[1] The pope when he heard and deliberatelie ponde|red the kings answer, with this letter directed to him from the English barons, waxed cold in the matter,The K. goeth to Scotland. and followed it no further. The truce be|twixt the king and the Scots being once expired, the king assembled his armie, and went into Scotland, about the feast of saint Iohn Baptist, and tarieng there all the summer and winter following, his soul|diers lost manie of their great horsses for lacke of forrage, which could not be gotten in the cold winter season. Anno. Reg. 30 1302 He kept his Christmas at Lithquo, and at length at the request and sute of his brother in law the French king,I truce gran|ted to the Scots. he granted eftsoones a truce to the Scotishmen, vntill the feast of All saints next in|suing.