[1] The earles daughter being sent for, and brought vnto Paris, the earle and his wife were released, and suffered to returne into Flanders,The earle of Flanders released re|turneth home. and shortlie after, the earle made earnest suit to haue his daughter re|stored vnto him againe, insomuch that he procured pope Boniface to be a meane for him to the French king; but all would not serue, no, though as some say the pope accurssed the French king for reteining hir, answer being made,The French kings answer to the pope. that matters perteining to worldlie gouernement, belonged not to the pope to discusse. Finallie, earle Guie, perceiuing he could not preuaile in that suit, to haue his daughter a|gaine, vpon high displeasure concluded to ioine in league with king Edward & his confederats.A new league betwixt the K. of England, the emperour and others against the French king. Here|vpon, at an assemblie or councell kept at Gerard|mount, there was a solemne league made and a|gréed betwixt Adolph the emperour of Almaine, Ed|ward king of England, Guie earle of Flanders, Iohn Duke of Brabant, Henrie earle of Bar, both sonnes in law to king Edward, and Albert duke of Austrich, against Philip king of France, and Iohn earle of Henault his partaker.