to be paid for the Ile of Angles [...]y, as by his letters dated at Rut|land on the said 10 daie of Nouember in the said fift yéere of his reigne more at large it appéereth. Neuer|thelesse by his letters dated at Rutland, on the said e|leuenth of the said month of Nouember, it is euident that he receiued of the said Leolin the summe of two thousand marks sterling, by the hands of Thomas Beke kéeper of his wardrobe.