[1] After the prince was departed from the campe, his father king Edward was taken with sore sicke|nesse, yet he remooued from Carleill, where the same sicknesse first tooke him, vnto Burrough vpon Sand, and there the daie after being the seuenth daie of Iu|lie,

The death of K. Edward the first.

He is buried at Westmin|ster.

he ended his life, after he had reigned 34 yeares, six moneths and one and twentie daies. He liued 68 yeares and twentie daies. His bodie was conueied to London, and in the church of Westminster lieth buried.His issue. He had issue by his first wife queene Elianor, foure sons, Iohn, Henrie, Alfonse, & Edward which succeeded him, the other died long before their father. Also fiue daughters; Elianor, Ione, Margaret, and Elizabeth, were bestowed in marriage as before in this booke is expressed: the fift named Marie became a nunne. By his second wife quéene Margaret, he had two sonnes, Thomas of Brotherton, and Ed|mund of Woodstoke, with one daughter named Margaret after hir mother.