[1] The kings coffers by reason of furnishing foorth of this armie, and other continuall charges which he had susteined, were now in maner emptie: for remedie whereof, William March one of the kings treasu|rers, purposed with other mens losses to supplie that want. Matth. West. A shift for monie. He knew that in abbeies and churches was much monie kept in store, the which if he commanded to be taken from thence, he thought that he should not commit any offense, but rather doo a good déed, that the monie might come abroad to the vse of the people, whereby the souldiers might be satisfied for their wages. Such capteins therefore, as he appoin|ted to worke the feat placing their soldiers in euerie quarter through the realme, made search at one time, Abington. in Iulie, at thrée of the clocke in the afternoone, for all such monie as was hid and laid vp in all hallowed places, and taking the same awaie, brought it vnto the king, who dissembling the matter,The treas [...]|rer accused. as he that stood in need, excused the act doone by his treasurer so well as he could, to auoid the enuie of the people; and not content herewith he called togither shortlie after,The K. [...]|seth hi [...]sel [...]. to wit, on saint Matthewes day the apostle, at London, all the archbishops, bishops, deanes, & archdeacons, Abington. [page 293] not in their proper persons, but by two procurators of euerie diocesse. Here when they were once assem|bled,The spiritu|altie called to a councell. the king declared vnto them the warres which he was driuen to mainteine against the French|men, & the charges which he was at for the same. He also shewed them, that the earles, barons & knights of the realme, did not onlie aid him with their goods, but put their persons forward to serue him in defense of the land, whereof they were members, euen to the shedding of their bloud, and oftentimes with losse of their liues. Therfore (saith he) you which may not put your persons in perill by seruice in the warres, it is good reason you should aid vs with your goods.