[1] In the meane time, whilest these things were a do|ing, the bishop of Carleill, Abington. and other which laie there vpon the gard of that citie and castell, hauing some mistrust of the loialtie in Robert Bruce the yoonger,Robert Bruce. that was earle of Carrike by his mother, they sent him word to come vnto them at a certeine daie, bi|cause they had to talke with him of matters touch|ing the kings affairs. He durst not disobeie but came to Carleill togither with the bishop of Gallowaie, & there receiued a corporall oth vpon the holie and sa|cred mysteries, and vpon the sword of Thomas Bec|ket, to be true to the king of England,Thomas Beckets sword. and to aid him and his against their enimies in all that he might: and further to withstand that the said king receiued no hurt nor damage so far as in him might lie.