[1] The king then in a great chafe burst out & sware, By God sir earle, either thou shalt go or hang. And I sweare (saith the earle) the same oth, that I will nei|ther go nor hang: and so he departed from the king without leaue taking.The [...] demeanor [...] the two [...]. Immediatlie herevpon those two earles assembled manie noble men, and o|ther of their fréends togither to the number of thirtie banerets and aboue, so that in all they were found to be fifteene hundred men of armes appointed and rea|die for battell, and herewith they withdrew into their countries, and kept such stir there, that they would not permit the kings officers to take neither wools, leather, nor any thing against the owners will, but forbad them on paine of loosing their heads to come within their roomes, and withall prepared themselues to resist if need were.