[1] [2] In the 23 yeare of his reigne, there was fined at the place aforsaid 521 pounds & ten shillings weight of siluer by times,Betwixt th [...] 10 day of I [...]lie, and the [...] day of Oct [...]|ber the same yeare. which was also brought to Lon|don. In the 24 yeare of his reigne, there were taken vp 337 miners, within the wapentake of the Peake in Darbishire, and brought into Deuonshire, to worke there in those siluer mines, as appeareth by the allowance demanded by the said master William de Wimondham in his roll of accounts, deliuered that yeare into the excheker: and there was brought from thence to London the same yeare of siluer fined and cast in wedges 700 foure pounds, thrée shillings, one penie weight. In the 25 yeare of his reigne, there were three hundred and fourtie eight miners brought againe out of the Peake into Deuonshine, and out of Wales there were brought also 25 miners, which all were occupied about those siluer mines, beside o|thers of the selfe countrie of Deuonshire, and other places. Also Wil. de Aulton clearke, kéeper of the kings mines in Deuonshire and Cornewall, was accomptant of the issues and profits of the kings mines there, from the fourth of March, Anno 26 of his reigne, till the eightéenth of Aprill, Anno 27, and [page 317] yéelded vp his account, both of the siluer and lead.