[1] Finallie, after this, the French king came to Bru|ges,The [...] Adul [...] [...] and when the king of England and the earle of Flanders had long looked and all in vaine for the em|peror Adulfe, who had promised to come to their aid with a great armie; for the charges and wages wher|of he had receiued great summes of monie both of the king of England, and also of the earle of Flan|ders: they concluded in the end (when they perceiued he would not come) to make some agreement with the French king: and so first was a truce taken, from the middest of October, vnto the calends of Decem|ber, and after by mediation of Charles (surnamed Claudius) king of Sicill, the same truce was prolon|ged [page 305] as hereafter ye shall heare.