9.1. The forme of the fealtie of Iohn Balioll king of Scots to the king of England in protestation.

The forme of the fealtie of Iohn Balioll king of Scots to the king of England in protestation.

[1] _THis heare you my lord Edward king of England, souereigne lord of the realme of Scotland, that I Iohn de Balioll king of Scot|land, which I hold and claime to hold of you, that I shall be faithfull and loiall, and owe faith and loialtie to you, I shall beare of life and member, and of earthlie honour, against all people, and lawfullie I shall ac|knowledge and doo the seruices which I owe to doo to you, for the realme of Scot|land aforesaid. So God me helpe and his holie euangelists.