[1] But now touching the Scotish affaires. At length the king comming into Scotland, gaue summons to all those that claimed the crowne, to appeare be|fore him at the feast of the natiuitie of S. Iohn Bap|tist next insuing, that they might declare more at large by what right they claimed the kingdome. Her|vpon, when the daie of their appearance was come, and that king Edward was readie to heare the mat|ter, he chose out the number of 40 persons, the one halfe Englishmen, and the other Scotishmen, which should discusse with aduised deliberation and great diligence the allegations of the competitors, defer|ring the finall sentence vnto the feast of S. Michaell next insuing, the which feast being come, after due ex|amination, full triall, and assured knowledge had of the right,Iohn Balioll obteineth the kingdome of Scotland. the kingdome by all their assents was ad|iudged vnto Iohn Balioll, who descended of the el|dest daughter of Dauid king of Scotland. Robert le Bruce, betwixt whom and the same Balioll at length (the other being excluded) the question and triall onlie rested, was descended of the second daughter of king Dauid, though otherwise by one degrée he was née|rer to him in bloud. Thus writeth Nicholas Triuet. Nic. Triuet.