[1] William Brampton, Roger Leicester, Iohn Lu|neth, associats of the said Thomas, and iustices of the [page 285] kings bench: also, Robert Lithburie chapleine, and maister of the rolles, being accused of wrongfull iudgements and other trespasses were committed to prison within the tower, and at length with much a|doo, escaped with paieng their fines, so that he which paied least,Salomon de Roffa. Thomas de Sudington. Richard de Boiland. Walter Hoptõ Rafe de Hingham. gaue a thousand marks. Moreouer, Salo|mon of Rochester, Thomas de Sudington, Richard de Boiland, and Walter de Hopton, iustices itine|rants, were likewise punished, and for the semblable offenses put to their fines. Sir Rafe de Hingham a iustice also, to whome in the kings absence the or|dering of the realme chéefelie apperteined, being ac|cused of diuerse transgressions, and committed to the tower, redeemed his offense for an infinit summe of monie.Adam de Stratton, L. cheefe baron. Adam de Stratton, lord chéefe baron of the excheker, being conuicted of manie hainous crimes, a man plentifullie prouided both of temporall posses|sions, and ecclesiasticall reuenues, lost all his tem|porall liuings, and foure and thirtie thousand marks in readie coine, beside other mooueables, in cattell, iewels and furniture of houshold, which were all con|fiscated, and forfeited wholie: and it was thought he was gentlie dealt with, that he escaped with life, and such spirituall liuings as to him remained. Henrie Braie escheator,Henrie Braie and the iudges ouer the Iewes, were reported to haue committed manie greeuous offenses, but for monie they bought their peace. To conclude, there was not found any amongst all the iustices and officers cleere and void of vniust dealing except Iohn de Metingham,Iohn de Me|tingham, and Elias de Be|kingham. and Elias de Beking|ham, who onelie among the rest had behaued them|selues vprightlie. When therfore such gréeuous com|plaints were exhibited to the king, he appointed the earle of Lincolne, the bishop of Elie, and others, to heare euerie mans complaint, and vpon due exami|nation & triall, to sée them answered accordinglie as right and equitie should require. In which admini|stration of iustice against euill iusticiaries, the king performed the charge imposed and laid vpon all such as are in gouernement and magistracie; namelie,
E [...]b. Hess. in Psal. 2. Nunc igitur reges resipiscite, quaerite rectum,Quorum iudicijs terra regenda data est.