[1] But now to conclude with this noble prince king Edward the first, he was sure not onelie valiant but also politike, labouring to bring this diuided Ile, in|to one entier monarchie, which he went verie neere to haue atchiued, for whereas he was fullie bent to make a conquest of Scotland, in like case as he had alreadie doone of Wales, if he had liued any longer time to haue dispatched Robert le Bruce, that onelie stood in his waie, it was verie likelie that he should haue found none other to haue raised banner against him about the quarrell or title to the claime of that realme. For as he was a right warlike prince of him selfe, so was he furnished with capteins and souldi|ers answerable to his desire, who being able to lead and command them of himselfe, had them at length obedient inough to serue him, although (as partlie yée haue heard) some of the peeres shewed themselues at times disobedient and stubborne, whom yet in the end he tamed well inough, as the earles of Hereford and Northfolke, the which in the thirtith yeare of his reigne resigned their castels and manours into his hands, as by the records of the tower it further may appeare.