[1] [2] [3] [4] There were in the hauen of Berwike at the same time, certeine English merchants, vpon whome the Scots made assault, and wounded some of them, and some of them they slue, and chased the residue, the which returning into England, made complaint, and shewed in what euill maner they had beene dealt with. King Edward heerevpon perceiuing the pur|poses of the Scots, Nic. Triuet. determined to make warre vp|on them with all speed, & to conquer the whole coun|trie, if they could not cleare themselues of such euill dealing as of them was reported and thought to be put in practise. About the conuersion of saint Paule in Ianuarie, king Edward sent ouer into Gascoine his brother the lord Edmund earle of Lancaster,The earle of Lancaster sent into Gas|coine. Abington. with the earle of Lincolne and other, to the number of 26 banerets, and 700 men of armes, besides a great multitude of other people. They arriued at Blay, about the midst of Lent, and staied there till towards Easter. In which meane season, a great sort of Gascoins and other people resorted vnto them, so that they were two thousand men of armes.