[1] Polydor. About the same time Charles de Ualois brother to the French king, being sent with an armie into Gascoine, and comming vpon the sudden, found the Englishmen wandering abroad in the countrie out of order, by reason whereof taking them at that ad|uantage, he caused them to leaue their booties behind them, slue part of them, and chased the residue, the which fled to their ships,Charles de Valois chaseth the English+men. or to such hauen townes as were in their possession. The capteins of the English|men, as Iohn de Britaine earle of Richmond, and the lord Iohn saint Iohn, after they had got togither their souldiers which had béene thus chased,The Earle of Richmond. sent two bands vnto Pontesey to defend that towne against the enimies: also other two bands vnto saint Seue|re: and they themselues went to Rion to fortifie that place. Charles de Ualois aduertised hereof, thought he would not giue them long respit to make them|selues strong by gathering any new power, and ther|fore appointed the conestable sir Rafe de Neale, (who had woone the citie of Burdeaux from the Eng|lishmen latelie before) to go vnto Pontesey and be|siege that towne,Rion besieged whilest he went vnto Rion, which he besieged and fiercelie assaulted. But the English|men and Gascoins did not onelie defend the towne stoutlie, but also made an issue foorth vpon their eni|mies, though (as it happened) the smaller number was not able to susteine the force of the greater mul|titude, and so were the Englishmen beaten backe in|to the towne againe.