[1] The archbishop of Canturburie held an other sy|nod at Lambeth,A synod at Lambeth. in the which he receiued and confir|med the orders and constitutions decréed and establi|shed by the legats Otho and Othobone, in councels by them kept here within this realme, adding diuerse other of his owne: & in the same councell he went a|bout to adnihilate certeine liberties belonging to the crowne, as the taking knowledge of the right of pa|tronages and the kings prohibitions In placitis de ca|tallis, and such like, which séemed méerlie to touch the spiritualtie. But the king by some in that councell withstood the archbishop openlie, and with menaces staied him from concluding any thing that might preiudice his roiall liberties and prerogatiues. King Edward held a parlement at London,A parlement. in the which he demanded a fifteenth of the cleargie, which latelie before he had got of the temporaltie. The archbishop of Yorke was content at the first to grant this fif|teenth to be paid of the cleargie within his diocesse in two yeares;The archbi|shop of Yorke. but the archbishop of Canturburie held off,The archbi|shop of Can|turburie. and required re [...]pit till the next parlement to be holden after Easter, and then he granted vnto the king the dismes of all his cleargie for thrée yeares, that in some point he might be different from the archbishop of Yorke.