[1] The article concerning Owen.As concerning Owen, through the kings fauour he was deliuered out of prison, by force of the arti|cles concluded at this present by the commissioners, vnder this forme and maner: that vpon his being set at libertie, certeine persons appointed by the king should make offer to him, to choose whether he would first compound with his brother, and therevpon come to the king, and beseech him to allow the composition, or else to put himselfe vnder the safe kéeping of the king, till according to the lawes and customes of Wales, in the place where he did transgresse, iudge|ment should be giuen of the matter: and if he were acquit, then might he demand his heritage if he thought it so expedient: and which of these two waies he should choose, the same should be made firme and stable in the kings presence.