[1] [2] This doone, the king marching foorth with his ar|mie, came to Temple Histon, and sent foorth the bi|shop of Durham to take certeine castels therabouts,Castels woon by the bishop of Durham. as Orinton or (as some copies haue) Drilton, and o|ther two, which enterprise the bishop spéedilie accom|plished. The English fléet that should haue come from Berwike, and kept alongst the coast to haue furnished the armie with victuals, was staied and holden backe with contrarie winds, so that the armie began to be in great necessitie of victuals. The Sco|tishmen were aduertised hereof, and supposing that the Englishmen by reason of such want of victuals, had not béene able through féeblenesse to make anie great resistance, assembled their powers togither, and came towards the place where the king with his armie was lodged.