[1] [2] [3] He also caused thrée seuerall fléets to be prepared, N. Triuet. and appointed to them thrée sundrie admerals, for the better kéeping of the seas.Thrée fléets appointed to the sea. To them of Yarmouth and other of those parts, he assigned the lord Iohn Botetourt: to them of the cinque ports, William de Leiborne: and to them of the west countrie, and to the Irishmen, he appointed a valiant knight of Ireland as their chéefteine. This yeare in England was a great dearth and scarsitie of corne,A dearth. Rich. South. so that a quarter of wheat in manie places was sold for thirtie shillings: by reason whereof poore people died in manie places for lacke of sustnance. About Michael|mas, the English fléet tooke the sea at Portesmouth,The English armie passeth to Gascoigne. and after some contrarie winds, yet at last they arri|ued within the riuer of Garon,Towns [...], Nic. Triuet. Polydor. Abington. and so passing vp the same riuer, wan diuers townes, as Burge, Blaines, Rions, and others.