[1] [2] [3] In the same yeare the king raised the custome of wooll to an higher rate than had beene paid at any time before:The custome of wool raised. for he tooke now fortie shillings of a sacke or sarpler, where before there was paid but half a marke. Abington. Euer [...]den. Prouision for the kings iournie into France. Moreouer he commanded, that against his iournie which he meant to make ouer into France, there should be two thousand quarters of wheat, and as much of oates taken by the shiriffe in euerie coun|tie within the realme to be conueied to the sea side, except where they had no store of corne, and there should béeues and bakons be taken to a certeine number. In the meane time the earle of Flanders was sore vexed by war which the French king made against him, Ia. Meir. The French king inuadeth Flanders. being entred into Flanders with an ar|mie of thrée score thousand men, as some authors haue recorded.