[1] [2] [3] The morrow after being saturdaie, which was the eight and twentith day of Aprill, at the kings com|ming thither the castell was surrendred vnto him. There were taken in the same castell three earles, Menteth, Cassels, and Ros; six barons, Iohn Comin the yoonger, William Sanclere, Richard Siward the elder, Iohn Fitz Geffrey, Alexander de Mor|teigne, Edmund Comin of Kilbird, with thirtie knights, two clearks, Iohn de Someruile, and Wil|liam de Sanclere, and thrée and thirtie esquires, the which were sent vnto diuerse castels in England, to be kept as prisoners. After the winning of Dunbar the king went to the castell of Rockesborough,Rockesbo|rough yéelded. which incontinentlie was yeelded by the lord Steward of Scotland, the liues and members of all such as were within it at the time of the surrender.