[1] The Welshmen perceiuing this, came downe be|side the mounteine, and assailed the Englishmen verie fiercelie, and with their great multitude so op|pressed them,The English|men distressed by Welshmen. that for feare the Englishmen were driuen to take the water, and so by reason they were loaden with armour, manie of them were drowned: and amongst other, that famous knight sir Lucas de Thanie,The lord Clifford. Robert Clifford, sir William Lindsey, and two gentlemen of good accompt that were bre|thren to Robert Burnell as then bishop of Bath. There perished in all (as some saie) thirtéene knights, Chron. Dunst. seuentéene yoong gentlemen, and to the number of two hundred footmen. Yet sir William Latimer, as good hap would, escaped, and diuerse other. This mischance happened on S. Leonards day.