[1] [2] This yeare also on saint Remigius daie, which is the first of October, Euersden. died Edmund earle of Corne|wall, the sonne of earle Richard, that was also king of Almaine; and bicause he left no issue behind him to inherit that earledome, the same returned to the crowne. In the 29 yeare of king Edwards reigne, Anno Reg. 29. Matth. Westm. Croxden. on saint Oswalds day, or (as some haue written) the friday after the feast of Peter Ad Vincula, his wife queene Margaret was deliuered of hir second sonne, that had to name Edmund of Woodstoke, sur|named so of the place where he was borne. ¶The king also this yeare after Christmasse held a parlement at Lincolne, to the which the earls and barons of the realme came in armour, to the end (as it is said) that they might procure of the king the more speedie exe|cution of the charter of forrests, which by him had hi|therto béene delaied, but now that he perceiued their earnestnesse and importunate suit, he condescended to their willes in all things.