[1] Some write, that the same night, in which they so ment to flée to their ships, there chanced a great tu|mult and mutenie betwixt the footmen and horsse|men, so that they fought togither, or else might the whole number of them haue escaped. The horssemen that got foorth left their horsses behind them readie brideled and sadled, which the Frenchmen vpon en|tring the towne in the morning tooke, after they had slaine the most part of the footmen. The Frenchmen hauing got a bloudie victorie, saued onelie the cap|teins and gentlemen, and slue the other, aswell Eng|lishmen as Gascoins. There was taken of knights, sir Rafe Tannie, sir Amis de saint Amand,Englishmen taken. with his brother sir Rafe de Gorges marshall of the armie, sir Roger Leiborne, sir Iohn Kreting, sir Iames Kre|ting, sir Hen. Boding, sir Iohn Mandeuile, sir Iohn Fulborne, sir Robert Goodfield, sir Thomas Turber|uile, & sir Walter, with thrée & thirtie esquiers, Abington. which were sent all vnto Paris. Sir Adam Kreting was killed, a right valiant knight,Sir Adam Kreting [...]. Sir Walter Gifford. by reason of one sir walter Gifford a knight also, which had dwelled in France manie yeares before as an outlaw.