1.19. King Henry the ſeuenth.

[page 1425]

King Henry the ſeuenth.

[figure appears here on page 1425]

[1] Henry the .vij. Anno. re. 1. _KIng Hẽry hauing thus got the victorie at Boſ|worth, & ſlayn his mor|tal enemie there in field, he ſente before his depar|ture from Leyceſter, ſir Rob. Willoughby kni|ghte, to the manour of Sheriffehuton in the coũtie of York, for Edward Plantagenet Earle of Warwik, ſon and heire to George duke of Clarence then being of the age of xv. yeares, whom king Richard had kept there as priſoner during the tyme of his vſurped reigne.

[1] Sir Robert Willoughby receyuing the yong Earle of the Conſtable of that Caſtel, conueyed him to London, wher he was ſhut vp in the To|wer,The Earle of Warvvicke ſet and heare to George duke at Clarence conuerted to [...]e Tovver. for doubt leaſt ſome vnquiet and euill diſpo|ſed perſons might inuent ſome occaſion of newe trouble by this yong Gentleman, and therefore king Henry thought good to haue him ſure.

[1] There was beſide him in the caſtell of She|riffehut in the Ladye Elizabeth eldeſt daugh|ter to Kyng Edward the fourth, whome Kyng Rycharde, as yee haue hearde, meant to haue marryed, but God otherwyſe ordeyned for hir, and preſerued hir from that vnlawfull copula|tion and inceſtuous bedde.

[1] Shortly after, ſhe being accompanyed with a greate number as wel of noble men, as hono|rable matrones, was wyth good ſpeed conueyed to London, and brought to hir mother. In the meane ſeaſon kyng Henry remoued forwarde by ſoft iourneys toward London, the people com|myng in from all ſides to behold him, and ex|ceedingly reioycing at his preſence,King Henrye [...]reth to London. as by their voyces and geſtures it well appeared.

[1] At his approching nere to the citie, the Mayre and his brethren, with other worſhipfull Citi|zens, being cloathed in violet, met him at Shor|diche, and reuerently ſaluted hym, and ſo wyth greate pompe and triumph, he rode through the citie to the cathedrall Churche of Saint Paule, where he offred three ſtandards: In the one was the image of Saint George, in an other was a red fyerie dragon beaten vpon white and greene ſarcenet, and in the third was paynted a Dunne cowe, vpon yealow tarterne. After his prayers ſayd, and Te deum ſong, he departed to the Bi|ſhops palaice, and there ſoiorned a ſeaſon. Anon after, he aſſembled togither ye ſage counſellors of the realme, in which counſel lyke a Prince of iuſt fayth and true of promiſe, to anoyde all ciuile diſcorde, he apointed a day to ioyne in mariage with the Lady Elizabeth, heire of the houſe of York, with his noble perſonage, heire to the liue of Lancaſter, whiche thing not onely reioyced the heartes of the nobles and Gentlemen of the realme, but alſo gayned the fauours and good willes of all the commons.

[1] [2] [3] [4] After this, with great pompe he rowed vnto Weſtminſter, and there the thirtith day of Oc|tober, was with all ceremonies accuſtomed, a|noynted, and crowned king, by the whole aſſent as well of the commons as of the nobilitie,Henry the ſe|uenth crovv|ned King. and cleped Henry the ſeuenth of that name, whiche was in the yeare of the worlde .5452. and after the birth of our Lorde .1485. in the .xlvj. yeare of Frederike the thirde then Emperour of Almayne Maximilian his ſonne being newly elected K. of Romaines,1485 in the ſeconde yeare of Charles the eyght then king of Fraunce, and in the .xxv. of king Iames, then ruling the realm of Scotland. For the eſtabliſhing of all things, as well tou|ching the preſeruation of his owne eſtate, as the commendable adminiſtration of iuſtice and pre|ferrement of the common wealth of his realme, he called his hygh court of Parliament at Weſt|minſter the ſeuenth day of Nouember,A Parliament at VVeſtmiv|ſter, and a ge|nerall Pardo [...] wherein was attainted Richarde late Duke of Glouce|ſter, calling and namyng himſelfe by vſurpati|on, King Richard the thirde: likewiſe there was attainted as chiefe ayders and aſſiſtants to him in the battayle at Boſworth, auaunced againſte the preſent Kyng, Iohn late Duke of Norf|folke, Thomas Earle of Surrey, Francis Lo|uell knyght Vicont Louell. Water Deuereux knight late lorde Ferrers, Iohn lorde Souche, Robert Harrington, Richarde Charleton, Ri|chard Ratcliffe, William Barkley of Weley, Robert Midleton, Iames Harrington, Roberte Brakẽbury, Thomas Pilkinton, Walter Hop|ton, William Cateſby, Roger Wake, Williã Sapcote of the countie of Huntington, Hum|frey Stafforde, William Clerke of Wenlocke, Geoffrey Sainte Germaine, Richarde Wat|kyns Herraulde of Armes, Rycharde Reuell of Darbyſhire, Thomas Pulter of the countie of Kente, Iohn Walche, otherwyſe called Ha|ſtynges, Iohn Kendall late Secretarie of the ſayde Richarde late Duke of Glouceſter, Iohn Bucke, Andrewe Rat, and Willyam Bramp|ton of Burforde, in whiche atteynder neuerthe|leſſe there were dyuers clauſes and Prouiſos for the benefyte of their wiues and other perſons [page 1426] that hadde or myghte clayme any ryghte, title, or intereſt lawfully vnto any caſtels, manours, lordſhips, townes, townſhips, honors, lands, te|nementes, rentes, ſeruices, fee fermes, annuities, knightes fees, aduouſons, reuerſions, remainders, and other hereditaments, wherof the ſaid perſons atteynted were poſſeſſed or ſeyſed, to the vſes of ſuche other perſons, with a ſpeciall prouiſo alſo, that the ſayd atteynder ſhould not be preiudiciall to Iohn Cateſby knight, Tho. Reuell, and Wil|liam Aſhby eſquiers, in, of, and vpon the manor of Kirkeby vpon Wretheke in the Countie of Leyceſter, nor in of and vppon any other landes and tenementes in Kirkby aforeſayde, Melton, Somerby, Throp [...]eghfield, and Godeby, whiche they had of the gift & feoffement of Tho. Dau|uers, and Iohn Lye. And further notwith|ſtanding this attainder, dyuers of the ſayde per|ſons afterwardes were not only by the Kig par|doned, but alſo reſtored to their lands & liuings: and moreouer in this preſente Parliamente, hee cauſed poclamation to be made, that al mẽ, were pardoned and acquited of their offences, whiche woulde ſubmit themſelues to his mercy, and re|ceiue an othe to be true and faithfull vnto hym: whervpon many that came out of Sainctuaries and other places were receiued to grace, and ad|mitted for his ſubiectes. After this, hee began to remember his eſpeciall frends, of whom ſome he aduaunced to honor and dignitie, and ſome hee enriched with goodes and poſſeſſions, euery man according to his deſerts and merites. And to be|gin, his vncle Iaſper erle of Pembroke, he crea|ted duke of Bedford: Tho. lorde Stanley was created erle of Darby, & the L. Chandew of Bri|tain his eſpecial frend, he made erle of Bath: Sir Giles Daubency was made lord Daubeney: ſir Robert Willoughby was made L. Brooke: And Edward Stafforde eldeſt ſonne to Henrye late Duke of Buckingham, he reſtored to his name, dignitie and poſſeſſions, which by king Richard were confiſcate and attainted.

[1] Beſide this, in this parliament was this nota|ble acte aſſented to and concluded as followeth.

[1] [2] [3]

To the pleaſure of Almightye God, wealth, proſperitie and ſuretie of this Realme of Eng|land, and to the ſingular comfort of all the kin|ges ſubiectes of the ſame, in auoyding all ambi|guitie and queſtions:An acte for the eſtablishing of the Crovvne. Be it ordeined, eſtabliſhed, and enacted by this preſent parliament, that the inheritance of the crowne of this realme of En|gland, and alſo of Fraunce, with all the preemi|nẽce, and dignitie royal to the ſame apertaining and all other ſeigniories to the king belongyng, beyond the ſea, wt the appurtenãces therto in any wiſe due or apertaining, ſhal reſt remain & abide in the moſt royal perſon of our nowe ſoueraigne lord K. Henry the ſeuẽth, and in the heires of his body laufully coming, perpetually, with ye grace of god ſo to endure, & in none other.
And beſide this act, al atteynders of this K. enacted by king Edward and Kyng Richard were adnichilate, and the recorde of the ſame adiudged to be defa|ced, and all perſones attented for his cauſe and occaſion were reſtored to their goods landes and poſſeſſions.

[1] Diuers acts alſo made in this time of king Ed|ward and king Richard were reuoked, and other adiudged more expedient for the cõmon wealthe were put in their places and concluded. After the diſſolution of this parliament, the king remem|bring his frends left in hoſtage beyonde the ſeas, that is to wit, the Marques Dorſet, and ſir Io. Bourchier, he with all conueniẽt ſpede redemed them, & ſente alſo into Flanders for Iohn Mor|ton Biſhop of Ely. Theſe actes performed, he choſe to bee of his counſayle, a conuenient num|ber of right graue and wyſe counſellours.

[1] [2] Although by this meanes al things ſeemed to be brought in good and perfect order, yet ther lac|ked a wreſt to the harpe, to ſet all the ſtrings in a monacorde and perfecte tune, which was the matrimonie to be finiſhed betwene the king and the Lady Elizabeth, daughter to king Edward, which like a good Prince, according to his othe, & promiſe,

King Henrye the ſeuenthe ta|keth to vvife Elizabeth el|deſte daughter of Edvvard the fourthe.


did both ſolemniſe & coſummate ſhorte|ly after, that is to ſaye, on the .xviij. day of Ia|nuarie, by reaſon of whych mariage, peace was thought to deſcende out of heauen into Englãd, conſidering that the lynes of Lancaſter & Yorke were now brought into one knot, and connexed togither, of whoſe two bodies, one heire myghte ſucceede to rule and enioye the whole monarchie and realme of Englande. Shortly after, for the better preſeruation of his royall perſon, he con|ſtituted and ordeyned a certaine number, as well of good Archers, as of dyuers other perſons, har|die, ſtrong, and actiue, to giue dayly attendance on his perſone, whome he named yeomen of his garde,Yeomen of the garde firſte brought in. which preſident men thought that he ler|ned of the French king, when he was in France.

[1] For it is not remembred, that any Kyng of Englande before that daye vſed any ſuch furni|ture of dayly ſouldiours.

[1] [2] [3] In the ſame yeare a newe kynde of ſickneſſe inuaded ſodeynly the people of this lande,Another parlia|ment the ſame yeare. paſ|ſing thorough the ſame from the one ende to the other. It began about the .xxj. of September, and continued till the latter end of October, be|yng ſo ſharpe and deadly, that the lyke was ne|uer hearde of to any mannes remembrance be|fore that tyme. For ſodeynely a deadely bur|nyng ſweate ſo aſſayled theyr bodies,The ſvveating ſickeneſſe. and di|ſtempered their bloud wyth a moſte ardent heat, that ſcarſe one amongſt an hundred that ſickned did eſcape with life: for all in maner as ſoone as [page 1427] the ſweat tooke them, or within a ſhort tyme af|ter yelded vp the ghoſt: beſyde the great number which deceaſſed within the citie of London two Mayres ſucceſſiuely died within viij. days & .vj. Aldermẽ. At length by the diligent obſeruatiõ of thoſe that eſcaped (whiche marking what things had done thẽ good, & holpen to their deliuerance, vſed the lyke agayne: when they fell into the ſame diſeaſe,A remedye for [...]e ſvveating [...]ſſe. the ſecond or thirde tyme, as to dy|uers it chaunced, a remedie was founde for that mortall maladie, which was this: If a man on the daye tyme were taken with the ſweate, then ſhould he ſtreight lye downe withal his clothes and garments, and continue in hys ſweat .xxiiij. houres, after ſo moderate a ſort as might bee. If in the nyghte hee chaunced to be taken, then ſhoulde he not ryſe out of his bedde for the ſpace of .xxiiij. houres, ſo caſtyng the cloathes that he myght in no wyſe prouoke the ſweate, but ſo lye temperately, that the water mighte diſtyll out ſoftly of the owne accord, and to abſtein from all meat if he might ſo long ſuffer hunger, & to take no more drinke neyther hot nor colde, thã wold moderatly quench & aſſuage his thirſtie appetite. And thus with lukewarme drinke, temperate heate, and meaſurable clothes manye eſcaped: fewe whiche vſed this order after it was founde out dyed of that ſweat. Mary one point diligẽt|ly aboue all other in this cure is to be obſerued, that he neuer put out his hande or feete out of the bed, to refreſhe or coole himſelf, which to do is no leſſe ieopardie than ſhort and preſent death.

[1] Thus this diſeaſe comming in the firſt yeare of king Henries reigne, was iudged (of ſome) to be a token and ſigne of a troublous reigne of the ſame king, as the profe partly afterwardes ſhe|wed it ſelfe.

[1] The king ſtanding in neede of money to diſ|charge ſuche debtes, and to maynteyn ſuch port as was behouefull, ſente the Lorde Treaſourer with Maiſter Reignold Bray, and others, vnto the Lord Mayre of London, requiryng of the Citie a preſt of ſixe thouſand markes. Whervp|on the ſayd Lord Mayre and his brethren, with the Commons of the Citie, graunted a preaſt of two thouſande poundes, whiche was leuyed of the companies, and not of the wardes: and in the yeare next enſuyng, it was well and tru|ly agayne repayde euery penny, to the good con|tentation and ſatiſfying of them that diſbur|ſed it.

[1] [2] The king conſidering that the ſuretie of his royall eſtate and defence of the realme conſiſted chiefly in good lawes and ordinaunces to bee hadde and obſerued among his people, ſummo|ned eftſoones his highe courte of Parliamente, therein to deuiſe and eſtabliſhe ſome profitable actes and ſtatutes, for the wealth and commo|ditie of his people, and then after hauyng ſette thinges in quiet about London, hee tooke his iorney into the North partes, there to purge all the dregges of malicious treaſon that myghte reſt in the heartes of vnquiet perſons, and name|ly in Yorkeſhire, where the people bare more fa|uour vnto king Richarde in his lyfe tyme, than thoſe of any other part of the realm had cõmon|ly doon. He kept the feaſt of Eaſter at Lincolne, where hee was certified that the Lorde Louell and Humfrey Stafforde, and Thomas Staf|forde, his brother were departed out of the San|ctuarie at Colcheſter, to what place or whether no man as yet could tell.

[1] [2] The King little regarding the matter, kept on his iourney, and came to Yorke, where as ſoone as he was once ſetled, it was openly ſhewed and declared for a truthe to the King hymſelfe,A rebellion made by the Lord Louell and others. that Frauncis Lorde Louell was at hande wyth a ſtrong and mightye power of men, and woulde with all diligence inuade the citie, alſo that the forenamed Staffords were in Worceſterſhire,Humfrey Staf|forde. Thomas Staf|forde. & had reyſed a greate bande of the countrey people and commons there, and hadde caſte lottes what parte ſhould aſſault the gates, what men ſhould ſcale the walles of the Citie of Worceſter, and who ſhould let the paſſages for lettyng of reſcues and aiders.

[1] The Kyng coulde not beleeue thys reporte to bee true at the firſte, but after that by Letters of credence ſente from hys friendes, hee was fully perſwaded that it was too true, hee was put in no ſmall feare, and not without greate cauſe, for hee wiſely conſidered, that hee neyther hadde any competent army ready, nor conuenient fur|niture to arme them that were preſent. And alſo hee was in ſuche place, where hee coulde not aſ|ſemble anye power, but of thoſe whome hee ſore miſtruſted, as friendes to them that were moſte his enemies, the memorie of King Richarde as yet being not amongſt thẽ forgotten nor worne out of minde.

[1] But bycauſe the matter required quicke ex|pedition, hee appoynted the Duke of Bedforde wyth three thouſande men not altogyther the beſte armed (for theyr breaſt plates for the moſt parte were of tanned leather,) to marche foorth agaynſt the Lorde Louell, and to ſette vppon him without any lingring of tyme.

[1] The Duke haſtyng forwarde, approchyng to the Campe of hys enimyes, and before hee woulde aſſayle them, hee cauſed the Herraldes to make proclamation, that all thoſe that wold departe from theyr armure, and ſubmitte them|ſelues as ſubiectes vnto theyr naturall Prince and ſoueraigne Lorde, ſhould be pardoned of all former offences.

[1] [2] The Lord Louel vppon this Proclamation, [page 1428] eyther putting myſtruſt in hys Souldiours, or fearyng himſelfe in his owne behalfe, fled priui|ly in a nyght from his companie, and lefte them as a flocke of ſheepe without a ſhepeherd: which departure when his armie vnderſtoode, it put the ſouldiours in ſuche diſpayre of atchieuing anye further enterpriſe, that they immediatly put off their armour, and came directly vnto the Duke, euery man humbly ſubmitting himſelfe, and de|ſiring pardon of his offences.

[1] [2] So in this wyſe was that dangerous ſtorme and cruell rage of thoſe furious rebelles appea|ſed, whiche was doubted to haue growne to the deſtruction of many a man. The Lord Louell the procurer of this buſineſſe, eſcapyng awaye, got him into Lancaſhyre, and there for a certain ſpace laye lurkyng in ſecrete with Sir Thomas Broughton knight, which in thoſe parties was a man of no ſmall authoritie & power. Sir Hum|frey Stafforde alſo hearyng what hadde happe|ned to the Lorde Louell,Sir Humfrey Stafforde taken out of Colnehã Sanctuary, and executed. in great diſpleaſure and ſorrowe, and for feare lefte his enterpryſe, and in lyke manner fledde, and tooke Sainctuarie at C [...]ham, a village not paſte two myles from Abyndon. But bycauſe that Sainctuarie was not a ſufficient defence (as was proued before the Iuſtices of the Kings benche) for traytours, hee was taken from that place, and broughte to the Tower, and after put to execution at Tyborne: but his brother Thomas that was with hym, was pardoned, bycauſe hee was thought not to haue attempted anye thyng of hym ſelfe other|wyſe than by the euill counſell and perſwaſion of his elder brother.

[1] An. reg. 2. After that the Kyng hadde quieted all theſe commotions and tumultes, and reformed the rude & brabblyng people of the North partes, he retourned to London, and ſhortly after he went to Wincheſter,The birth of Prince Arthur. where his wyfe Queene Eli|zabeth was brought to bedde of a fayre Prince, named at his baptiſme Arthur.

[1] In thys meane tyme, of a ſmall matter and the ſame altogether falſe and fayned, there was an open path made and beaten foorth, for a grea|ter inconuenience to enſue: the whyche matter myghte ſeeme verye ſtraunge howe ſuche trou|ble and myſchiefe ſhoulde growe thereof, if the tyme were not conſydered, in whyche it happe|ned: for in thoſe dayes manye perſons, ey|ther borne in the wombe of continuall diſſen|tion, or nouryſhed wyth the mylke of Ciuile ſedition, coulde not forbeare theyr vſuall Cu|ſtome of mouyng ſtryfe, and ſowyng debate, euer gladde to haue any occaſion, thoughe ne|uer ſo ſmall, to ſtyrre vprores of warre, and ſlaughter of people.

[1] Amongeſt other ſuche monſters and lym|mes of the Diuell, there was one Sir Richard Symond Prieſt, a man of baſe byrthe,Sir Richarde Simond a Prieſte. and yet well learned, but not ſo learned as wyly, nor ſo wylye as vngracious, delightyng in fraude and deceyte, euen from hys youthe vppe, had a ſcho|ler called Lamberte Symenell,Lambert [...]+nell the co [...]|terf [...]t Earle of VVarvvicke one of a gentle nature and pregnaunt witte, to bee the organe and chiefe Inſtrument, by the whych he might conueye and bryng to paſſe hys myſchie [...]s attempte.

[1] The diuell chiefe maiſter of ſuche practiſes, put in the venemous brayne of this diſloyal and trayterous Prieſte, to deuyſe howe hee myghte make his Scholler the foreſayde Lamberte to bee reputed as ryght inheritour to the Crowne of thys realme: namely for that the fame went that Kyng Edwardes chyldren were not dead, but fledde ſecretely into ſome ſtraunge place, and there to be lyuyng: and that Edward earle of Warwyke, ſonne and heyre to the Duke of Clarence, either was, or ſhortly ſhuld be put vn|to death.

[1] Theſe rumors though they ſemed not to be grounded of any lykelyhoode to the wyſer ſor [...]e of men, yet encouraged this pieniſhe Prieſte to thinke the tyme come, that his Scholer Lam|bert might take vpon him the perſon and name of one of king Edwardes children, and herevp|pon at Oxforde, where their abyding was, the ſaid Prieſt inſtructed his pupil both with prince|ly behauiour, ciuill maners, and good literature, declaryng to hym of what lynage he ſhould af|firme himſelfe to be deſcended, and omitted no|thing that might ſerue for his purpoſe.

[1] [2] Soone after, the rumour was blowne abrode, that the Earle of Warwike was broken out of priſon. And when the Prieſt ſir Richarde Sy|monde hearde of this, he ſtreight intended now by that occaſion to bryng his inuented purpoſe to paſſe, and chaungyng the chyldes name of baptiſme, called him Edward, after the name of the yong Earle of Warwike, the whiche were both of lyke yeres, & of like ſtature, and then he with his ſcholer ſayled into Irelande, where hee ſo ſette foorth the mater vnto the nobilitie of that countreye,Thomas Ge|rardine Cha [...]|celor of I [...]. that not onely the Lorde Thomas Gerardine Chauncellour of that lande deceiued through his craftie tale, receyued the counterfaite Earle into his Caſtell, with all honour and re|uerence, but alſo many other noble men, deter|mined to ayde hym (with all their powers) as one deſcended of the bloud royall, and lyneally come of the houſe of Yorke, whiche the Iriſhe people euermore hyghly fauored, honoured and loued aboue all other.

[1] [2] By this meanes euery manne throughout all Irelande, was willyng and ready to take his parte, and to ſubmit themſelues to him, already reputing and calling him of all hands king. So [page 1429] that nowe they of this ſecte by the aduice of the Prieſte ſente into England certayn priuie meſ|ſangers to get friendes here, & alſo they ſent into Flanders to ye Ladie Margarete,Margaret Du [...]|ch [...] of B [...]| [...]gne ſiſter to [...]g Edvvard the fourthe. ſiſter to King Edward, & late wyfe to Charles Duke of Bur|gogne, to purchaſe ayde and helpe at hir handes.

[1] Thys Ladie Margarete bare no ſmal rule in the low countreys, and [...] verie deede ſore geud|ged in hir heart, that Kyng Henrye being de|ſcended of the houſe of Lancaſter, ſhould reigne and gouerne the realme of Englande: and ther|fore though ſhe well vnderſtoode, that thys was but a coloured matter, [...]t to woorke hir mali|cious intention againſt K. Henry, ſhe was glad to haue ſo fitte an occaſion: and therefore pro|miſed the meſſengers all the ayde that ſhe ſhould bee able to make in furtheraunce of the quarrell, and alſo to procure al the frendes ſhe could in o|ther places to be aiders and partakers of the ſame conſpiracie.

[1] Kyng Henrye aduertized of al theſe doings, was greately vexed therwith, and therefore to haue good aduiſe in the matter, hee called togy|ther his counſell at the Charterhouſe beſyde his manour of Richmond, and there conſulted with thẽ, by which meanes beſt this begon conſpiracie might be appeſed and diſappointed without more diſturbaunce. It was therfore determined, that a generall pardon ſhould be publiſhed to all offen|ders that were content to receyue the ſame.

[1] This pardon was ſo freely graunted, that no offence was excepted, no not ſo muche as high treaſon committed agaynſte the Kinges royall perſon.

[1] It was further agreed in the ſame Counſell for the tyme then preſent, that the Erle of War|wike ſhould perſonally be ſhewed abroade in the citie, and other publike places, whereby the vn|true reporte falſly ſpred abroade, that he ſhoulde be in Irelande, myght be amongeſt the commi|naltie proued and knowen for a vayne imagi|ned lye.

[1] In this ſolemne counſel diuers & many things for the wealth of the realme were debated & con|cluded, and amongeſt other it was determyned,Lady Eliza|beth late vvife to King Ed|vvarde the fourthe, adiud|ged to forfeit [...] hir landes. that the Lady Elizabeth wyfe to King Edward the fourth, ſhould leeſe and forfayte all hir lands and poſſeſſions, bycauſe ſhe had voluntarily ſub|mitted hir ſelfe, and hir daughters wholly to the handes of king Richarde, contrarye to hir pro|miſe made to the Lordes and nobles of thys realme in the beginnyng of the conſpiracie made againſt king Richard, wherby ſhe did inough to haue quayled all the purpoſe of them that ioyned with hir in that mater: But thoughe hir faulte was greeuous, yet was it iudged by ſome men that ſhee deſerued not by equitie of Iuſtice ſo greate a loſſe and puniſhement.

[1] But ſuche was hir chaunce by that hir light|neſſe and incouſtancie, ſhe wanne the diſplea|ſure o [...] many manner, and for that cauſely p [...] after [...] the abbey of Be [...]ndſey beſyde So [...]h|warke, a wretched and a miſerable lyfe, where not manye yeeres after ſhe deceaſſed, and is bu|ryed with hir huſband at Windſore.

[1] Though Fortune thus ruleth many thynges at his pleaſure, yet one woorke that this Queene accompliſhed, can not bee forgotten: For in the lyfe tyme of hir huſbande Kyng Edwarde the fourth,Queenes col|ledge in Cam|bridge founded by the Lady E|lizabeth Kyng Edvvarde the fourthe hys vvidovve. ſhee founded and erected a notable Col|ledge in the vniuerſitie of Cambridge for the fynding of Scholers and ſtudentes of the ſame vniuerſitie, and endowed it with ſufficient poſ|ſeſſions for the long mayntenaunce of the ſame, whyche at thys daye is called the Queenes Colledge.

[1] When all thyngs in thys counſell were ſa|gely concluded and agreed to the kings mynde, he retourned to London, giuing in commaunde|ment that the next Sunday enſuyng, Edward the young Earle of Warwike ſhuld be brought from the Tower thorough the moſte publyque ſtreetes in all London, to the Cathedrall Chur|che of Saint Paule, where hee wente openlye in Proceſſion, that euery man myght ſee him, hauing communication with many noblemen, and with them eſpecially, that were ſuſpected to bee partakers of the late begonne conſpiracye, that they myght perceyue howe the Iriſhmenne vppon a vayne ſhadowe moued warre againſte the Kyng and his realme.

[1] [2] But this medicine little auayled to euill diſ|poſed perſons. For the Earle of Lincolne ſonne to Iohn de la Poole Duke of Suffolk, and Eli|zabeth ſiſter to king Edwarde the fourth, thyn|king it not meete to neglect and omitte ſo ready an occaſion of newe trouble, determyned to vpholde the enterpriſe of the Iriſhmenne, and other complices of this conſpiracie: Whervp|pon conſultyng wyth Syr Thomas Brough|ton, and certayne other of hys moſte truſtye friendes, purpoſed to ſayle into Flaunders ſo his Aunte the Lady Margaret ducheſſe of Bur|gogne, truſting by hir helpe to make a puiſſant armie, and to ioyne with the companions of the newe raiſed ſedition.

[1] [2] Therefore after the diſſolution of the Parlia|mente, whiche then was holden, he fledde ſecret|ly into Flaunders vnto the ſayd Ladie Marga|rete, where Francis Lorde Louell landed cer|taine dayes before. Here after long conſulta|tion had howe to proceede in their buſineſſe, it was agreed, that the Earle of Lyncolne, and the Lorde Louell ſhoulde goe into Irelande, and there to attend vpon the ducheſſe hir coun|terfaite nephue, & to honor him as a K. and with [page 1430] the power of the Iriſhemen to bryng hym into Englande, and if their dooyngs hadde good ſuc|ceſſe, then the foreſayde Lamberte, (my [...]amed the Erle of Warwike) ſhoulde by the conſente of the counſell bee depoſed, and Edwarde the true Earle of Warwike to bee delyuered out of pri|ſon and anoynted king.

[1] King Henry ſuppoſyng that no man woulde haue bin ſo madde as to haue attempted anye further enterpriſe in the name of that new found counterfayted Earle, hee onely ſtudyed howe to ſubdue the ſeditions conſpiracie of the Iriſhmen: But hearyng that the Earle of Lincolne was fledde into Flaunders, he was ſomwhat moued therwith, and cauſed. Souldiors to bee put in a readyneſſe out of euery part of his Realme, and to bring them into one place aſſigned, that when his aduerſaries ſhoulde appeare, hee mighte ſo|deynely ſette vppon them, vanquiſhe and ouer|come them.

[1] The Marques Dorſet com|mitted to the Tovver.Thus diſpoſing things for his ſuretie, he went towardes Saint Edmundes Burye, and beeing certifyed, that the Marques Dorſet was com|ming towardes his Maieſtie, to excuſe himſelfe of thinges that hee was ſuſpected to haue doone when he was in Fraunce, hee ſente the Earle of Oxford to arreſt the ſayde Marques by the way and to conueye hym to the Tower of London, there to remayne till his truthe might be tryed.

[1] From thence the King wente foorth to Nor|wiche,1487 and tarying there Chriſtmaſſe daye, de|parted after to Walſingham, where he offereed to the Image of our Ladye, and then by Cam|bridge, he ſhortly retourned to London.

[1] [2] Martin Svvard a valiant capi|taine of the Almaines.In this meane tyme, the Earle of Lincolne had gotten togyther by the ayd of the lady Mar|garet about .ij.M. Almayns with one Martine Swarde, a noble capitaine to leade them With this power the Erle of Lincolne ſayled into Ire|land, and at the citie of Diuelyn, cauſed young Lambert to be proclaymed and named kyng of Englande, after the moſte ſolemne faſhion, as though he were the verie heire of the bloud royal lineally borne and deſcended.

[1] And ſo with a greate multitude of beggerly Iriſhmenne, almoſte all naked and vnarmed, ſauyng ſkaynes and mantelles,The counterſet arle of VVar|vvicke vvith all his adherẽts [...]andeth in Eng|lande. of whome the Lorde Thomas Gerardine was Capitayn and conductour, they ſayled into Englande wyth thys newe founde kyng, and landed for a pur|poſe at the pyle of Fowdreye, wythin a little of Lancaſter, truſtyng there to fynde ayde by the meanes of ſir Thomas Broughton, one of the chiefe companyons of the conſpiracie.

[1] The Kyng hadde knowledge of the enimies intente before theyr arriuall, and therefore ha|uyng aſſembled a greate Armye, (ouer the whyche the Duke of Bedforde, and the Earle of Oxforde were chiefe Capitayne,) hee [...] to Couentrye, where hee was aduertiſed, the [...] the Earle of Lincolne was landed at Lanca|ſter with his newe kyng.

[1] [2] Here he tooke aduice of his counſellors what was beſt to be doone, whether to for team the [...]|myes wythoute further delaye, or to [...] tyme a whyle, but at length it was thoughte beſte to delaye no tyme, but to gyue them bat|tayle before they ſhoulde encreaſe the [...] power, and therevppon hee remoued to Nodynghame, and there by a little woodde called B [...]wres, he [...] pitched hys fielde, vnto whome ſhortely came the Lorde George Talbot Earle of Shre [...]eſ|burye, the Lorde Straunge, Sir Iohn Chey|nye, ryght valyaunt Capitaynes, with [...] other noble and experte menne of warre, namely of the countreyes neere adioyning, ſo that the Kynges armie was wonderfully increaſe.

[1] [2] In this ſpace the Earle of Lincolne beeyng entred into Yorkeſhyre, paſſed ſafelly on hys iourney withoute ſpoyling or hurting of anye manne, truſtyng thereby to haue ſome com|panye of people reſorte vnto hym, but after hee perceyued fewe or none to followe hym, and that it was too late nowe to retourne backe, he determyned to try the matter by dynt of ſword, and heere vppon directed hys waye from Yorke to Newarke vppon. Trente, but before he came there, Kyng Henrye knowing all hys enemies purpoſes, came the nighte before the day of the battayle to Newark, and tarrying there a little, went three myles further, and pitching hir field, lodged there that night.

[1] The Earle of Lincolne certified of his com|ming, was nothing abaſhed, but kepte ſtill on his iourney, and at a little village called Stole, night to the Kyng and his armye, ſette downe his rampe.

[1] The nexte daye the King deuided his whole power into three battayls,The armyes ioyne. and after in good ar|ray, approched nygh to the towne of Stoke.

[1] [2] The Earle likewyſe ſet foorth his army, & en|countring with the kings people in a faire playn there, meete for the tryall of ſuche a conflict, ſet vppon them with a manly courage, deſiring his ſouldiors to remember his honor and their owne liues. And ſo both the armies ioyned and fought verye earneſtly, in ſo muche that the Almaynes,The battaile of Stoke. beeyng tryed and experte menne of warre, were in all thynges, as well in ſtrengthe as polli|cie, egall and matches to the Engliſhemenne. But as for Martine Swarde theyr Coronell, fewe of the Engliſhemen, eyther in valyaunt courage or ſtrength, and nymbleneſſe of bodye was to hym comparable. On the other ſyde, the Iriſhmen, although they fought manfully, and ſtucke to it valiantly, yet bicauſe they were [page 1213] after the maner of their countrey, almoſt naked, without anye conuenable furniture of armour they were ſtriken downe and ſlayn lyke dull and brute beaſtes, which was a great diſcouragemẽt [figure appears here on page 1213] to the reſidue of the companie.

[1] Thus they foughte for a ſpace ſo ſore and ſo egrely on both partes, that no manne coulde well iudge, to whome the victorie was lyke to enclyne.

[1] But at lengthe the Kings fore warde beyng full of people, and well fortifyed wyth winges, whiche only both began and continued the fight, ſet vpon the aduerſaries with ſuch force and vio|lence, that firſt they oppreſſed and killed ſuch ca|pitaynes one by one as reſiſted their mighte and puiſſaunce. And after that, put all the other to flyghte, the whiche were eyther apprehended as Priſoners in their running away, or els ſlayne and broughte vnto confuſyon in a ſmall mo|mente.

[1] [2] But when thys battayle was ended, and fought out to the extremitie, then it wel appered, what hyghe prowes, what manfull ſtomackes, what hardie and couragious heartes reſted in the kings aduerſaries.All the capi| [...]s fayne. For there the chiefe captaines the Earle of Lincolne, and the Lorde Louell, Sir Thomas Broughton, Martine Swarde, and the Lorde Gerardine capitain of the Iriſh|men were ſlaine and found dead in the verie pla|ces whiche they hadde choſen alyue to fighte in, not giuing one foote of grounde to theyr aduer|ſaries. Howbeit ſome affirme, that the lord Lo|uell tooke his horſſe, and would haue fledde ouer Trente, but was not able to recouer the further ſide for the highneſſe of the banke, and ſo was drowned in the ryuer.

[1] There were killed at that battaile with theyr fiue captains before reherſed, of that parfie about foure thouſand. Of the kings part there wer not half of them which fought in the fore warde, and gaue the onſet, ſlayne or hurt. Then was Lam|bert the youngling,Lambert and his maiſter Sy|monde taken. whiche was falſly reported to be the ſonne of the duke of Cla [...]nce, and his maiſter ſir Richard Symond Prieſt both taken, but neyther of them put to death, bycauſe that Lambert was but an innocent, and of yeares in|ſufficient of hymſelfe to doe any ſuch enterpriſe, and the other was pardoned of lyfe, bycauſe hee was a prieſt, and annoynted man, but yet was committed to perpetuall pryſon.

[1] Lamberte was at lengthe made one of the kings Faulconers, after that he had bin a turne|broache for a ſpace in the kings kitchen.

[1] This battayle was ſoughte on a Saterdaye beyng the ſixteenth day of Iune, in thys ſecond yeare of this kings reygne.

[1] In whiche yeare alſo dyed Thomas Bour|chier Archebiſhoppe of Canterburye: and Iohn Moorton Biſhoppe of Elye,Morton By|shop of Elye made Archebi|shop of Canter+bury, & chaun|cellour of Eng|lande. a manne of excel|lente learnyng, vertue and policie, ſucceeded in his place, whome Alexander Pope of Rome, the ſixte of that name, created a Cardinall, and the Kyng created hym hygh Chauncel|lour of England.

[1] After that the King had got the vpper hand of his enimies, hee remoued to Lincolne, and there carryed three dayes, cauſyng euery of the ſame dayes ſolemne proceſſions to bee made in rendryng thankes to GOD for his fortunate victorye.

[1] Then cauſed he execution to be done of ſuche rebels and traytors,Thankeſgiuing to God after victorie. as were taken in the field ei|ther at the battaile, or in the chaſe. And ſhortely after he went into Yorkſhire, and there coaſted the countrey ouerthware, ſearching out ſuche as had ayded his enimies, and were thought to bee ſeditions perſons, whome be puniſhed, ſome by impriſonmẽt, ſome by fines, and ſome by death, [page 1432] according to the qua litie of their offences, and as was thought moſt expedient.

[1] [2] An. reg. 3. About the middeſt of Auguſt entring into the the thirde yeare of his reigne, he came to New|caſtell vpon Tyne,Fox Bishoppe of Exceſter ſent Ambaſſador in|to Scotlande. and from thence ſent in am|baſſade into Scotland, Richard Foxe, lately be|fore made Biſhoppe of Exceſter, and with hym Richarde Edgecombe knight Controller of hys howſe, to conclude ſome peace or truce wyth king Iames of Scotlande. The Engliſhe am|baſſadors were honourably receiued and louing|ly entertayned of the ſayde King, who gladlye woulde haue concluded a perpetuall peace wyth the king of England if he might haue bin licen|ced ſo to haue done, but his people being ſtedfaſt in their olde accuſtomed vſage, would not agree to any peace, but yet were contented to gratifie their kyng,A truce vvith Scotlande for ſeuen yeares. that he ſhould take truce wyth En|glande for the terme of ſeauen yeares, whyche was concluded, and ſecrete promyſe made by King Iames, that he woulde not only obſerue peace, and continue in perfecte amitie with the king of England during his life, but alſo would renew againe this truce now taken for other ſe|uen yeares before the firſt ſeuen yeares wer fully expired.

[1] The King of Scottes in deed was as deſy|rous of the Kyng of Englandes friendſhippe as the Kyng of Englande was of his, bicauſe that his ſubiects bare him much euill will, miſlyking wyth all things that eyther he coulde do or ſay.

[1] King Henry after the returne of his Ambaſ|ſadors out of Scotland, came back again from Newcaſtell to Yorke, and ſo towarde London, and in the way being at Leyceſter, there came to him Ambaſſadoures from Charles the Frenche king, which declared both the recouerie of certain townes out of the handes of Maximilian kyng of Romains which he had wrongfully deteined from the crowne of Fraunce before that tyme, and alſo that their Maiſter kyng Charles, had nowe warres in hande agaynſt Fraunces duke of Britayn, bicauſe that he ſuccored and main|teyned diuers noble men, as the Duke of Or|leans and others that were rebelles and traytors againſt him and the realm of France. Wherfore his requeſt was, that for the olde familiaritie whiche hath bin betwixt them, he woulde nowe eyther aſſiſt and helpe him, or elſe ſtand as neu|ter betwixte them, neyther helping nor yet hur|ting the one nor the other.

[1] Vpon good and deliberate aduice takẽ in this matter, bicauſe it was iudged weightie, the king for anſwere told the French Ambaſſadors, that he woulde neyther ſpare payne nor coſte, to ſette ſome reaſonable ſtaye betwixte their ſoueraigne Lord king Charles, and the duke of Britayne, ſo that a finall ende and ſome perfect concluſion of frendſhippe myght be hadde betwixt them. And ſo as ſoone as the Frenche Ambaſſadoures were retourned home, the Kyng ſente his cha|playne Chriſtofer Vrſwyke ouer into France to king Charles, as wel to ſhew that he was gladde of the victorye whiche he had agaynſt Maximi|lian, as to declare what a tempeſtuous ſtorme of ciuile rebellion hymſelfe hadde eſcaped, and ouercome heere in Englande,

[1] But the chiefeſt poynt of Vrſwikes errande conſiſted in this, that he ſhoulde intimate to the Frenche Kyng howe his maiſter Kyng Henrye offred himſelfe as a mediatour betwixt him and the Duke of Britayne, to make them friend [...], and if he perceyued that the French king gaue care hereunto, then ſhould he goe into Brit [...], to moue the Duke there to be contented, that ſome reaſonable order myghte hee taken fo [...]a quietneſſe to be hadde betwixte the French king and hym.

[1] Whyleſt Vrſwike was trauaylyng in thys matter according to his Commiſſion,Chriſtofer Vrſvvicke. the King came backe againe to London, where hee was receyued of the Citizens wyth greate ioye and triumphe, they beeing hartyly gladde and great|ly reioycing that hee wyth ſuche good ſucceſſe ſubdued his enimies.

[1] Shortly after, he delyuered the Lorde Tho|mas Marques Dorſet out of the Tower, recey|uing him agayn to his former fauor & old fami|liaritie, bicauſe his truth and loyaltie by diuers aſſays and ſundry arguments had bin through|ly tryed and ſufficiently proued.

[1] In whyche meane tyme the Kyng for the greate loue that hee bare to hys wyfe Queene Elizabeth, cauſed hir to be crowned and anoin|ted Queene on Sainct Catherins daye in No|uember, wyth all ſolemnitie, as in ſuche caſes appertayneth.

[1] [2] In the meane ſeaſon Chriſtofer Vrſwyke accordyng to hys Commiſſion, trauayleth be|tweene the Frenche Kyng and the Duke of Britayne in the Kyng of Englandes name to make them friendes: But although the French Kyng ſeemed wyllyng ynough to haue peace, yet meante hee nothyng leſſe, in ſo muche that whyleſt hee goeth aboute with fayre wordes, courteous Letters, and ſweet promiſes to keepe the King of Englande in hande to laboure a peace betwixte hym and the Brytaynes, he en|forceth his whole puiſſance to ſubdue them, and beſiegeth the citie of Nauntes. And on the other part, the Duke of Orleans being withdrawn to the duke of Britain, and one that ruled moſte a|bout him, had no liking to heare of peace, but did what he coulde to hinder it.

[1] The Engliſh ambaſſador Chriſtoffer Vrſe|wike hauyng thus paſſed from the Frenche king [page 1433] to the Duke of Britaine, and backe againe to the French King, retourned ſhortely after in|to Englande, and ſhewed vnto King Henrye what hee hadde done betwixt them.

[1] Immediatlye after came from the Frenche King the Lorde Bernarde Daubeney a Scot borne, whyche on the Frenche Kings behalfe required King Henry to make ſome maner of ende of thoſe Brittiſhe warres, whatſoeuer it were. King Henry being deſirous of the ſame, ſent ouer againe into Fraunce, Iohn the Abbot of Abingdon, ſir Richard Edgecombe knight, and the forenamed Chriſtofer Vrſwicke wyth full and perfect commiſſion and long inſtructi|ons howe to proceede in d [...]yng of ſome agre|ment beetwixt the Frenchmenne and the Bri|tons.

[1] [2] Theſe orators accordyng as they hadde in commaundement, firſt went vnto the Frenche king, and after they had communed wyth him, Sir Richarde Edgecombe, & Chriſtofer Vrſ|wicke departed ſtraight to the duke of Britain in full hope to conclude a peace vpon ſuche of|fers and articles as they had to propone vnto hym. But al their hope was vaine, for the duke refuſed to agree vppon any ſuche articles and conditions as they offered, and ſo without cõ|cluding any thyng with the Duke, they retur|ned backe into Fraunce, and from thence ſig|nified to the King of Englande by letters, all that they knewe or had done.1488 Edvvard lorde VVooduille ai| [...] the duke of Britaine, vvithout the kings conſent. But in the mean time Edwarde Lorde Wooduille vncle to the Queene, ſued to King Henrye that hee myght haue a power of men apointed to him, with the whiche hee woulde ſteale priuily ouer without licence or paſſeport, ſo that euery man ſhoulde thinke that he was fledde the Realme, without knowlege of the king, for that no warre ſhould ariſe by his meanes beetwixt the Realmes of Fraunce and England, and yet ſhuld the duke of Britaine bee aided agaynſte the power of the Frenchemen, whiche ſought to vanquiſhe hym that they myght ioyne hys countrey vnto the dominion of Fraunce, which in no wiſe ought to be ſuffred, conſideryng what annoyaunce & hurte the ſame myght bryng to the Realme of Englande in time to come.

[1] Althoughe this requeſte was vtterly deny|ed, and that the Lord Wooduile was ſtraight|ly commaunded by the kyng to make no ſuche attempt, yet coulde not all that ſtaye hym, but that withdrawing him into the Ile of Wight, whereof he was made ruler and capitaine, hee there gathered togyther a crewe of talle and hardy perſonages, to the number of .iiij.C. and with proſperous winde and weather arriued in Britaine, and ioined himſelf with the Britons againſte the Frenchemen.

[1] [2] The Frenche King adu [...]ed hereof, was not [...] pleaſed in his minde towards the [...] of Englande, till king Henry by [...] maſſen+gers [...] [...]d [...]m [...] [...]ilties he was in the ma [...] and that by plaine [...] With the whiche excuſe the Frenche King ſee|med th [...] [...]ter pacifyed, and was [...] to diſſimu [...]e the matter.The league renued be|tvvixt Eng|lande, and Fraunce. And ſo the Engliſh [...] [...]+baſſadors renewing the league and a [...] be|twixt King Henry, and the Frenche kyng, for the ſpace of twelue M [...]thes they [...]ued into England, and ſhewed the king all things that they had eyther b [...]de or [...], ſo that he perceyued that the Frenche king d [...] [...] in this [...]er of Britayne, f [...]yll mor [...]nyng peace when hee ment nothyng elſe but wa [...] He therefore called his [...]g [...] [...] the of Parlia|ment, in the which it was not only determined that the Duke of Britaine ſhuld be [...] to with a power of men, againſte the wrongfull [...]+ons of the Frenchemen, but alſo there were di|uers ſ [...]mmes of mony g [...]a [...]ed to the [...]niſh|ing forth and maintaynaunce of the [...].

[1] [2] And immediatly here vpon, the kyng ſente his Ambaſſadors into Fraunce to certifye the Frenche Kyng what [...] eſtates aſſembled in Parliament here in Englande had [...]ecr [...]d, and therefore hee required hym eyther to ſ [...]aſſe the warres whiche he had in hande againſt the Britons, or elſe not to be greeued, thought hee condiſcended to the iudgement & determinati|on of the Lordes, bo [...]e ſpirituall and tempo|rall, and commons of hys Realme, in takyng vpon him the defence of the Duke of Britaine, promyſing neuertheleſſe that the Engliſhe armye ſhoulde onely take lande wythin the Dutchie of Britayne, and ſeeke to defende the ſame agaynſte all thoſe that didde inuade it, and not to make anye warre wythin anye of the Frenche dominions.

[1] This meſſage was nothyng regarded of the Frenche King, in ſo muche that the French army proceeded in oppreſſing the Britons, de|ſtroying the country, and beſieging Townes.

[1] At lengthe on the ſeuen and twen [...], or as the Chronicles of Amowe haue the eighte and twentith daye of Iuly, the Duke of Br [...]ns armye gaue battaile to the Frenche hoſte [...]e [...]ee to a towne called Saint Aulbin,The battaile of Saint Aulbin in Britaine. hauing appa|relled a thouſande and ſeuen hundreth of the Britons in coates wyth redde croſſes, after the Engliſhe faſhion, to make the Frenchemen be|leeue that they had a great number of En|gliſhemen, althoughe they hadde but foure hundrethe onely wyth the Lorde Wooduille.

[1] The victory in this battell fell to the french|men, ſo that almoſte all the engliſhemen were ſlain with the Lord Wooduile, beſide .vi.M. [page 1434] Britons. The Duke of Orleans, and the Prince of Orainge were taken priſoners, whi|che were theron the Britons part. The french|menne loſte twelue hundred men, and amongſt other, that valiant Italian Capitaine Iames Galeot.

[1] Theſe newes being brought into England, cauſed King Henrye to make haſte in ſendyng forthe his army, and therefore was the Lorde Brooke, wyth Syr Iohn Cheynyd. Syr Iohn Middleton, Sir Raufe Hilton, Sir Richard Corbet, Sir Thomas Leighton, Sir Richard Laton, and Sir Edmunde Cornewall ſent o|uer into Britaine wyth all conuenient ſpeede, hauyng wyth them an eyghte thouſande men, well armed and furniſhed in warre like wiſe, to ayde the Duke of Britayne agaynſte the Frenchemen.

[1] Theſe luſtye Capitaines beyng, arriued in Britaine, after they had a little refreſhed them, marched forward, and commyng neare to their enemies, pitched downe their fielde, not farre from the Frenchmens campe.

[1] The Frenchemen by experience knowyng the Engliſhemenne (ſo long as they bee freſhe and luſtie) in maner to be inuincybl [...] thought not good to matche wyth them in open batteil, till they were ſomewhat wearyed wyth lying and lingeryng abroade in the fielde, and there|fore at the firſt they ſought to weary them with light ſkirmiſhes, appointyng their horſemenne to giue them alarmes, and ſome ſkirmiſhes, in the whiche the Frenchemen by reaſon of the Engliſhe archers (which galled bothe men and horſes) were euer put to the worſe.

[1] [2] But beholde the mutabilitie of worldelye chaunces, whiles this warre was thus ſet for|warde, Frauncis Duke of Britaine departed this li [...]e, and then the chiefe rulers of Britayne falling at diſſention amongſt themſelues, ten|dred not the defence of their countrey, but ra|ther minded the deſtruction thereof, ſo that the Engliſhemenne perceyuyng in what daunger they were, and conſidering that it was in the middeſt of Winter, a time not meete for men of warre to lye in the colde and froſtie fieldes, they retourned into England, within fiue Mo|nethes after their firſt ſettyng forth. So that fi|nally the French king got the vpper hand of the Britons, and didde incorporate that Dutchie to hys Realme and Crowne of Fraunce, as in the hiſtorye of Fraunce it maye appeare at large.

[1] In Iuly this yeare was a Preſt leuyed for the Kyng in the Citie of London,Stow. of foure thouſande pounde whiche was repaide the yere nexte followyng.

[1] In September, the Queene was deliuered of hir firſte ſonne, named Prince Arthur, and the fiue & twentith of Nouember nexte enſu|ing ſhee was crowned at Weſtminſter with al due ſolemnitie.

[1] Yee haue hearde,An. reg. 4. howe there was in the laſte Parliament mony graunted for the furniſhyng forthe of the armye into Britayne. That is to wit, it was agreed, that euery man ſhoulde: be taxed after the rate of his ſubſtaunce to paye the tenth penye of his goodes, which money the moſt part of them that dwelled in the Biſhop|pricke of Durham, and in the parties of Yorke|ſhire refuſed vtterly to paye, eyther for that they thought thẽſelues ouercharged with the fame, or were procured to ſhewe themſelues diſobedi|ent, throughe the euill counſaile of ſome ſedi|tious perſones, whyche conſpired agaynſte the King, to put him to newe trouble. Therefore ſuche as were appoynted Colectours, after that they could not get the mony, according to their extreites delyuered to them by the Commiſſio|ners, they made their complaint priuily to Hẽ|rye the fourthe Earle of Northumberlande, chiefe ruler of the Northe partes.

[1] The Earle forthwith ſignifyed to the king all that matter,1489 and the Kyng not willing to pardon them of any one peny (leaſt the example might do hurt by encouragyng others to ſhewe the like ſtubburnes in other parts of the realme) commaunded the Erle eyther by diſtreſſe, or o|therwiſe, to leuy the mony, as he ſhould thinke moſte meeteſt. The rude beaſtly people hearing of this aunſwer from the king,The Earle of No [...]humber|land [...] by the Nor|thern rebelles. by and by wyth greate violence ſet vppon the Earle by the ex|cityng of a ſimple fellow named Iohn a Chã|ber, whom the Earle with faire wordes ſought to appeaſe, but they like vnreaſonable vilains, aledging all the fault to be in him, as chiefe au|thor of the taxe, furiouſlye and cruelly murthe|red bothe hym and dyuers of hys houſholde ſeruaunts.

[1] Diuers affirme that the Northerne menne bare againſte this earle continuall grudge euer ſince the deathe of King Richard, whome they entirely fauoured.

[1] [2] Although this offence was greate and hai|nous, yet there ſucceeded a more miſchiefe: for incontinently to cloke thys preſumptuous murther, the Northerne men gotte them to ar|moure, and aſſembling togyther,A rebellion in the Northe for a taxe granted by parliament. choſe them a Capitaine, no leſſe ſeditious then deſirous of trouble, called Sir Iohn Egremonde Knight, and paſſing by the countreys, they publiſhed & declared that they woulde bidde the kyng bat|taile only in defence of their liberties, and com|mon freedome, of the whiche hee went aboute to bereeue them. But when the matter ſhoulde come to bee tried wyth blowes, theyr hartes ſo [page 1435] fainted that they ſcattered awaye, euery man ſeekyng to ſaue hymſelfe by flight, but that little auailed them: for the king hearing of this buſines, ſent forthe Thomas Earle of Surrey (whome not long before he had deliuered out of the Tower, and receiued to his ſpeciall fauour) wyth a crewe of men, to chaſtice thoſe rebelles of the Northe partes, who ſkirmiſhed wyth a certain company of them, & them diſcomfited, and tooke aliue Iohn a Chamber, the firſte be|ginner of this rebellion.

[1] [2] The King himſelfe roade after into Yorke|ſhire, of whoſe commyng the ſturdye rebelles were ſo abaſhed and afrayde, that they fledde more and leſſe: whyche afterwarde were ap|prehended, and puniſhed accordyng to their do|merites. Yet the King of his clemency pardo|ned the innocente people, & executed the chiefe procurers. For Iohn a Chamber was hanged at Yorke vpon a gibbet ſet vpon a ſquare paire of gallowes like an archtraytor, and his com|plices and lende diſciples, were hanged on the lower gallowes rounde aboute their Maiſter, to the terrible example of other. But ſir Iohn Egremonde fledde into Flaunders to the Lady Margaret Dutcheſſe of Burgougne, that euer enuied the proſperitie of King Henry.

[1] After this, the king retourned to London, leauing the Earle of Surry to rule the North partes, and appointed Sir Richard Tunſtall, a man of greate witte and pollicy to gather the Subſidye to hym due of the people.

[1] This yeare the king borrowed of euery Al|derman of London two hundred pounde, and of the Chamber nine thouſãde eightie two poũd ſeuenteene ſhilings foure pence; whiche he re|paied againe, to the vttermoſte, wyth greate equitie and thankfulneſſe.

[1] [2] In this ſeaſon, the Emperour Fredericke made warre againſte the Flemings, namely a|gainſt Bruges and certaine townes of Flaun|ders,A rebellion in Flaunders. which had rebelled againſt his ſon Maxi|milian, Kyng of Romaynes, theyr liege and ſoueraigne Lord,Maximilian King of Ro| [...] impriſo|ned at B [...]uges by the tovvnſ| [...]ne. in ſo muche that they of Bru|ges had not only ſlayne hys officers but impri|ſoned him within their Towne, till they hadde cauſed him to pardon all their offences, and al|ſo to ſweare neuer to remember, nor reuenge the ſame in time to come. But his father Fre|dericke the Emperor coulde not ſuffer ſuche a reproche and diſhonor done to his ſon, to paſſe vnreuenged, and therefore ſcourged the coun|try of Flanders with ſharpe and cruell warre. The lorde of Rauenſtein being driuen to take the ſame othe, that his Maſter Maximiliã tooke at Bruges, to ſhewe that the warre was not begon with his aſſent, forſooke Maximilian his Lord, and tooke the Towns of Ipre & Scluſſe with bothe the Caſtels of the ſame hauen, and further dyd not onlye ſtirre the Gaunt [...] is, and Brugeans, and other Townes of Flaunders, to rebell agaynſt their ſoueraine lord, but alſo ſent to the French kings lieutenãt in Pieard [...] the Lorde Cordes, to aide him to con [...] ſuch Townes of Flaunders, as were not of hys o|pinion.

[1] The Lorde Cordes, otherwiſe called Mon|ſieur de Querdes, was glad to haue ſo good oc|caſion to ſet foote in Flaunders, as he that had ſufficient inſtructions of his Maiſter, the french King, vpon any ſuche offerd occaſion ſo to [...]|ſent foorthwith to the aide of the Flemings viij.M. Frenchmen, commaunding them to con|quere ſuche Townes, as were in the way bee|twixt Fraunce and Bruges.

[1] The capitaines according to his deuiſe bee|ſieged a little walled towne, called Dixen [...]w, to whome came .iiij.M. Flemings with [...]ic|tuall and artilerie, ſent from the Lord of Ra|uenſtein. They laide ſiege on the North ſide of the towne, in a mariſhe grounde than beeyng drye, and ſo deepely ditched, and [...]ampired their campe about (on which rampire they laide their ordinaunce) that it was in manner impoſſible to enter their campe, or do them any diſpleaſure or domage.

[1] The king of Englande was daily aduerti|ſed of theſe dooings, whiche nothyng leſſe deſi|red than to haue the Engliſhe Pale enuironed wyth Frenche fortreſſes, wherefore to preuent that miſchiefe in time, with all expedition he ſẽt ouer to the Lorde Daubeney, and his deputye of Calais, the Lord Morley, with a crue of va|liant archers and ſouldiours, to the number of a thouſande men, with priuy inſtructions what they ſhould do.

[1] At their commyng ouer, it was bruited a|broade, that they were ſent only to defende the Engliſh Pale, againſt al attempts that might vpon the ſuddaine in any wife he made by the Frenchemen, or Flemings: but their enterpriſe was all otherwiſe. For on a Tuiſdaye at the ſhutting of the gates at night, the lord Daub|ney chieftaine of the army, the Lorde Morley, Sir Iames Tirrell capitaine of Guiſnes, Sir Henry Willoughby, Sir Gilbert Talbot, and ſir Humfrey Talbot Marſhall of Calais, wyth diuers other Knightes, and Eſquiers, and o|ther of the gariſons of Hammes, Guyſnes, and Callais, to the number of twoo thouſand men, or thereaboutes, iſſued priuily out of Callais, & paſſed the water of Grauelyng, in the mor|ning betimes, and lefte there for a ſtale, and to keepe the paſſage, Sir Humfrey Talbot, with ſixe ſcore archers, and came to Newport, where they founde the ſoueraigne of Flaunders with [page 1436] ſixe hundred Almaines, and there they ſtayed that night.

[1] On the nexte day they went toward Dixe|mewe, and by the guidyng of a priſoner, that ſhould haue bin hanged on the nexte morning, they iſſued out of the Southe gate of the town of Dixemew, & were conueyed by their ſayde guide by an high banke ſet wyth willowes, ſo that the Gantois coulde not well eſpye them, & ſo ſecretly to the en of their enemies campe, and there pauſed.

[1] The Lorde Daubeney commaunded all men to ſend their horſes, and wagons backe, but the Lorde Morley ſaide hee would ride till hee came to hande ſtrokes.

[1] [2] Thus they marched forthe till they came to a lowe banke, and no deepe ditche, where the ordinaunce laye, and there the archers ſhot al|togyther, euery man an arrowe, and ſo fell pro|ſtrate to the grounde. The enemies herewyth diſchardged their ordynaunce and ouerſhotte them. The Almaines kept ouer the ditche with their moris pikes. The Engliſhemenne in the forefront, waded the ditche, and were holpen vp by the Almaines, and ſet on their enemies, & tooke many priſoners. The other Engliſhmen haſted by the cauſey to enter in at the Northe gate of the campe,The Lorde Morley ſlaine. where the Lord Morley be|ing on horſebacke in a riche coate, was ſlayne wyth a gunne.

[1] [2] When his deathe was knowen, euery man killed his priſoner, and ſlewe all ſuche as didde wythſtande them, to the number of eight thou|ſande men, in ſo muche that of twoo thouſande that came ot of Bruges (as the Flẽmiſh chro|nicle reporteth) there came not home one hun|dreth. On the Engliſhe parte was ſlayne the Lorde Morley, and not an hundreth mo. The Engliſhemen tooke their ordinaunce, and ſent it to Newporte, wyth all the ſpoile and greate horſes. And by the way hearing certaine frẽch|men to be at Oſtend, they made thither warde: but the Frenchemen fled, & ſo they burned parte of the towne, and came againe to Newporte, where the Lord Daubney left al ye Engliſhmen that were hurte, and returned to Calais, where he buried the body of the Lord Morley.

[1] [2] The Engliſhemen got greate riches at this fielde, for they that went forthe in clothe, came home in ſilke, and thoſe that went out on foote, came home on great horſes. The Lord Cordes being at Ipre with twenty thouſand men was ſore diſpleaſed wyth this ouerthrow, & therfore thinking to be reuenged,Nevvport be|ſieged by the Frenchemen. beſieged the towne of Newport right ſtrongly, and ſhot daily at the walles, breaking them in many places. But the Engliſhmen that were hurte at Dixemew field before, and might eyther ſtande or drawe bowe neuer came frõ the walles One day the french|menne gaue a greate aſſault to a Towes, and perforce entred it, and ſet vp the banner of the Lorde Cordes: but ſee the chaunce, during the time of the aſſaulte, there arriued a backe wyth foure ſcore freſhe Engliſh archers, which came ſtraight to the Tower, and did ſo muche, that what wyth the helpe of ſuche as beefore were wounded, and hurtemen, and of the couragi|ous hartes of the newe come archers encoura|ged greatly by the women of the town crying,Englishe archers. ſhoote Engliſhmen, ſhoote, the Tower was re|gaigned out of the Frenchemens handes, and the banner of the Lorde Cordes rent in peeces, and implace therof, the penon of Saint George ſet vp. Then the Frenchmen ſuppoſing a great aide of Engliſhemen to haue bene come to the towne by ſea, lefte the aſſault.

[1] And the night folowing, the enuious Lord Cordes (whiche ſo ſore longed for Calais, that hee woulde commonly ſaye, that hee coulde be content to lye ſeuen yeares in Hell, ſo that Ca|lais were in poſſeſſion of the Frenchmen) brake vp his ſiege, and retourned to Heldyng wyth ſhame. And the Engliſhmen glad of this victo|rie returned to Calais.Iames king of Scottes, ſlaine by his ovvne Subiectes. This yeare Iames the thirde of that name, King of Scots, was ſlaine by his owne Subiectes, after they had vanqui|ſhed hym in a pight fielde.

[1] [2] Aboute the ſame time one Adrian an Ita|lian was ſente in Ambaſſade from Pope In|nocent the eight, into Scotland,Adrian an Itali|an, made Bi|shoppe of Her|forde, & after of Bathe, and VVell [...]. to haue taken vp the variaunce betwixte the King there, and his people. But being arriued here in Englãd, he was enformed that king Iames was ſlaine, and the refore taryed here certaine Monethes, & for that hee was a man of excellent learnyng, vertue, and humanitie, i the Archebiſhoppe of Canterbury Iohn Morton, ſo commended him to the King, that he made him firſte Biſhoppe of Hereforde, and ſhortely after, that reſigned and giuen ouer, hee promoted him to the Bi|ſhopricke of Welles, and Bathe.1490 And after that wyth theſe honours he was retourned to Rome, hee was aduaunced by all the degrees of Spirituall dignities into the Colledge of the Cardinalles, and worthie ſure he was of great preferrement, for by hys meanes learned men were moued to ſeeke out the vſe of eloquent writyng, and ſpeaking in the latine tongue, he being the firſte in the tyme of our fathers that taught the trade to chooſe and vſe apte wordes and fitte termes.

[1] In the ſixte yeare of King Henries raigne there came Ambaſſadors to him frõ the frenche king the lord Fraũcis of Lutzenburg,An. reg. 6. Charles Mariguane, and Robert Gaguine Miniſter of the Bonnehommes of the Trinitie. The effect [page 1437] of their comming, was to haue concluded a peace with King Henrye, and that with good will the French King might diſpoſe of the ma|riage of the yong Dutcheſſe of Britaine, as he ſhoulde thinke good, and to make void the con|tract, and former mariage, which by proxie the deputie of Maximilian, king of Romains had before time contracted, and made with hir. But thereto woulde not King Henry giue his con|ſent, euer harping on this ſtring, that the maidẽ being once lawfully combined in matrimonye with Maximilian, ought not to be compelled a|gainſte hir will and promiſſe, yea and contrary to all lawe, right and equitie, to take any other perſon than him to hir ſpouſe and huſbande.

[1] In deede Kyng Henry was lothe that the Frenche King ſhoulde marry the Dutcheſſe of Britaine hymſelfe (as he perceued his meaning was) and ſo ioyne the Dutchie of Britayne to the Crowne of Fraunce, and therefore hee did what he coulde to hinder that bargaine.

[1] At lengthe yet it was agreede that a forme of a league ſhould be drawen with conditions, clauſes, and couenauntes, and for the full con|cludyng of the ſame, it was thought expedient that the King of Englande ſhoulde ſend Am|baſſadours to the Frenche Kyng to finyſhe all matters beetwyxte them. Wherevppon the Frenche Ambaſſadours beyng diſmiſſed wyth great rewardes, ſtraight waies Thomas earle of Ormonde, and Thomas Goldenſton Prior of Chriſtes Churche in Canterbury were ap|pointed by the king to folow them into France inſtructed fully in all things that he wold haue on his behalfe, either moued or determyned.

[1] Lionel Bishop of Concordia.In this meane ſpace, Lionell the Biſhop of Concordia was ſente as Oratour from Pope Alexander the ſixte, to the Frenche Kyng for certaine matters: and amongſt other things he hadde in chardge to conclude a peace and vni|tye betwixte the Frenche Kyng and the King of Englande. Hee mouyng thys matter to the Frenche King, founde hym nothyng ſtrange to encline to his motion. Whervpon the Biſhop of Concordia conceyuyng good hope, and ther|with deſyrous (as became hym beſte bearyng that title) to ſet an attonement beetwixte thoſe two Kings, tooke his iourney towardes Eng|lande, to the intent he might moue King Hen|ry to bee agreable therevnto, and ſo comming to Calais, found the Engliſhe Ambaſſadours there, beeing ſo farre on their way towards the Frenche King, and being honourably receiued of them into that Towne, after they had com|muned togither, the Biſhoppe took the ſea, and was trãſported ouer into England, & the Am|baſſadors departed toward the Frenche King.

[1] [2] [3] After the Biſhoppe of Concordia had tal|ked with King Henry, and perceyued that vp|on reaſonable conditions he coulde be content to conclude a peace wyth all Chriſten Princes, and to lyue in reſte after ſo many troubles a|foretime ſuſtained, the ſaide Biſhop retourned backe into Fraunce to ſollicite thys purpoſe to ſome perfect concluſion. But the Frenchmen ſo handled the matter, that whileſt they outward|ly ſhewed how they deſired nothyng but frend|ſhip & amitie, they aſured the yong Dutcheſſe of Britayne, to ſubmit hirſelfe wholy to their diſcretion, ſo that ſhortly after ſhee was mar|ried to King Charles. And the Engliſhe Am|baſſadours, after they perceyued whiche waye the winde would vire, returned again to their countrey, and nothing done or agreed vpon in their matter. King Henry ſore troubled in hys mynde therewyth, determined no more wyth peaceable meſſages, but with open warre to de|termine all controuerſies betwixt hym and the Frenche King,A Parliame [...] called his highe courte of Par|liament, & there declared the cauſe why he was iuſtely prouoked to make warre agaynſte the frenchemen, and therfore deſired thẽ of their be|neuolent aide of men and money towarde the maintenaunce thereof. The cauſe was ſo iuſte that euery man allowed it, and to the ſettyng forthe of the warre taken in hande for ſo neceſ|ſarie an occaſion, euery man promiſed his hel|ping hand. The king commẽded them for their true and faithfull hartes, and to the intent that he might ſpare the poorer ſorte of the commons (whome he euer deſired to keepe in fauour) hee thought good firſte to exact mony of the richeſt ſorte by way of a beneuolence, whiche kinde of leuying money was firſt deuiſed by King Ed|warde the fourthe, as it apeareth beefore in hys hiſtorie. King Henry folowing the like exam|ple, publiſhed abroade, that by their open giftes he would meaſure, and ſearche their beneuolent heartes and good mindes towardes him, ſo that he that gaue moſte, ſhoulde be iudged to be his moſte louing friende, and he that gaue litle, to be eſteemed accordyng to hys gifte. By thys it appeareth that whatſoeuer is practiſed for the princes profit, & brought to a preſident by mat|ter of record, may be turned to the great preiu|dice of the people, if rulers in auctoritie will ſo adiudge and determine it.

[1] [2] But by this meanes King Henrye got in|numerable great ſummes of money, with ſome grudge of the people, for the extremitie ſhewed by the commiſſioners in diuers places. Ye haue hearde before howe the Lorde of Rauenſtein by the ayde of Bruges, and Gaunt, hadde ta|ken the Towne, and two Caſtels of Scluiſe,1491 whiche hee kepte againſt his ſoueraigne lorde Maximilian, and gettyng into the hauen cer|taine [page 1438] ſhips and barkes, robbed ſpoiled and tooke priſoners, the ſhippes and veſſelles of all nati|ons, that paſſed alongeſt by that coaſt towards the Marte at Andwarpe, or into any parte of Brabant, Zeland, or Friſeland, and was euer ſufficiently vittailed out of Fraunce, and Pi|cardye.

[1] [2] [3] [4] There was a little Towne alſo twoo miles from Bruges towarde the Sea, called Dam, whyche was a Bulwarke to Bruges, and an headſpring to Sluiſe. The King of Romains hadde attempted the winnyng of this Towne diuers times, but miſſed his purpoſe, til at lẽgth Albert Duke of Saxony, a great friende to the King of Romaines, by policye found meanes to gette it. This Duke fainyng hymſelfe as a Newtre betwixte the King of Romaines, and the rebelles of Flaunders, required of the lords of Bruges that hee myght enter peaceably into their Towne accordyng to hys eſtate, wyth a certaine number of men of armes to commu|nicate with thẽ diuers maters of great weight, and ſent before his carriages and herbengers to make prouiſion. They of Bruges were in no doubt of hym, ſo that his men of warre entred into the Cytie in good order, and he followed. They that wente beefore, enquired for Innes, and lodgings, as though they would haue re|ſted there all the night, and ſo went forthe ſtill in order aſkyng after lodgings, till they came to the gate that leadeth directly toward Dam, diſtant from Bruges a Flemiſhe mile, whyche is called the Bulwarke of Bruges. The Cap|taines and inhabitantes of Dam ſuſpecting no harme to come out of Bruges, thought theyr friendes (knowyng ſome daunger towardes) had ſent them aide, and ſo nothyng miſtruſting thoſe that approched their towne, ſuffred them to enter, and ſo was the Towne of Dam ta|ken by ſleight, whiche coulde not be wonne by open force.Dam taken by [...]olicy. This chaunce ſore diſpleaſed them of Bruges, for nowe coulde they haue no re|courſe to the Sea, ſo that they muſte needes fall into ruine and decay. The Duke of Saxonye thus hauing won the towne of Dam, ſente to the King of Englande, that if it would pleaſe hym to miniſter any aide by ſea, he would be|ſiege Sluiſe by lande. The king well remem|bring that Sluiſe was a roueſneſt, and a very denne of theues to them that trauerſed the ſeas towardes the Eaſte partes, incontinentlye diſ|patched ſir Edward Poinings a right valiant Knight, and hardye Capitayne wyth twelue ſhippes well furniſhed with holde ſouldiours, and ſufficient artillerie. Whiche Sir Edward ſailed into the Hauen, and kepte the Lorde of Rauenſtein from ſtarting by ſea.

[1] The Duke of Saxony beſieged one of the caſtels lying in a Churche ouer againſt it, and the Engliſhemen aſſaulted the leſſe Caſtell, and iſſued out of theyr ſhippes at the ebbe, neuer ſuffering theyr enemies to reſte in quiet one daye togither, for the ſpace of twenty dayes, and euery daye ſlewe ſome of their aduerſaries, and on the Engliſh parte were ſlaine one Vere brother to the Earle of Oxforde, and fiftye mo.

[1] The Lorde of Rauenſlein hadde made a brydge of Boates betweene both Caſtelles, to paſſe from the one to the other, whyche brydge the Engliſhemen one night ſet on fyre. Then hee perceiuyng that he muſte loſe his Caſtelles by force, and that the Flẽmings coulde not aide hym, yeelded the Caſtelles to Syr Edwarde Poinings, and the towne to the duke of Sax|ony vpon certaine conditions,Sir Edvvarde Poinynges a valiant Capi|taine ſent into Flaunders vvith an army Sir Edwarde Poinings kepte the caſtelles a while, of whom the Almaines demaunded their wages, bycauſe the duke hadde nothyng to paye. Then theſe twoo Capitaynes ſo handled them of Bruges, that they not only ſubmitted thẽſelues to their Lord Maximilian, but alſo were contented to paye, and diſpatche the Almaines.

[1] And ſo Syr Edwarde Poynyngs tarryed there a long ſpace, and at lengthe retourned to the King before Bolongne.

[1] The ſixte daye of Aprill this preſent yeare, the nobles of the Realme aſſembled in the Ca|thedrall Churche of Saynct Paule in London, where Te Deum, was ſolempnely ſong, and thankes rendred to God for the victorie that the King of Spaine hadde gotte of the Saraſins, in conqueryng on them the whole Realme of Granado.

[1] Maximilian King of Romaines enten|dyng to bee reuenged on the Frenchemenne for the many iniuries done to hym of late (and eſpeciallye for that Kyng Charles hadde for|ſaken hys daughter the Ladye Margaret, and purpoſed to take to wyfe the Ladye Anne of Britayne:) bycauſe he was not ryche inought to maintayne the warre of hymſelf, he ſent his Ambaſſadour one Iames Contibald, a man of great wiſedome, to require the King of Eng|lande to take hys parte agaynſte the Frenche King, making diuers great offers on his owne behalfe, if it ſhould pleaſe hym ſo to do.

[1] King Henry no leſſe deſirous than Maxi|milian to put the Frenche Kyng to trouble, and chieflye to ayde the Britons in the extre|mitye of theyr buſineſſe, gladdelye conſented to the requeſt of Maximilian, and promiſed to prepare an armye wyth all ſpeede, and in time conuenient to paſſe the ſeas with the ſame and inuade the Frenche territories.

[1] [2] In this very ſeaſon Charles the french kingAnno. re. 7. [page 1439] receyued the Ladye Anne of Britayne, as hys pupill into his hands, and wyth great ſolemp|nitie hir eſpouſed, hauyng wyth hir in dower, the whole Dutchye of Britayne. Thus was Maximilian in a greate chafe towardes the Frenche King, not only for that he had refuſed his daughter, but alſo had bereeued hym of hys aſſured wife the ſayd Lady Anne, contrarie to all right and conſcience. Wherefore hee ſente vnto king Henry, deſiryng hym with al ſpeede to paſſe the ſeas with his army, that they might puriue the warre againſt their aduerſarie wyth fyre, ſworde, and bloude. King Henry hearing this, and hauing no miſtruſt in the promiſſe of Maximilian, with all ſpeed leuied an army, and rigged his nauye of ſhips, and when all things were readye, he ſente his Aulmoner Chriſtofer Vrſwicke, and ſir Iohn Riſeley Knyght vnto Maximilian to certifye hym, that the king was in a readineſſe, and would arriue at Calais, as ſoone as hee ſhoulde bee aduertiſed that Maxi|milian and his men were readye to ioyne wyth hym.

[1] Theſe Ambaſſadors comming into Flaun|ders, perceyued that Maximilian was neyther purueyed of men, money, nor armoure, nor of any other thyng neceſſarie for the ſetting foorth of warre, ſaue only that his will was good, all|thoughe his power was ſmalle.

[1] King Henry being aduertiſed hereof by let|ters ſente to hym from hys ſaid Ambaſſadors, was ſore diſquieted in his minde, and was al|moſte broughte to his wittes ende, to conſider howe his companion in armes ſhuld thus faile hym at neede, but takyng aduiſe of his counſel, at lengthe hee determined not to ſtaye his pre|penſed iourney, and therefore hee ſo encreaſed his numbers before he tooke ſhippe, that he with his owne power might bee able to matche with his aduerſaries.

[1] When hee hadde thus gathered and aſſem|bled his army, he ſailed to Calais the ſixte day of October, and there encamped hymſelfe for a ſpace to ſee all hys men and prouiſion in ſuche redineſſe, as nothing ſhoulde bee wanting.

[1] In this place all the army hadde knowledge by the Ambaſſadours (whiche were newly re|tourned out of Flaunders) that Maximilian coulde not ſette foorthe any army, [...]ilian [...] en [...]nes [...]eth pro| [...] [...] Henry in [...]ng vvyth [...]ade [...]. for lacke of money, and therefore there was no ſuccour to bee looked for at his hand, but the Engliſhemen were nothyng diſmayd therewith, as they that iudged themſelues able inough to matche with the Frenchmen without the helpe of any other nation.

[1] [2] In the meane ſeaſon, althoughe the Frenche King hadde an army togither, bothe for num|ber and furniture able to trye in battaile wyth the Engliſhemen, yet hee made ſemblaunce as though he deſired nothing more thã peace, as ye thing muche more profitable to him than warre, conſidering the minds of the Britons were not yet wholy ſettled: and again, he was called in|to Italy to make warre agaynſte the Kyng of Naples, whoſe Kingdom he pretended to ap|perteine to hym by lawfull ſucceſſion from his father King Lewes, to whome Reigne Duke of Aniowe laſte King of Sicill, of the houſe of Aniowe, hadde tranſferred hys ryghte to that kingdome (as partely beefore yee haue hearde) wrongfully and wythout cauſe diſinherityng his couſin, godſoune and heyre, Reigne Duke of Lorraine, and Bar: The Lord Chordes ha|uing commiſſion from his Maiſter the Frenche king to make ſome entry into a treatie for peace with the King of Englande, wrote letters to him before he paſſed ouer to Calais, ſignifying to hym, that if it might ſtand with his pleaſure to ſende ſome of his counſellours to the bor|ders of the Engliſh Pale adioining to France, there ſhoulde bee ſo reaſonable conditions of peace profered, that he doubted not but his grace might with greate honor breake vp his campe, and retire hys army home againe.

[1] The King of Englande conſideryng that Britaine was clearely loſte, and paſte recoue|rye, and that Maximilian for lacke of money, and miſtruſte which he had in his owne Sub|iects, lay ſtill like a Dormouſe dooing nothing, and herewith waying that it ſhoulde be hono|rable to hym, and profitable to his people to de|termine this great warre without bloudeſhed, appointed the Biſhoppe of Exceter, and Giles Lorde Daubney to paſſe the Seas to Calais, and ſo to commen with the Lord Chordes of articles of peace, whiche tooke effect as after ye ſhal perceiue.

[1] [2] [3] In the meane time, whyleſt the commiſſio|ners were commenyng of peace on the Mar|ches of Fraunce, the Kyng of Englande, as yee haue heard, was arryued at Calais: from whence after all things were prepared for ſuch a iourney, hee remoued in foure battailes fore|warde,Bolongne be|ſieged by the Englyshemen. till he came neare to the towne of Bo|longne, & there pitched his tentes before it in a conuenient place for hys purpoſe, meaning to aſſaile the towne with his whole force and pu|iſſaunce. But there was ſuche a ſtrong gariſon of warlyke Souldyours wythin that fortreſſe, and ſuche plentye of artillerye, and neceſſarye munityons of warre, that the loſſe of Engliſh|mẽ aſſaulting the town (as was doubted) ſhuld bee greater domage to the Realme of Eng|lande, than the gayning thereof ſhould be pro|fite. Yet the daily ſhotte of the kings battering peeces brake the walles, and ſore defaced them: [page 1440] But when euerye man was readye to giue the aſſaulte, a ſodaine rumor roſe in the army that peace was concluded: whyche bruite as it was pleaſaunt to the Frenchmen, ſo was it diſplea|ſaunt to the Engliſhmenne, bycauſe they were preſt and ready at all times to ſette on theyr e|nemies, and brought into greate hope to haue bene enryched by the ſpoyle and gayne, to haue fallen to their lottes of their enemies goods, be|ſide the glorious ſame of renowmed victorye. And therefore to be defrauded hereof by an vn|profitable peace, they were in a great fume, and very angrye: And namelye for that diuers of the captaines to ſet themſelues and their bands the more gorgeouſly forward, hadde borrowed large ſummes of money, and for the repaiment had morgaged their landes and poſſeſſions, and ſome happely had made through ſales thereof, truſtyng to recouer all againe by the gaines of this iourney. Wherefore offended wyth thys ſoddayne concluſion of peace, they ſpake euill bothe of the Kyng and his counſell. But the King like a wiſe prince aſſwaged their diſplea|ſure in parte with excuſing the matter, alled|gyng what loſſe, and bloud ſhedde was like to enſue bothe of Captaines and ſouldiours if the aſſault ſhould haue bin giuen to the vtterance, eſpecially ſith that the towne was ſo well fur|niſhed with men and munitions. When he had ſomewhat appeaſed their minds with theſe and many other reaſons, hee retourned backe again to Calais.

[1] There were not many of the Engliſhe ar|mye loſte at this ſiege of Bolongne, and fewe or no men of name, Poli [...]ore. [...] S [...]| [...]g [...] at [...] ſauyng that valiant Capi|taine ſir Iohn Sauage Knight, the whyche as hee and ſir Iohn Riſely rode aboute the walles of the towne, to viewe in what place it might bee eaſtieſt aſſaulted, was compaſſed aboute by certaine Frenchmen that were iſſued out of the towne, and there ſlain ſtanding at defence, and vtterly refuſing to yelde hymſelfe as priſoner. But ſir Iohn Riſley eſcaped by fleeing away.

[1] [2] When the King was thus returned to Ca|lais, he began to ſmell a certayne ſecrete ſmoke, whiche was lyke to tourne to a greate flame, wythout wiſe foreſight, and good lookyng to. For by the craftye inuention, and diuelliſhe i|magination of the Lady Margaret Ducheſſe of Burgongne, a newe Idoll was ſe [...]te vp in Flaunders, and by a forged name called Ry|charde Plantagenet ſecond ſonne to king Ed|warde the fourthe, as though he had bin reyſed from deathe to life. The newes hereof ſome|what troubled hym, ſo that hee was with bet|ter will content to receiue the honourable con|ditions of peace offered of his enemie bycauſe hee ſhoulde not be conſtrained at one time to make warre bothe at home, and alſo in a for|rein Region.

[1] The concluſion of this agreement made with the Frenchmen, was this.The concl [...] of the p [...]. That the peace ſhoulde continue bothe their liues, and that the Frenche Kyng ſhoulde paye to the Kyng of Englande a certaine ſumme of money in hand, according as the commiſſioners ſhuld appoynt for his chardges ſuſteined in this iourney.

[1] [2] Whiche as the King certifyed the Maior of London by his letters the ninth of Nouem|ber, amounted to the ſumme of ſeuen hundred fortie fiue thouſande duckets, whiche is of ſter|ling money one hundred foure [...]ore and ſixe thouſande twoo hundred and fiftie pounds, and alſo ſhoulde yearely for a certayne ſpace, paye or cauſe to be paide, for the mony that the king hadde ſpent and expended in the defence of the Britons fiue and twenty thouſande crownes, whiche yearely tribute the French King after|wardes continually occupied wyth the warres of Italy yearely, ſatiſfied and payde ſo long as King Henry liued, who after he hadde tar|ried a conuenient ſpace at Calais, tooke the ſea, and ariued at Douer, and ſo came to his Man|nor of Greenewiche.

[1] Immediatlye after hys retourne thus into England, he elected into the felowſhip of faynt George commonly called the order of the Gar|ter, Alfonſe Duke of Calabre ſonne and heire to Ferdinando K. of Naples, Chriſtofer Vrſ|wicke the Kyngs Aulmoner was ſente to him vnto Naples with the garter, coller, Mantel,Alphonſ [...] [...] of Calabre made Knight [...] the Garter. and other habellementes appertainyng to the companiõs of that noble order, the which was reuerently receiued of the ſayd Duke who in a ſolemne preſence reueſted hymſelfe wyth that habite, ſuppoſing by the countenaunce of that apparell to bee able to reſiſte his aduerſarye the French King, ſith he was nowe made a friend and companiõ in order wyth the king of Eng|lande: but that little auailed hym, as after it was ryght apparant.

[1] This yeare the twoo and twentye of Iune, was borne at Greenewiche the Lorde Henry,The birth [...] of Henry duke of Yorke, after King. ſeconde ſonne of thys Kyng Henrye the ſe|uenth, whiche was created Duke of Yorke, and after Prynce of Wales, and in concluſion ſucceeded hys father in gouernaunce of this Realm, by the name of Henry the eight, father to our gracious ſouerayn Queene Elizabeth.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] But now to returne to the new found ſonne to King Edwarde, coniured by mens policies from death to life:149 [...] Ye ſhall vnderſtand that the Ducheſſe of Burgongne euer deſiryng to caſt a Scorpion in the boſome of Kyng Henrye, not for anye diſpleaſure by hym towar|des hir wroughte or doone, but onely bycauſe [page 1441] he was diſcended of ye houſe of Lancaſter, being an enimie to hir line, began to ſpin a new webbe like a ſpider, that daily weaueth when his call is torne: for after that the Erle of Lincolne, whiche was by hir ſet forth, had miſſed ye quiſſhen, & loſt both horſe and ſpurres, ſhe could not be quiet, till ſhe had practiſed a new deuiſe to put K. Henrye to trouble. And as the Deuill prouideth vene|mous ſauſe to corrupt ſtomackes, ſo for hir pur|poſe, ſhe eſpyed a certayne yong man of viſage beautifull, of countenance demure, of wit craftie & ſubtile, called Peter Warbecke, & for his faint|neſſe of ſtomacke, [...] War| [...]. of the Engliſhmen in deriſion called Perkin Warbecke, according to ye Dutch phraſe, which change the name of Peter to Per|kin, of yonglings and little boyes, which for wãt of age, lacke of ſtrength and manlyke courage, are not thoughte worthy of the name of a man. This yong man trauelling many Countreys, could ſpeake Engliſh and diuers other langua|ges, & for his baſeneſſe of birthe and ſtocke, was almoſt vnknowen of all men, and driuen to ſeke liuing frõ his childhood, was conſtreined to ſeeke and trauaile through many coũtreys. The Du|ches glad to haue got ſo meete an organe for the conueying of hir inuented purpoſe, as one not vnlike to bee taken and reputed for the Duke of Yorke, ſonne to hir brother K. Edward, whych was called Richarde, kepte him a certaine ſpace with hir priuily, and him with ſuche diligence inſtructed, both of the ſecretes and common af|faires of the Realme of England, and of the lig|nage, diſſent and order of the houſe of Yorke, that like a good ſcoller, not forgetting his leſſon, hee could tel al that was taught him promptly with|out any ſtackering or ſtay in his words, and be|ſides that, he kept ſuch a princely countenaunce, and ſo counterfaite a maieſtie roiall, that all mẽ in manner did firmely beleeue, that hee was ex|tracted of ye noble houſe, and family of ye Dukes of Yorke: for ſurely, it was a gifte giuen to that noble progenie, as of nature planted in the roote, that all the ſequeale of that line and ſtocke, dyd ſtudie and deuiſe how to be equiualẽt in honour and fame with their forefathers, and noble pre|deceſſors. Whẽ ye Duches had framed hir cloth meete for the market, ſhe was enformed that K. Henry prepared to make warre againſt Charles the Frenche King, wherefore, ſhee thinking that the time ſerued well for the ſetting forthe of hyr malicious inuentions, ſent this Perkyn hir new inuented mawmet, firſt into Portingale, and ſo craftily into the Countrey of Ireland, to the in|tent, [...]ekin War| [...]cke arriueth [...] Irelande. that he being both wittie and wilie, mighte inuegle the rude Iriſhmen (being at thoſe dayes more enclined to Rebellion, than to reaſonable order) to a new ſeditious commotion. Shortely after his arriuall in Irelande, whether by hys ſhrewde witte, or the malicious exhortation of the ſauage Iriſhe gouernours, he entred ſo farre in credite with the people of that Ile, that hys wordes were taken to be as true as hee vntruely with falſe demonſtrations ſette forth and publi|ſhed them. The French King aduertiſed hereof, then being in diſpleaſure with King Henry, ſent for Perkin into Irelande, to the intent to ſende him againſte King Henry, which was then in|uading Fraunce (as ye before haue heard.) Per|kin thought himſelfe aloft now, that he was cal|led to the familiaritie of Kings,Perkin ſaileth into Fraunce. and therefore with all diligence, ſailed into Fraunce, and com|ming [figure appears here on page 1441] to the Kings preſence, was of him royal|lie receiued, and after a princely faſhion entertei|ned, and had a gard to him aſſigned, wherof was gouernour the Lorde Congreſhall, and to hym being at Paris, reſorted Sir George Neuill ba|ſterd, Sir Iohn Tailer, Rowland Robinſon, and an hundred Engliſh Rebels. But after that a peace as before is ſaid was concluded betwixte the French King, and the king of Englande, the Frenche king diſmiſſed Perkin, and woulde no longer keepe him. But ſome haue ſaid whyche were there attending on him, that Perkin, fea|ring leaſt the french king ſhould deliuer hym to the king of Englande, beguiled the Lord Con|greſhall, and fled frõ Paris by night. But whe|ther the French King knewe of his departure or not, the troth is, that hee being in manner in de|ſpaire, returned to his firſte founder the Ladye Margaret, of whome he was ſo welcomed to all outward appearance, that it ſeemed ſhe could not haue reioyced at any earthly thing, more than ſhe did at his preſence (and as ſhe could well diſ|ſimule) ſhe made ſemblaunce as though ſhe had neuer ſeene him before that time. And as ſhe had ſore longed to knowe not once, but diuers times in open audience, and in ſolemne preſence, ſhee willed him to declare and ſhew by what meanes he was preſerued from death and deſtruction, & in what countreys he had wandred and ſoughte [page 1442] friendſhip. And finally, by what chance of for|tune he came to hir court, to the intente, that by ye open declaration of theſe fained phantaſies, the people might be perſwaded to giue credite, & be|leeue, that he was the true begottẽ ſon of hir bro|ther K. Edward. And after this, ſhee aſſigned to him a guard of thirtie perſõs in Murrey, & blew, & highly honored him,

Perkin named by the Duches of Burgoigne, the white roſe of Englande.


as a great eſtate, and cal|led him the white roſe of Englande. The nobili|tie of Flanders did to him all reuerence. In En|gland, ye brute of him being blowen throughout the Realm, ſore diſquieted the people, in ſomuch, that not only the meaner ſort, but alſo many of the nobles & worſhipful perſonages belieued and publiſhed it abroade,Such long and looked for al|teration of ſtates. yt all was true whiche was reported of him. And not only they that were in Sainctuaries, but alſo many other that wer fallẽ in debt, aſſembled in a cõpany, & paſſed ouer the Seas into Flanders, to their counterfaite Duke of York, otherwiſe rightly named Perkin Wer|beck. Truely, the realm of England was in ma|ner deuided (with ye rumor, & vaine fable ſpred a|broade of this twice borne duke) into partakings & contrarie factions.Falſe rumors, occaſions of great diſqui|etnes. And ſome of the noble men conſpired togither, purpoſing to aid ye foreſayde Perkin, as the man whome they reputed to bee the very ſonne of Kyng Edward, and that the matter was not feigned, but altogither true, iuſt, & not imagined of any malitious pretẽce or pur|poſe: and bicauſe the thing was weightie, and re|quired greate aide & aſſiſtance, therefore they de|termined to ſend meſſengers vnto ye Lady Mar|garet, to know whẽ Richard D. of York might conueniently come into England, to the intent, that they being thereof certified, might be in a re|dineſſe to helpe and ſuccoure him at his arriuall.

[1] [2] [3] An. reg. 8. So by ye cõmon conſent of the conſpirators, ſir Rob. Clifford knight, & Wil. Barley, wer ſẽt into Flanders, which diſcouered to ye Duches, all the ſecret intents & priuie meanings of the friẽds & fautors of ye new foũd D. The Duches gladly receiued this meſſage, & after ſhe had heard their errand, ſhe brought the meſſenger to the ſight of Perkin, who ſo well counterfeited the geſture, countenãce, and maner of Richard D. of Yorke, that ſir Robert Clifford beleeued verily, that hee was the ſecõd ſon of K. Edward, & therof wrote a letter of credit into England to his complices, & to put thẽ out of doubt, he affirmed yt he knew him to be K. Edwards ſon by his face, & other li|niaments of his body. Vpon this letter, the chiefe doers in this buſineſſe ſpred the ſignificatiõ ther|of abroade through the Realme, to the intent to ſtirre the people to ſome newe tumulte and com|motion, but it was done by ſuche a ſecret craft, yt no man coulde tell who was the author of that rumor. The K. perceyuing that this vayne fable was not vaniſhed out of the mad braines of the common people, to prouide therefore againſte all perils yt might therby enſue, ſent certain knights that were ſkilfull mẽ of war, with cõpetẽt bands of ſoldiers, to keepe the ſea coaſtes, and hauens, to vnderſtand who came in, and went out of the Realme, doubting leaſt ſome greate conſpiracie were in brewing againſt him. He alſo ſent into ye low countreys certain perſons to learne ye troth of this forged dukes progenie,Perkin [...] [...]e lignage. where ſome of thẽ that were ſo ſente, comming to Tourney, gote knowlege that he was borne in that citie of baſe lignage, & named Perkin Warbecke. The king then aduertiſed not only by his eſpials vpõ theyr returne, but alſo from other his truſty friendes, determined with al ſpeede to haue the fraud pub|liſhed, both in Englande and forraine parties, and for the ſame cauſe, ſente ſir Edwarde Poi|nings Knight, and ſir Wil. Warram, Doctor of the lawes, vnto Phillip Archduke of Bur|goigne, & to his counſailers (bycauſe he was not yet of age able to gouerne of himſelfe) to ſignifie to him and them, that the yong man being with the Lady Margaret, had falſely and vntruely v|ſurped ye name of Rich. D. of Yorke, which long before was murthred wt his brother Edw. in the Tower of London, by ye cõmandement of theyr vncle King Richard as many men then liuing, could teſtifie.

[1] [2] The Ambaſſadors cõming to ye court of the Archduke, Philip, were honorably enterteyned of him, & of his counſaile, & willed to declare the ef|fect of their meſſage. Wil. Warrã made before thẽ an eloquẽt Oratiõ, & in the later ende ſome|what inueighed againſt the Lady Margaret, not ſparing to declare, how ſhe now in hir later age, had brought forth (within ye ſpace of a few yeres togither) two deteſtable monſters, that is to ſay, Lãbert (of whom ye heard before) and this Per|kin Warbecke, and being conceiued of theſe two great babes, was not deliuered of them in eyght or nine monethes, as nature requireth, but in the C. and .80. monethes, for bothe theſe at the leaſt, wer .15. yeres of age, ere ſhe would be brought in bed of them, & ſhew thẽ openly, & whẽ they were newly crept out of hir womb, they wer no infãts but luſty yõglings, & of age ſufficiẽt to bid bat|tel to kings. Althogh theſe taũts angred ye Lady Margaret euen at ye hart, yet Perkin was more vexed with the things declared in this Oration, and eſpecially bycauſe his cloked iuggling was brought to light. The Duches intẽding to caſt ho [...]e ſulphure, to ye new kindled fire, determined wt might & main to arme and ſet forward pretie Perkin againſt the K. of Englãd. Whẽ ye Am|baſſadors had done their meſſage, & that ye Arch|dukes counſel had long debated the matter, they made anſwere, that to haue the K. of Englãds loue, ye Archduke & they would neither aide nor [page 1443] aſſiſt Perkin nor his complices in anye cauſe or quarrell. Yet notwithſtãding, if the Lady Mar|garet, perſiſting in hir rooted malice towards the K. of Englande, would bee to him aiding & hel|ping, it was not in their power to withſtande it, for bycauſe in the landes aſſigned to hir for hyr dower, ſhee mighte frankely and freely order all things at hir will and pleaſure, without contra|diction of any other gouernour.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] An. reg. 9. Eſpials ſente into Flanders.After that ye Ambaſſadors wer returned with this aunſwere, the K. ſtraight ſent forth certaine eſpials into Flanders, which ſhould faigne thẽ|ſelues to haue fled to the D. of Yorke, and there|by ſearch out the whole intent of the conſpiracie, and after what ſort they meant to proceede in ye ſame. Other were ſent alſo to entice ſir Roberte Clifford, and Wil. Barly to returne into Eng|lande, promiſing to them pardon of all their of|fences, and high rewards, for obeying the kings requeſt. They that were ſent, did ſo earneſtly and prudently apply their buſines, that they brought al things to paſſe at their owne deſires. For firſt they learned, who were the chiefe conſpirators, and after perſwaded ſir Robert Clifford to giue ouer that enterpriſe, which had no grounded ſtay to reſt vppon. Albeit. Wil. Barley at the fyrſte woulde not leaue off, but continued his begunne attempt, til after two yeares, he repenting him of his folly, and hauing pardon graunted him of ye K. returned home into his natiue coũtrey. Whẽ the K. had knowledge of the chiefe captaines of this cõſpiracie (by ye ouerture of his eſpials whi|che were returned) he cauſed them to bee appre|hended, and brought to London before hys pre|ſence Of the which, the chiefe were Iohn Rat|cliffe, L. Fitzwater, ſir Simon Mounforde, Sir Tho. Twhaitz knightes, Wil. Daubeney, Ro|bert Ratcliffe, Tho. Creſſenor, & Tho. Aſtwood. Alſo certaine prieſts & religious mẽ, as ſir Wil. Richford, doctor of diuinitie, & ſir Tho. Poynes, both friers of S. Dominikes order, doctor Wil. Sutton, ſir Wil. Worſeley, Deane of Paules, Robert Layborne, & ſir Richard Leſſey. Other which were giltie, hearing yt their fellowes were apprehended, fled and tooke Sainctuarie. The o|ther that were taken, were condemned, of the which, ſir Simon Montford, Robert Ratcliffe, & Wil. Daubeney, wer beheaded. The other had their pardons, and the prieſts alſo for their order ſake, but yet fewe of them liued long after. The L. Fitz Water pardoned of life, was conueyed to Calais, & ther laid in hold, & after loſt his head bycauſe he went about to corrupt his keepers wt rewards, that he might eſcape, intending as was thought, to haue gone to Perkyn. King Henrye taking diſpleaſure with the K. of Romaines, for that he kept not touch in aiding him agaynſt the frẽch K. & partly diſpleaſed with ye Flemmings, but ſpecially wt the Lady Margaret, for keeping & ſetting forward Perkin Warbecke,Flemmiſhe wares forbid|den. not onely baniſhed al Flemmiſh wares, & merchãdiſes out of his dominiõs, but alſo reſtreined all Engliſhe merchants frõ their repaire & traffike, into any of the lands & territories of the K. of Romaines, or of ye Archduke Philip, ſon to the ſame K. of Ro|maines, cauſing ye mart to be kept at Calais,The mare kept at Ca|lais. of al Engliſh merchãdices & commodities. Wher|fore, the ſaid K. and his ſon baniſhed out of their lãds & ſeigniories al engliſh clothes, yarne,Engliſh com|modities ba|niſhed out of Flanders. tinne leade, & other cõmodities of this Realm. The re|ſtraint made by the K. ſore hindred ye merchants aduenturers, for they had no occupying to beare their charges, & to ſupporte their credite withall. And ye moſt greeued thẽ, the Eaſterlings beeing at libertie, brought into ye Realm ſuch wares as they were wont, and ſo ſerued their cuſtomers through out ye realme, wherevpon, there enſued a riot by the ſeruãts of ye mercers, haberdaſhers,A riot made vpon the Ea|ſterlings. & clothworkers within the Citie of London, the Tewſday before S. Edwards day: for they per|ceiuing what hinderance grew to their maiſters in that they were not able ſo wel to keepe thẽ, as before they had done, aſſembled togither in pur|poſe to reuenge their malice on ye Eaſterlings, & ſo came to ye Stiliard, & began to rifle and ſpoile ſuch chambers & ware houſes as they coulde get into. So yt the Eaſterlings had much ado to wt|ſtand them, & keepe thẽ backe out of their gates, which with help of Carpẽters, Smithes, & other yt came to thẽ by water out of Southwark, they ſhored, & ſo fortified, yt the multitude of the ſer|uants and prentiſes, being aſſembled, coulde not preuaile: & at length, came the Maior wt a nũ|number of men, defenſibly weaponed, to remoue ye force, at whoſe approche, thoſe riotous perſons fled away like a flocke of ſheepe, but diuers of thẽ were apprehended, & vppon inquirie made before ye kings commiſſioners, aboue .80. ſeruants and apprentiſes were found to be conſpired togither, & ſworne not to reueale it, of whome ſome of the chiefe beginners were cõmitted to the Tower,1494 & there long continued, but in concluſion, bycauſe none of their maſters, nor anye one houſholder was found culpable, the K. of his clemencie par|doned their offence, and reſtored them to libertie.

[1] Shortly after ſir Rob. Clifford partly truſting on ye kings promis,An. reg. 10. & partly nuſtruſting ye deſpe|rat begon enterpriſe, returned ſodenly again into Englãd. The K. being [...] before of his cõ|ming, wẽt ſtreight to ye [...] of [...] ye morow after the day of the Epiphanie, & there taried till ſuche tyme that ſir Roberte Clifforde was there preſented to his perſon. This was done for ã po|licie, that if ſir Robert accuſed any of the nobili|tie, they might be called thither without ſuſpiti|on of any will, and there attached and layd faſt.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [page 1444] Some thought alſo, that for a policie, Kyng Henry did ſend ſir Roberte Clifford ouer, as an eſpie, or elſe he would not ſo ſoone haue receyued him into fauour againe. Neuertheleſſe, ther were greate preſumptions that it was nothing ſo, for both was he in great daunger after his begunne attempt, and neuer was ſo much eſteemed with the K. afterward, as he was before. But thys is true, vpon his cõming to the kings preſence, hee beſought him of pardon, and obteyned it, & there|with opened all the maner of the conſpiracie, ſo far as he knewe, and who were aiders, fantors, and chief beginners of it,Sir William Stanley a fa|uourer of Perkin. amongſt whome, hee accuſed ſir Wil. Stanley, whom ye K. had made his chiefe Chamberlaine, and one of hys priuie counſell. The K. was ſorie to heare this, & could not be enduced to belieue that there was ſo much vntroth in him, til by euident prooues it was tri|ed againſt him. Then the K. cauſed him to be re|ſtreined from his libertie in his owne chamber within the quadrate tower, and there appoynted him by his priuie counſaile, to bee examined, in which examinatiõ, he nothing denyed, but wiſe|ly and ſagely agreed to all things layde to hys charge, if hee were therein faultie and culpable. The report is, that this was his offence. When communication was had betwixt him, and the aboue mentioned ſir Robert Clifford, as concer|ning Perkyn, which falſely vſurped the name of K. Edwardes ſon, Sir Wil. Stanley ſaid, that if he knew certainely that the yõg man was the indubitate heire of K. Edwarde the fourthe, hee would neuer fight nor beare armor againſt him. This point argued, that hee bare no hartie good wil toward K. Henry as then, but what was the cauſe that he had cõceyued ſome inward grudge towards ye king, or how it chanced that the K. had withdrawen his ſpeciall fauour from hym, many haue doubted. Some indeede haue geſſed, that ſir Wil. Stanley, for the ſeruice whiche hee ſhewed at Boſworth field, thought that al ye be|nefites which he receyued of the K. to be far vn|der that which he had deſerued in preſeruing not only the kings life, but alſo in obteyning for him the victorie of his enimies, ſo that his aduerſarie was ſlaine in the fielde, and therefore deſiring to be created Earle of Cheſter, and thereof denyed, he began to diſdeine the K. and one thing encou|raged him much, which was the riches & treaſure of K. Richard, which he only poſſeſſed at ye bat|taile of Boſworth, by reaſon of which riches and greate power of men, he ſet naught by the king his ſoueraigne Lord and maiſter. The king ha|uing thus an hole in his coate, doubted firſt what hee ſhould doe with him, for loth hee was to loſe the fauour of his brother the Erle of Derby, and againe to pardon him, he feared leaſt it ſhould be an euil example to other that ſhould goe about to attempt the like offence, and ſo at lẽgth, ſeueritie gote the vpper hand, and mercy was put backe, in ſo much, that he was arraigned at Weſtmin|ſter, and adiudged to die,


Sir William Stanley be|headed.

and according to that iudgement, was brought to the Tower hill the ſixteenth day of February, and there had his head ſtriken off.

[figure appears here on page 1444]

[1] Aboute the ſame time, diuers were puniſhed alſo, that had vpon a preſumptuous boldnes ſpo|ken many ſlaunderous words againſt the kings maieſtie, hoping ſtill for the arriuall of the feyg|ned Richard Duke of Yorke.

[1] [2] [3] After the deathe of ſir Wil. Stanley,An. reg. 11. Gyles L. Daubeney, was elected and made the kings chiefe Chamberlaine. Alſo, the K. ſent into Ire|land (to purge out the euill and wicked ſeedes of Rebellion, amongſt the wild and ſauage Iriſhe people, ſowed there by the craftie conueyance of Perkin Warbecke) ſir Henry Deane, late Abbot of Langtonie (whom he made chancellor of that Iſle) and ſir Edward Poinings knight, with an army of men. The fauourers of Perkin, hearing that ſir Edwarde Poynings was come with a power to perſecute them, withdrewe ſtraighte|wayes, and fled into the woods & mariſhes, for the ſafegard of themſelues.Sir Edwarde Poinings ſente into Irelande with an army. Sir Edwarde Poy|nings according to his commiſſion, intending to puniſhe ſuche as had aided and aduanced the enterpriſe of Perkin, with his whole army mar|ched forward againſt the wild Iriſhmẽ, bycauſe that all other being culpable of that offence, fled and reſorted to them for ſuccour. But when hee ſaw that his purpoſe ſucceeded not as he would haue wiſhed it, both bycauſe the Iriſhe Lordes ſent him no ſuccour according to their promiſes, and alſo for that his owne number was not ſuf|ficient to furniſh his enterpriſe, bycauſe his eni|mies were diſperſed amongſt woddes, Moun|taines, and mariſhes,Gerald Earle of Kildare, deputy of Ire|land appre|hended. hee was conſtreined to re|cule backe, ſore diſpleaſed in his minde agaynſte Geralde Earle of Kildare, being then the Kings deputie, whome he ſuſpected to bee the cauſe that [page 1445] he had no ſuccours ſent him, & was ſo enformed indede by ſuch as bare to ye erle no good wil. And therfore ſuddainely he cauſed ye erle to be appre|hended, & as a priſoner brought him in his com|pany into Englande. Whiche earle being exa|mined, & ſundry points of treaſon laid to him, he ſo auoided thẽ all, and laid the burthen in other mens neckes, that he was diſmiſſed, and ſente into Ireland againe, there to be deputie & lieute|nant as he was before. The King being now in ſome better ſuretie of his eſtate, did take his pro|greſſe into Lancaſhire the .25. day of Iune, there to make merrie with his mother the Coũteſſe of Derby, whiche then laye at Lathome in that Countrey.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] In this meane while, Perkin Warbeck, be|ing in Flanders, ſore troubled that his iuggling was diſcouered, yet he determined not to leaue of his enterpriſe, in hope at lengthe to attayne the crowne of England, and ſo gathering a power of al nations, ſome banquerouts, ſome falſe En|gliſh ſainctuarie men, ſome theeues, robbers, and vacabunds, whyche deſiring to liue by rapine, wer glad to ſerue him. And thus furniſhed, tooke ſuch ſhips as his frendes had prouided for him, & departing frõ Flanders towards England, ari|ued vpon ye Kẽtiſh coaſt,Perk [...] [...]tẽp| [...]th to land to Kent. & there caſt anker, pur|poſing to proue how ye people there were affected towards him, & therfore he ſent certayne of his men to lande, to ſignify to the Countrey his a|riual with ſuche a power, that the victorie muſte needs encline to his part. The Kentiſhmen vn|derſtanding ye Perkyn was but Perkin, and had none with him (to make accompt of) but ſtran|gers borne, like faithful ſubiects, determine to fal vpon thoſe that were thus newe come to lande, & eke to trie if they myght allure ye whole num|ber out of their ſhippes, ſo to giue them battaile. But Perkyn wiſely conſidering yt the maner of a multitude, is not to conſult & ſagely to aduyſe with themſelues in any deliberate ſorte, but ſod|deynly & raſhly to run headlong into Rebellion, would not ſet one foote out of his ſhip till he ſaw al things ſure. Yet he permitted ſome of his ſoul|diors to goe on land, which being trayned foorth a pretie way frõ their ſhips, were ſodainly com|paſſed about & beſet of ye Kentiſhmen,Perkin men [...]fated. and at one ſtroke vanquiſhed & driuen backe to their ſhips: of whom ther wer taken priſoners an C.lx. per|ſons,Perkins Cap| [...]nes taken and executed. whereof fiue, Montfort, Corbet, White, Belt, Quintine, or otherwiſe Genin, being cap|taines, were brought to Londõ by ſir Iohn Pe|chy, ſheriffe of Kent, railed in ropes like Horſes, drawing in a cart, and after vpon their arrain|ment, cõfeſſed their offẽce, & were executed, ſome at London, & other in the townes adioining to ye ſea coaſt.Perkin retu| [...]eth into Flã|ders. And thus Perkyn, miſſing of his pur|poſe, fled backe into Flãders. In this very ſeſon departed to God Cicilie Duches of Yorke mo|ther to K. Edward ye .iiij. at hir caſtel of Berk|hãſtere, a womã of ſmal ſtature,The death of Cicely Du|ches of Yorke. but of much ho|nor & high parentage, & was buried by hir huſbãd in ye colledge of Fodringey. The K. being aduer|tiſed ye his enimies were landed, leauing off hys progreſſe, purpoſed to haue returned to London, but being certified the next day of ye lucky ſpeede of his faithfull ſubiects, cõtinued his progreſſe, & ſent ſir Rich. Guylford both to cõmend the fide|litie & manhod of the Kentiſhmen, & alſo to rẽder to thẽ moſt harty thãks for ye ſame. He alſo cau|ſed order to be takẽ for ye erecting of beacons, and watching of them. Perkin then perceiuing that hee ſhoulde not bee receiued in Englande, ſailed into Ireland, truſting there to augment his nũ|bers, and then to returne towards ye coaſt of En|gland again, and to take land in the Weſt coũ|trey, if occaſion ſerued, but if not,Perkin ſaileth into Irelande. thẽ he determi|ned to ſaile ſtraight into Scotl. to ſeeke friẽdſhip ther. After he had therfore ſtayed a while in Ire|lãd, and perceiued yt the hope of victory conſiſted not in ye Iriſh nation, being naked people, wtout furniture of armour or weapon, he tooke ye ſea a|gaine at Corffe, & ſailed into Scotlande, where cõming to the preſence of K. Iames, he forged ſuche a painted proceſſe, to moue him to beleeue that he was the very ſonne of K. Edward, that the Scottiſhe King, whether blinded by error, or vſing diſſimulatiõ, yt he mighte vnder a coulou|rable pretext, make war againſt England, begã to haue Perkin in great honour, and cauſed him openly to bee called Duke of Yorke. And to per|ſwade ye world yt ſo he was indeede,

Katherine daughter to the Earle of Huntlay ma|ried to Perkin


he cauſed the Lady Katherine, daughter to Alexander Erle of Huntley, his nigh kinſmã, to be eſpouſed to him. And ſhortly after, hauing this Perkin with him in cõpany, he entred into England with a puiſ|ſant army, & cauſed proclamation to be made,The Scottiſhe K. inuideth England with a great army in Perkin his behalfe. to ſpare al thoſe yt would ſubmit thẽſelfs vnto Ri|charde D. of Yorke, & heerewith, they began the war in moſt cruel maner, wt ſlaughter of men, brenning of Townes, ſpoiling of houſes, and committing of all other deteſtable enormities, ſo that all the Countrey of Northumberlande, was by them in manner waſted, and de|ſtroyed.

[1] At length, when the ſouldiers were ladẽ with ſpoile, and ſaciate with bloud. perceiuing that no ſuccoures came out of Englãd vnto the new inuented Duke, contrary to that whiche he had made them to beleeue would come to paſſe, they determined to returne, rather with aſſured gaine, than to tarrie ye vncertaine victorie of that coun|terfaite Duke, and ſo therevpon, they withdrew backe into Scotland, enriched with prayes and booties.

[1] It is ſaide, that Perkin Warbecke, beeyng [page 1446] retourned into Scotlande with the Kyng of Scottes, vnder a cloked pretence, ſhould ſore la|mente the greate ſlaughter, ſpoyle, and domage, which had bin done at this laſt roade made into Englande, and therefore as one that bare a na|turall loue towarde his natiue Countrey, be|ſoughte the King of Scottes, that from thence|forth, hee woulde no more ſo deface his naturall Realme, and deſtroy his ſubiects with ſuche ter|rible fire, flame, and hauocke, as who ſhould ſay, he beeing ouercome now with compaſſion, dyd bewayle the cruell deſtruction of his naturall Countrey of England. But the Scottiſh King told him, that he ſeemed to take thought for that which appeared to be none of his, ſith that not ſo much as one Gentleman or yeoman for ought that he coulde ſee, would once ſhewe themſelues ready to ayde hym in the warre begunne for his cauſe, and in his name, within that realme whi|che he pretended ſo cleerely to apperteine to him.

[1] The Kyng of Englande beeing certyfied of this inuaſion, prepared an armye with all dili|gence to haue reſiſted the Scots, but they were returned ere the Engliſhe power could aſſemble togither.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] An. reg. 12. When the King was truely certified that the Scottiſhe King was returned home, hee ſtayed all the preparations made at that time to goe a|gainſt him, but yet meaning to bee reuenged of the wrongs done to hym by King Iames and his people, he firſt called a Parliament, and in that aſſemblie of the three eſtates of his Realm, he declared the cauſe of the inſtant warre, & how neceſſarie it ſhould be for the ſuretie and welth of the realme of England to haue that war purſued againſt thoſe enimies that had begon it. To this motion all the nobilitie wholly agreed. And to the maintenance of that warre, a ſubſidie was by whole aſſent of the parliament freely giuen and graunted. Which payment though it was not great, yet manie of the cõmon people ſore grud|ged to pay ye ſame, as they that euer abhorre ſuch taxes & exactions. At the ſame parliament were diuers acts & ſtatutes made, neceſſarie and expe|dient (as was thought) for the publike weale of the realm.1497 In the meane ſeaſon the K. of Scots perceyuing that the Engliſhmen would ſhortly goe about to reuẽge the iniuries done to them by him and his people, aſſembled eftſoons a puiſſant armie, that he might either defende his realme a|gainſt the Engliſh power, attempting to inuade his countrey, or elſe a freſh to enter into the En|gliſh borders. And thus theſe two mightie prin|ces mynded nothing more than the one to endo|mage the other, But the king of England wold not deferre one houre by his good will til he were reuenged, and therfore prepared a mightie army to inuade Scotland, and ordeyned for chieftayn therof ye lord Daubeney. But as this army was aſſembled, and that the lord Daubeney was for|ward on his iourney towards Scotland, he was ſodainly ſtayed and called backe again by reaſon of a new commotion begon by the Corniſhmen for the paimẽt of the Subſidie which was gran|ted at the laſt parliament.A Rebellion in Cornewall for the pay|ment of a ſubſedie. Theſe vnruly people the Corniſhmen inhabiting in a bareyn country and vnfruitful, at the firſte ſore repined that they ſhould be ſo greuouſly taxed, and burdened the kings counſell as the only cauſe of ſuch polling & pilling. And ſo being in their rage, menaced the chiefe authors with death and preſent deſtructiõ. And thus being in a roare, two perſõs of ye ſame affinitie, the one called Thomas Flammocke, a gentleman, lerned in the lawes of the realme, and the other Mighel Ioſeph a Smith, men of ſtout ſtomacks and high courages, toke vpon them to be captains of this ſeditious cõpanie. They laide the fault & cauſe of this exaction vnto Io. Mor|ton Archbiſhop of Canterbury, & to ſir Reinold Bray, bicauſe they wer chief of the kings coũſel. Such rewards haue they cõmonly yt be in great authority wt kings & princes. The captains Flã|mock and Ioſeph exhorted the cõmon people to put on harneis, & not to be afeard to follow them in that quarell, promiſing not to hurte any crea|ture, but only to ſee them puniſhed that procured ſuch exactions to be layd on the people without any reſonable cauſe, as vnder the color of a little trouble with the Scottes, whiche (ſith they were withdrawne home) they toke to be well quieted and appeaſed. So theſe Captaines bent on miſ|chiefe (were their outward pretẽce neuer ſo fine|ly couloured) perſwaded a great number of peo|ple to aſſemble togither, & condiſcended to do as their Captaines would agree and appoint. Then theſe captaines praiſing much the hardineſſe of the people, whẽ al things were ready for their in|fortunate iourney, ſet forwarde with their ar|my, and came to Taunton, where they ſlew the prouoſt of Peryn, which was one of ye cõmiſſio|ners of ye ſubſedie, & from thẽce came to Welles, ſo intẽding to goe to London, where the K. then ſoiourned. Whẽ the K. was aduertiſed of theſe doings, he was ſomewhat aſtonyed, & not with|out cauſe being thus troubled wt the war againſt ye Scottes, and this ciuil cõmotiõ of his ſubiects at one inſtant, but firſte meaning to ſubdue hys rebellions ſubiects, & after to proceede againſt the Scots as occaſiõ ſhould ſerue, he reuoked the L. Dawbeney (which as you haue hearde) was go|ing againſt the Scottes, & encreaſed his army wt many choſen & piked warriors. Alſo miſtruſting that the Scots might now (hauing ſuch oportu|nitie) inuade ye realme again, he appointed the L. Tho. Howard Erle of Surrey (which after the death of the L. Iohn Dinham, was made hygh [page 1447] treaſorer of Englãd) to gather a band of mẽ in ye countie Palatine of Durham, yt they with ye aid of ye inhabitãts adioining, & the borderers might keepe back ye Scots if they chanced to make any inuaſiõ. The nobles of ye realme hearing of ye re|belliõ of ye Corniſhmẽ, came to Lõdon euery mã wt as many mẽ of war as they could put in a re|dines to aid ye K. if neede ſhould be. In ye which number were ye erle of Eſſex, & the L. Montloy, wt diuers other.Iames Twi|cher Lorde Audeley chief certayne of the Corniſh rebels. In ye mean time, Iames Twi|cher L. Audeley, being confederate with the Re|bels of Cornewall, ioined with thẽ, being come to Welles, & toke vpon him as their chief Cap|tain, to leade them againſt their natural L. and K. Frõ Welles, they went to Saliſbury, & from thẽce to Wincheſter, & ſo into Kent, where they hoped to haue had great aid, but they were decei|ued in that their expectation. For the Earle of Kente, George L. of Burgeiny, Iohn Brooke, L. Cobham, ſir Edw. Poinings, ſir Rich. Guil|ford, ſir Tho. Bourchier, Io. Peche, Wil. Scot, & a great nũber of people, wer not only preſt and ready to defend ye countrey, to keepe the people in due obedience, but bent to fighte with ſuche as would lift vp ſword, or other weapon agaynſt their ſoueraigne Lord, in ſo much, that the Ken|tiſh mẽ would not once come neere the Corniſh men to aid or aſſiſt them in any maner of wiſe. Which thing maruellouſly diſmaid the heartes of ye Corniſhmẽ, whẽ they ſaw themſelues thus deceiued of the ſuccours which they moſt truſted vpõ, ſo ye many of thẽ (fearing ye euil chance that might happen) fled in the night frõ their cõpany, & left thẽ, in hope ſo to ſaue thẽſelues. The Cap|taines of the Rebels perceiuing they coulde haue no help of the Kentiſhmen, putting their onely hope in their owne puiſſance, brought their peo|ple to Blacke heath, a foure miles diſtante from London, and there in a playne on the toppe of an hill, they ordered their battailes, either readye to fight with the K. if he would aſſayle them, or elſe to aſſault the Citie of London, for they thought the K. durſt not haue encountred with them in battaile: but they were deceyued: for the K. al|thogh he had power ynogh about to haue fought with them before their comming ſo neere to the Citie, yet hee thoughte it beſt to ſuffer them to come forward, till he had them farre off frõ their natiue countrey, and then to ſet vpon them being deſtitute of aid in ſome place of aduantage. The Citie was in a great feare at the firſt knowledge giuen, how the Rebels were ſo neere encamped to the Citie, euery man getting himſelfe to har|neys, and placing thẽſelues, ſome at the gates, ſome on the walles, ſo that no parte was vnde|fended: but the K. deliuered ye Citie of that feare: for after that he perceyued how the Corniſhmen were all day ready to fight, and that on the hill, he ſent ſtraight Iohn Earle of Oxford, Henrye Bourchier, Erle of Eſſex, Edmond de la Poole, Earle of Suffolke, ſir Ryſe ap Thomas, and ſir Humfrey Stanley, noble warriors, with a great companye of archers and horſemen, to enuiron the hill on the righte ſide, and on the lefte, to the intent that all bywayes being ſtopped and fore|cloſed, al hope of flight ſhould be taken from thẽ, and incontinently, he himſelfe being as well en|couraged with mãly ſtomacke as furniſhed with a populous army and plenty of artillerie, ſet for|ward out of the Citie, and encamped himſelfe in S. Georges field, where he the Friday at nighte then lodged. On the Saterday in the morning, he ſent the L. Daubeney with a great company to ſet on thẽ earely in the morning, which firſt gote the bridge at Dertford Strand, which was manfully defended by certaine archers of the re|bels, whoſe arrowes as is reported were in lẽgth a full clothyard.Blackheath field. While the Earles ſet on them on euery ſide, the Lord Daubeney came into the field with his companie, and without long figh|ting, the Corniſhmen were ouercome, but firſte they tooke the Lorde Daubeney priſoner, and whether it were for feare, or for hope of fauour, they let him goe at libertie, without hurt or de|triment. There were ſlaine of the rebels whyche fought & reſiſted, aboue two thouſand menne, as Hall noteth,Three hun|dred ſlayne, and a thou|ſand fiue hun|dred taken priſoners, as Iohn Stowe hath. and taken priſoners an infinite nũ|ber, and amongſt them the blacke Smith, and other the chiefe Captaines, which were ſhortely after put to death. When this battel was ended, the K. wanted of al his numbers but three hun|dred, which were ſlayne at that conflict. Some affirme, that the King appointed to haue fought with them, not till the Monday, and preuenting the time, ſet on thẽ on the Saterday before, ta|king the vnprouided, and in no aray of battel, and ſo by that policie obteyned the field and vic|tory. The priſoners as well captaines as other, were pardoned, ſauing the chiefe captaynes and firſt beginners, to whome hee ſhewed no mercye at all.Iames Lorde Audeley be|headed. The L. Audeley was drawen frõ New|gate to the Tower hill in a coate of hys owne armes, paynted vppon paper reuerſed and all to torne, and there was beheaded the four and twẽ|tith of Iune. Tho. Flammock & Mighel Ioſeph were hanged drawen and quartered after ye ma|ner of Traitors, and their heads and quarters were pitched vpon ſtakes, and ſet vp in Londõ, and in other places. Although at the firſt, the K. meant to haue ſent thẽ into Cornewal, to haue bin ſet vp there for a terror to all others, but hea|ring that the Corniſhmen at home were readie to begin a new cõſpiracy, leaſt he ſhould ye more irritate and prouoke them by that diſpleaſaunte ſight, he changed his purpoſe for doubte to wrap himſelfe in more trouble than needed.

[1] [page 1448] An. reg. 13. While theſe things were adoing in England, the K. of Scots beeing aduertiſed of the whole matter & rebellion of the Corniſhmẽ, thought not to let paſſe that occaſion,The Scots in|uade the En|gliſh borders. & the refore hee eftſones inuaded the frontiers of Englande, waſting the countrey, burning townes, and murthering the people, ſparing neither place nor perſon: & whyle his light horſemen were riding to forray and de|ſtroy the Byſhopricke of Durham, and there burned all about, he with an other part of his ar|my, [figure appears here on page 1448] beſieged the Caſtell of Norham.

[1] Foxe biſhop of Durham.The Biſhop of Durham Richard Foxe, be|ing owner of that Caſtell, had well furniſhed it, both with men and munitions aforehand, doub|ting leaſt that would follow which came nowe to paſſe.

[1] The Byſhoppe after that the Scottes made this inuaſion, aduertiſed the King (as then being at London) of all things that chanced in the North parts, and ſent in all poſt haſt to ye Erle of Surrey, to come to the reſcue.

[1] [2] [3] The Earle being then in Yorkeſhire, and ha|uing gathered an army vpon knowledge giuen to hym from the Byſhop, with al diligence mar|ched forward, and after him folowed other noble men out of all the quarters of the North, euerye of them bringing as many men as they coulde gather, for defence of their countrey. Amongſt whom, the chiefe leaders were theſe, Raufe Erle of Weſtmerlãd, Thomas Lord Dacres, Raufe Lord Neuill, George Lord Straunge, Richard Lorde Latimer, George Lorde Lumley, Iohn Lorde Scrope, Henrye Lorde Clifford, George Lord Ogle, William Lord Conyers, Thomas Lord Darcy. Of Knightes, Thomas, Baron of Hilton. Sir William Percy, Sir William Bulmer, Sir William Gaſcoigne, Sir Raufe Bigod, Sir Raufe Bowes, Sir Tho. a Parre, Sir Raufe Ellecker, Sir Iohn Conneſtable, Sir Iohn Ratclif, Sir Iohn Sauill, Sir Tho. Strangweys, & a great nũber of other knightes and Eſquiers beſydes. The whole armye was little leſſe than twentie thouſand men, beſide the nauie, whereof the Lord Brooke was Admirall. When the Scottes had diuers wayes aſſaulted and beaten the Caſtell of Norham, but coulde make no batrie to enter the ſame, they determi|ned of their owne accorde to reyſe the ſiege, and returne, and that ſo much the ſooner in very dede, bycauſe they heard that the Erle of Surrey was within two dayes iourney of them, with a great puiſſance. Wherefore, King Iames reyſed hys ſiege, and returned home into his owne Realme.

[1] [2] [3] When the Earle knew of the Kings returne, he followed him with all haſt poſſible, truſtyng ſurely to ouertake him, and to giue him battayle. When the Earle was entred Scotlande, he o|uerthrewe and defaced the Caſtell of Cawde|ſtreymes, the tower of Hetenhall, the tower of Edingtõ, the tower of Fulden, and he ſent Nor|rey King at armes, to the Captayne of Hayton Caſtel, whiche was one of the ſtrongeſt places betwixt Berwike and Edẽburgh, to deliuer him the Caſtel, which he denied to do, affirming, that he was ſure of ſpeedie ſuccours. The Erle heere|vpon layde his ordinance to the Caſtel, and con|tinually beate it, from two of the clock, till fiue at night, in ſuch wiſe, that they within rendered vp the place, their liues only ſaued. The Earle cauſed his miners to raſe and ouerthrow ye for|treſſe to the playn groũd. The Scottiſh K. was wtin a mile of the ſiege, & both knew it, & ſawe ye ſmoke, but would not ſet one foote forward to ye reſcue. While the Earle lay at Hayton, the K. of Scottes ſent to him Machemont, and an o|ther Herrauld, deſiring him at his election, eyther to fight with whole puiſſance againſt puiſſance, or elſe they two to fight perſon to perſon, requi|ring, that if the victorie fell to the Scottiſh K. that then the Earle ſhould deliuer for his raun|ſome, the town of Berwike, with the fiſhgarthes of the ſame. The Earle made aunſwere heere|to, that the Towne of Berwike was the Kyng his maiſters, and not his, the whiche hee neyther oughte nor woulde lay to pledge, without the King of Englands aſſent, but he woulde guage [page 1449] his bodie which was more precious to him than all the townes of the worlde, promiſing on hys honour, that if he tooke the king priſoner in that ſingular combate, he would releaſe to him all his part of his fine and raunſome, and if it chaunced the king to vanquiſh him, hee woulde gladly pay ſuch raunſome as was conuenient for the degree of an Earle, and thanked him greatly for the offer: for ſurely he thought himſelfe much hono|red, that ſo noble a Prince woulde vouchſafe to admit ſo poore an Erle to fight with him body to body. When he had rewarded and diſmiſſed the Heraulds, he ſet his armie in a readineſſe to abide the comming of the king of Scots, and ſo ſtoode all day.

[1] But K. Iames not regarding his offers, wold neyther performe the one nor the other, fearing to cope with the Engliſh nation in anie cõdition and ſo therevpon fled in the night ſeaſon with all his puiſſance.

[1] Whẽ the Erle knew that the king was reculed and had beene in Scotlande ſixe or ſeuen dayes, being dayly and nightly vexed with continuall wind and raine, vpon good and deliberate aduiſe returned backe to the town of Berwik, and there diſſolued his armie, tarying there himſelf, till hee might vnderſtande further of the Kings plea|ſure.

[1] In the meane time there came an Ambaſſa|dour to the King of Scottes, from the king of [figure appears here on page 1449] Spaine, [...] Ambaſſa| [...] from the king of Spaine [...]eat a peace betwixt Eng|land and Scot|land. one Peter Hyalas, a man of no leſſe learning than witte and policie, to moue and in|treate a peace betweene the two kings of Eng|lande and Scotland.

[1] This Spaniſh Ambaſſador ſo earneſtly tra|uailed in his meſſage to the king of Scottes, that at length he found him conformable to his pur|poſe, and therfore wrote to the king of England, that it would pleaſe him to ſende one of his No|bilitie or counſayle, to be aſſociate with him in concluding of peace with the Scottiſh king. The king of England was neuer daũgerous to agree to any reaſonable peace, ſo it mighte ſtand with his honour, and therfore appoynted the Biſhop of Durham doctor Fox, to go into Scotland about that treatie which Peter Hyalas had begon.

[1] The Biſhoppe according to his commiſſion, went honorably into Scotland, where he, & Peter Hyalas at the town of Iedworth, after iõg argu|ing and debating of matters with the Scottiſhe Commiſſioners, in ſteade of peace concluded a truce for certaine yeares, vppon condition that Iames king of Scottes ſhoulde county Perkyn Werbecke out of his Realme, ſeigniories, and do|minions.

[1] About the ſame time, king Henrie receyued the Ambaſſadours that were ſente to him from the French king, and had bene ſtayed at Douer, tyll the Corniſh Rebelles were vanquiſhed and ſub|dued.

[1] Alſo the lord of Camphire, and other Orators of Philippe Archduke of Auſtriche, and Duke of Burgongne came to him for the concluſion of a|mitie, and to to haue the Engliſh marchantes to reſort againe into their Countrey, whche requeſt being verie agreable to the quietneſſe and wealth of his Realme, and eſpecially at that tyme,The Engliſh marchaunts receyued into Anwerpe with generall Pro|ceſsion. he did fauourably graunt and agree vnto. And ſo did the Engliſhmen reſort again into the Archdukes dominions, and were receyued into Andwerpe with generall Proceſſion: ſo glad was that town of their returne.

[1] Shortly after the concluding of the truce be|twene Englande and Scotland, Perkin War|becke, being willed of the king of Scottes to de|part out of the Scottiſh dominions, ſayled with his wife and and familie into Irelande, there de|termining with himſelfe eyther to repayre into Flaunders to his firſte ſetter vp the Duches of Burgongne, or elſe to ioyne and take part wyth the Corniſhmen.

[1] But howſoeuer it came to paſſe, whileſt hee lay in Ireland, he had knowledge from the Cor|niſh men, that they were readie to renue the warre againe. Wherevpon he minding not to let paſſe ſo fayre an occaſion, hauing with him foure ſmal ſhippes, and not aboue ſixeſcore men,Perkyn War|beck arriueth Cornwell. ſayled into Cornwall, and there landed in the Moneth of September, and came to a Towne called Bod|man, and there did ſo prouoke the wauering peo|ple, what with fayre wordes and large promiſes, that bee gathered to him aboue three thouſande perſons, which immediately called him their cap|taine, promiſing to take his part, and follow him to the death.

[1] [2] Then Perkin well encouraged,Another rebel+lion by the Corniſhmen. made Pro|clamations in the name of king Richarde the fourth, as ſonne to king Edward the fourth. And by the aduice of his three coũſailers, Iohn Her [...] Mercer, a bankrupt, Richard Scelton a Taylor, [page 1450] and Iohn Aſtely a Scriuener determined firſte of al to aſſay the winning of Exceter, and ſo ha|ſting thither he layd ſiege to it, and wanting or|dinaunce to make batterie, ſtudyed all wayes poſſible how to breake the Gates, and what with caſting of ſtones,Exceter aſſaul|ted by Perkyn and the Cor|niſhmen. heauing with yron barres, and kindling of fire vnder the gates, hee omitted no|thing that could be deuiſed for the furtherance of his purpoſe.

[1] The Citizens perceyuing in what daunger they ſtoode, firſt let certaine Meſſengers downe by coardes ouer the wall, that might certifie the king of theyr neceſſitie and trouble.

[1] And herewith taking vnto them boldneſſe of courage, determined to repulſe fire with fire, and cauſed fagottes to be brought and layd to the in|warde part of the gates, and ſet them all on fire, to the intent that the fire being enflamed on both ſides the gates, might as well keepe out their eni|mies from entring, as ſhut in the Citizens from fleeing oute, and that they in the meane ſeaſon might make Trenches and Rampires to defende theyr enimies in ſteade of gates and Bulwarks.Fire repulſed by fire. Thus by fire was the Citie preſerued from fire.

[1] Then Perkyn being of verie neceſſitie com|pelled to forſake the gates, aſſaulted the towne in dyuerſe weake and vnfortified places, and ſet vp Ladders to take the citie. But the Citizens with helpe of ſuch as were come forth of the Countrey adioining to theyr ayde ſo valiantly defended the walles, that they ſlue aboue two hũdred of Per|kyns ſouldiers at that aſſault.

[1] The king hauing aduertiſement of this ſiege of Excetter, haſted forth with his hoſt, in as much ſpeede as was poſſible, and ſent the Lorde Dawbeney with certaine bandes of lyght horſe|men before, to aduertiſe all men of his comming at hande.

[1] But in the meane ſeaſon, the Lord Edward Courtney Erle of Deuonſhire, and the valiaunt Lorde William his ſonne, accompanyed wyth ſir Edmond Carew, ſir Thomas Trencharde, ſir William Courtney, ſir Thomas Fulford, ſir Iohn Halewel, ſir Iohn Croker, Water Court|ney, Peter Egecombe, William Saint Maure, with all ſpeede came into the Citie of Exceter, and holp the Citizens, and at the laſt aſſault was the Earle hurt in the arme with an arrowe, and ſo were many of his companie, but verie fewe ſlaine.

[1] When Perkyn ſaw that he could not winne the Citie of Exceter, ſith the ſame was ſo well fortified both with men and munitions, he depar|ted from thence, and went vnto Taunton, and there the .xx. day of Septẽber he muſtred his mẽ, as though hee were readie to giue battaile: But perceyuing his number to be miniſhed, by the ſe|crete withdrawing of ſundrie companies from him, he began to put miſtruſt in all the remnant. In deede when the people that followed him in hope that no ſmall number of the Nobilitie wold ioyne with him, ſawe no ſuche matter come to paſſe, they ſtale away from him by ſecrete com|panies.

[1] When the king heard that hee was gone to Taunton, he followed after him with all ſpeede. And by the way ther came to him Edward duke of Buckingham, a yong Prince of greate to|wardneſſe, and him folowed a great companie of noble men, knightes and eſquiers, as ſir Alex|ander Baynam, ſir Maurice Barckley, ſir Ro|bert Tame, ſir Iohn Guiſe, ſir Roberte Poyntz, ſir Henrie Vernon, ſir Iohn Mortimer, ſir Tho|mas Tremaile, ſir Edward Sutton, ſir Amyſe Pawlet, ſir Iohn Bickneil, ſir Iohn Sapcotes, ſir Hugh Lutterell, ſir Frauncis Cheyney, and diuerſe other.

[1] At the kings approching to the Towne of Taunton, hee ſent before him Robert Lorde Brooke Lorde Stewarde of his houſe, Giles lord Dawbney his chiefe Chamberlaine, and ſir Rice ap Thomas. But as ſoone as Perkyn was in|formed that his enimies were readie to giue him battaile, hee that nothing leſſe mynded than to fight in open field with the kings puyſſance, diſ|ſembled all the day tyme with his companie, as though nothing could make him afrayde, and a|bout mydnight being accompanied with three|ſcore horſemen, departed from Taunton in poſt to a Sanctuarie town beſide Southampton,Perkin flee [...] and taketh Beaudley San+ctuarye. cal|led Beaudley, and there he and Iohn Heron with other, regiſtred themſelues as perſons priuiled|ged.

[1] When king Henrie knewe that Perkyng was thus fled, he ſent after him the Lorde Dawbney, with fiue hundred horſemen, toward the ſea ſide, to apprehende him before he ſhould get away.

[1] Although Perkyn eſcaped (as I haue ſayde) vnto Sanctuarie, yet many of his chiefe Cap|taynes were taken and preſented to the king.

[1] Alſo the horſemen that were ſent, without a|ſtoppe or ſtay came to Saint Michaels Mount, and there (as chaunce was) found the Lady Ka|therin Gorden, wife to Perkyn, and brought hir ſtreight to the king. At whoſe beautie and ami|able countenance the king much marueyled, and thought hir a pray more meete for a Prince, than for the meane ſouldiours, and ſent hir inconti|nently vnto London to the Queene, accõpanied with a ſort of ſage matrones and gentlewomen, bycauſe ſhe was but yong.

[1] The common people that had followed Per|kyn, after that their chieftaine was fled, threwe away theyr armour as people amazed, and ſub|mitted thẽſelues to the king, humbly beſeeching him of mercie, which hee moſt gently graunted, [page 1451] and receyued them to his fauour.

[1] After this the king road to Exceter, and there not onely commended the Citizens, but alſo har|tily thanked them for doing ſo well their duties in defending theyr citie from his enimies.

[1] He alſo put there to execution diuerſe Corniſh men which were the authours and principall be|ginners of this new conſpiracy and inſurrection.

[figure appears here on page 1451]

[1] And whileſt he remayned at Exceter, he con|ſidered with himſelfe, that hee had done nothing if he could not get into his handes the chiefe head of this trouble and ſeditious buſineſſe. Wherefore he cauſed the Sainctuarie wherein Perkyn was encloſed, to bee enuironed with two bandes of lyght horſemen, to watch diligently that Perkyn ſhoulde not eſcape by any meanes forth of that place vntaken. And withall attempted by fayre promiſes of pardon and forgiueneſſe, if Perkyn woulde ſubmit himſelfe to him and become hys man.

[1] Perkyn perceyuing himſelf ſo ſhutte vp, that hee coulde no way eſcape, [...] ſub| [...] him [...] othe [...] of his owne free will came out of the Sanctuarie, and cõmitted him|ſelfe to the kings pleaſure.

[1] When the king had thus atchieued his pur|poſe, he returned to London, and appoynted cer|taine keepers to attend on Perkyn, which ſhould not (the breadth of a nayle) go from his perſon, leaſt he ſhoulde conueigh himſelfe by any meanes out of the land.

[1] After this the king cauſed enquities to bee made of all ſuch as had ayded with men or mony the Corniſh rebels, ſo that diuerſe perſons aſwell in Somerſetſhire, as Deuonſhire, were detected of that offence, whiche hee mynded for example ſake, ſhoulde taſte ſome part of due puniſhments for theyr crymes, according to the quantitie ther|of.

[...]ts for [...]


And therefore he appoynted Thomas Lorde Darcie, Amys Pawlet knight, & Robert Sher|borne Deane of Poules (that was after Biſhop of Chicheſter) to be Commiſſioners for aſſeſſing of their fines that were founde culpable.

[1] Theſe Commiſſioners ſo beſturred themſel|ues, in toſſing the Coffers and ſubſtaunce of all the Inhabitants of both thoſe ſhyres, that there was not one perſon enbrewed or ſpotted with the filth of that abhominable crime, that eſcaped the paine which he had deſerued: but to ſuch yet as offended rather by conſtraynt than of malice, they were gentle and fauourable, ſo that equi|tye therein was verie well and iuſtly executed.

[1] In this yeare the warre had like to haue bene renued betwixte the Realmes of Englande and Scotland, by a ſmall occaſion, as thus.An. reg. 4.

[1] Certaine yong men of the Scottes came ar|med before Norham Caſtell, and beheld it won|derous circumſpectly, as though they would fain haue beene of counſaile to know what was done therein. The keepers not perceyuing any do|mage attempted agaynſt them for the firſt time, determined not to moue any queſtion to them, or once to ſtyre out.

[1] But when they came againe the nexte daye, and vewed it likewiſe, the keepers of the Caſtell ſuſpecting ſome euill meaning, demaunded of them what their intẽt was, and why they vewed and aduiſed ſo the Caſtell. The S [...]ftes an|ſwered them roughly with diſdainfull wordes, ſo farre forth that the Engliſhmen fell to and re|plyed with ſtrokes, and after many blowes gy|uen and receyued, diuerſe Scots were wounded, and ſome ſlaine, and the reſidue ouermatched with multitude of the Engliſhmen, fled as faſt as their horſes could cary them.

[1] The Scottiſh king hereof aduertiſed, was high|ly diſpleaſed, and in all haſt ſignified to king Hẽ|rie by his Heraulde Marchemount, in what ſort his people to the breache of the truce were vſed [page 1452] and bandled.

[1] King Henrie being not in wil to breake with any of his neighbours, excuſed the matter, affyr|ming that he was not of knowledge to the miſ|demenor of thoſe that had the caſtel in keping, re|quyring the king of Scots not to thinke the truce broken for any thing done without his conſent, promiſing in the worde of a King to enquyre of the truth, and if the offence were founde to bee begon on the partie of the keepers of the Caſtel, he aſſured him that they ſhuld for no meed nor fauor eſcape due correction and puniſhment.

[1] This anſwere though it was more than rea|ſonable, could not pacifie the king of Scots, till the Biſhop of Durham that was owner of the Caſtell of Norham, and ſore lamented that by ſuch as hee appoynted keepers there, the warre ſhould be renued, with ſundrie letters written to the Scottiſh king, at lẽgth aſſwaged his diſplea|ſure, that he wrote courteouſly to the Biſhoppe agayne, ſignifying that bycauſe hee had many ſecrete things in hys mynde, whiche he woulde communicate onelye with hym touching thys matter nowe in variaunce, hee therefore requy|red him to take the payne to come into his coun|trey, truſting that hee ſhoulde thinke hys labour well beſtowed.

[1] The Biſhop was glad, and ſent word here|of to the king his maiſter, who willed him to ac|compliſh the deſire of the Scotiſh king whiche hee tooke to be reaſonable.

[1] At his comming into Scotland, he was cur|teouſly receyued of the king himſelfe at the Abbey of Melroſe. And there after the king had for a countenance complayned muche of the vniuſte ſlaughter of his mẽ lately committed at Norhã, vpon the Biſhops gentle anſweres therevnto, hee forgaue the ſame, and after began to talke ſecret|ly without witneſſes alone with the biſhop. And firſt declared what iuſt cauſes mooued him in ty|mes paſt to ſeeke amitie with the king of Eng|land, which now he deſired muche more to haue confirmed, for the further maintenance & increaſe thereof,Margaret el|deſt daughter to king Henry the ſeuenth. which he doubted not but ſhoulde ſort to a fortunate concluſion, if the king of Englande would vouchſafe to giue to him in matrimonie his firſt begotten daughter the Lady Margaret, vppon whiche poynt hee purpoſed lately to haue ſent his Ambaſſadors into Englãd, which thing he would the ſooner do if he knew the Biſhoppes mynde therin to be readie to further his ſute. The Biſhop anſwered but fewe wordes, ſauing that when he were returned to the king his maiſter, he would do the beſt in the matter that he could.

[1] When the Biſhop was returned into Eng|land, and come to the king, he declared to him al the communication had betweene king Iames and him, from poynt to poynt in order.

[1] The king liked well thereof, as he to whome peace was euer a ſoueraigne ſolace and comfort.

[1] [2] In this meane time Perkin Warbecke diſap|poynted of all hope to eſcape out of the Engliſhe mens hands (which was the onely thing that he moſt deſired)1499 found meanes yet at length to de|ceyue his keepers, and tooke him to his heeles: Perkin War|becke eſcaped from his kee|pers. but when he came to the Sea coaſtes, and could not paſſe, he was in a marueylous perplexitie, for e|uery byway, lane, and corner was layd for hym, and ſuch ſearch made, that being brought to hys wittes ende, and cut ſhort of hys pretenced iour|ney, he came to the houſe of Bethlem, called the Priory of Shene beſide Richmond in Southery, and betooke himſelfe to the Prior of that Mona|ſterie, requiring him for the honour of God to beg his pardon for life, of the kings Maieſtie. The Prior which for the opinion that men had con|ceyued of his vertue, was had in great eſtimatiõ, pitying the wretched ſtate of that caitife, came to the king, and ſhewed him of this Perkyn, whoſe pardon he humbly craued, & had it as freely gran|ted. Incontinently after, was Perkyn brought to the Court againe to Weſtminſter, and was one day ſet fettred in a paire of ſtocks, before the doore of Weſtmynſter hal, and there ſtood a whole day, not without innumerable reproches, mocks, and ſcornings. And the next day he was caryed tho|row London, & ſet vpon a like ſkaffold in Cheape by the ſtandard, with like ginnes and ſtocks as he occupied the day before, & there ſtood al day, & read openly his own confeſſion, written with his own hand, the very copie wherof here enſueth.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] FIrſt it is to be knowne, that I was borne in the towne of Turny in Flanders,The confeſſi+on of Perkin as it was wri [...]+ten with his owne hande & my fa|thers name is Iohn Oſbeck, which ſaid I Oſork was Cõptroller of ye ſayd town of Turney, & my mothers name is Katherin de Faro. And one of my Grandſires vpõ my fathers ſide was named Dirick Oſbeck, which died, after whoſe death my grandmother was maried vnto Peter Flamin, yt was receiuer of the forenamed town of Turney, & dean of the botemen ye row vpõ the water or riuer called le Scheld. And my grandſire vpõ my mo|thers ſide was Pet. de Faro, which had in his ke|ping the keyes of the gate of S. Iohns within the ſame towne of Turney. Alſo I had an vncle cal|led M. Iohn Stalin, dwelling in the pariſh of S. Pias within ye ſame town, which had maried my fathers ſiſter, whoſe name was Ioan or Iane, wt whõ I dwelt a certaine ſeaſon. And after I was led by my mother to Andwarpe for to learn Fle|miſh, in a houſe of a couſin of mine, an officer of the ſayde towne, called Iohn Stienbecke, with whom I was the ſpace of halfe a yere. And after that I returned againe to Turney, by reaſon of warres that were in Flanders. And within a yere folowing I was ſẽt wt a marchãt of ye ſaid town [page 1453] of Turney named Berlo, to the Marte of And|warpe, where I fell ſicke, which ſickneſſe conti|nued vpon mee fiue Monethes. And the ſayde Berlo ſet me to boorde in a ſkinners houſe, that dwelled beſide the houſe of the Engliſh Nation. And by him I was from thence caried to Ba|row Mart, and I lodged at the ſigne of the Olde man, where I abode for the ſpace of two Mo|nethes. And after this the ſayd Berlo ſet me with a marchant of Middleborow to ſeruice, for to learne the language, whoſe name was Iohn Strew, with whom I dwelt from Chriſtmas to Eaſter, & then I went into Portingal in cõpany of ſir Edward Bramptons wife, in a ſhip which was called the Queenes ſhip. And when I was come thither, thẽ I was put in ſeruice to a knight that dwelled in Luſhborne, whiche was called Peter Vacz de Cogna, with whome I dwelled an whole yeare, which ſayde knight had but one eye. And bycauſe I deſired to ſee other Coun|treys, I tooke licenſe of him, and then I put my ſelf in ſeruice with a Briton, called Pregẽt Me|no, which brought me with him into Irelande: and when we were there arriued in the towne of Corke, they of the town, (bicauſe I was arrayed with ſome clothes of ſilke of my ſayde maiſters) came vnto me, and threatned vpon me, that I ſhould be the duke of Clarence ſon, that was be|fore time at Dublin. And foraſmuch as I denied there was brought vnto me the holy Euãgeliſts, and the croſſe, by the Maior of the towne, which was called Iohn Lewellin, & there in the preſence of him & other. I toke mine oth as the truth was, that I was not the foreſayd dukes ſon, nor none of his bloud. And after this came vnto mee an Engliſhman, whoſe name was Steuẽ Poitron, and one Iohn Water, and layd to me in ſwea|ring great othes, that they knew wel that I was king Richards baſtard ſon: to whom I anſwered with like othes, that I was not. And then they aduiſed me not to be afearde, but that I ſhoulde take it vpon me boldly, and if I would ſo do, they would ayd and aſſyſt me with all theyr power a|gainſt the king of England, & not only they, but they were aſſured well, that the Earles of Deſ|mond and Kildare ſhould do the ſame. For they forced not what parte they tooke, ſo that they might be reuenged vpõ the king of England, and ſo agaynſt my will made me to learne Engliſh, and taught me what I ſhould do and ſay. And after this they called me duke of Yorke, ſeconde ſonne to king Edward the fourth, bycauſe king Richardes Baſtarde ſonne was in the handes of the king of Englande. And vpon this the ſayde Water, Stephen Poytron, Iohn Tyler, Hugh|bert Burgh, with many other, as the foreſayde Erles, entred into this falſe quarell, and within ſhort time other. The frẽch king ſent an Ambaſ|ſadour into Irelande, whoſe name was Loyte Lucas, and maiſter Stephen Friham, to aduer|tiſe me to come into France. And thence I went into France, and from thence into Flanders, and from Flanders into Irelande, and from Irelande into Scotland, and ſo into England.

[1] When the night of the ſame day (being the .xv. of Iune) was come, after hee had ſtand all that day in the face of the Citie, he was committed to the Tower, there to remaine vnder ſafe keeping, leaſt happily he might eftſoones runne away, and eſcape out of the lande, to put the king and realme to ſome new trouble.

[1] [2] In this yeare there was an Auguſtine Frier called Patricke in the Parties of Suffolke, An. reg. 15. Patrik an Au|guſtine Frier. which hauing a ſcholer named Raufe Wilford (a Shoo|makers ſonne in London, as Stow noteth) had ſo framed him to his purpoſe, that in hope to worke ſome greate enterpriſe, as to diſappoynt the king of his crowne and ſeate royal,Rauf Wilford the counterfeit erle of War|wike. tooke vpon him to be the Earle of Warwike, inſomuch that both the maiſter and ſcholer hauing counſayled betwene themſelues of their enterpriſe, they went into Kent, and there began the yõg Mawmet to tel priuily to many, that he was the very Erle of Warwicke, and lately gotten out of the Tower, by the helpe of this Frier Patrike. To which ſay|ings when the Frier perceyued ſome lyght cre|dence to be giuen, he declared it openly in the pul|pet, and deſired all men of helpe. But the daun|ger of this ſeditious attempt was ſhortly remoo|ued and taken away, the maiſter and ſcholer be|ing both apprehẽded and caſt into priſon and at|tainted. The ſcholer was hanged on Shroue|tueſday at S. Thomas Waterings, & the Frier condemned to perpetuall priſon. For at that time ſo much reuerence was attributed to the holy or|ders, that to a prieſt although he had committed high treaſon agaynſt his ſoueraigne lorde, his life was ſpared, in like caſe as to any other offender in murder, rape, or theft, that had receiued any of the three higher, holy orders.

[1] [2] Perkin Warbecke (as before ye haue heard) being now in holde,Perkin cor|rupted his keepers. by falſe perſwaſions & great promiſes corrupted his keepers. Strangueys, Blewet, Aſtwood, and long Roger, ſeruants to ſir Iohn Dighy lieutenant of the Tower. Inſo|much that they (as it was at their arraignment openly proued) intended to haue ſlaine their ma|ſter, and to haue ſet Perkin and the erle of War|wike at large. Which Erle of Warwik had bene kept in priſon within the tower almoſt from his tender yeares, that is to wit, from the firſt yere of the king, to this .xv. yeare, out of all company of men, & ſight of beaſts, inſomuch that he could not diſcerne a gooſe from a capon, and therefore by cõ|mon reaſon and opẽ apparance could not of him|ſelf, ſeeke his owne death and deſtruction, but yet [page 1454] by the drift & offence of another he was brought to his death and confuſion, for beeing made pri|uie of this enterpriſe deuiſed by Perkyn and hys complyces, therevnto (as all naturall creatures loue libertie) he aſſented and agreed. But thys craftie deuiſe, and ſubtill ymagination beeing re|uealed, ſorted to none effect, ſo that Perkyn and Iohn Awater ſometyme Maior of Corke in Irelande, one of his chiefe founders, and his [...]on, were the .xvj. daye of Nouember arreigned and condemned at Weſtminſter. And on the .xxiij. day of the ſame moneth,Perkin and Iohn Awater executed at [...]iborne. Perkyn and Iohn A|water were drawne to Tyburne, and there Per|kyn ſtanding on a little ſkaffolde, read his confeſ|ſion as before he had done in Cheape ſide, taking it on his death to bee true. And ſo hee and Iohn Awater aſked the king forgiueneſſe, and dyed pa|ciently.

[1] This was the rewarde of the feyned gloſe and counterfeyte coment of Perkyn Warbecke, the whiche as by his falſe ſurmiſes in his life tyme, had brought many honorable perſonages to their deathes, & vndone many an honeſt man: ſo nowe at his death hee brought other of the ſame ſort to theyr not altogyther vndeſerued puniſhment. And amongeſt other Edwarde Plantagenet the forenamed Earle of Warwicke, which (as the fame went) conſented to breake priſon, and to depart out of the Realme with Perkyn (which in priſoners is high treaſon) was the .xxj. day of the fayde Moneth arraigned at Weſtmynſter be|fore the Earle of Oxforde then high Stewarde of Englande of the ſayde treaſon, which whether it were by inticement and perſwaſion of other, or of his owne free will many doubted, bycauſe of his innocencie) confeſſed the fact, & ſubmitted him|ſelf to the kings mercie. And vpõ his cõfeſſion had his iudgement,Edward Erle of Warwick beheaded. and according therevnto the xxviij. day of Nouember in the yeare .1499. was brought to the Skaffolde on the tower hill, and there beheaded.

[1] The fame after his death ſprang abrode that Ferdinando king of Spaine would make ful cõ|cluſion of the matrimonie to bee had betweene Prince Arthure and the Ladie Katherin daugh|ter to the ſayde Ferdinando, nor ſende hir into England as long as this erle liued. For he yma|gined that ſo long as any Earle of Warwike ly|ued, Englande ſhoulde neuer be purged of ciuill warre and priuie ſedition, ſo much was the name of Warwike in other regions had in feare & iea|louſie.


A great plague

The next yeare after there was a greate plague whereof men died in manye places verie ſore, but ſpecially and moſt of all in the Citie of London where died in that yeare .xxx. thouſande.

[1] The .xxiiij. of Februarie in this .xv. yeare of this kings raigne his thirde ſonne was chriſtened and named Edwarde.

[1] Alſo in this yeare was burned a place of the kings called the Manour of Sheene ſituate nigh [figure appears here on page 1454] the Thames ſide,The menour of Shene brent and Richmond built in place thereof. which he after buylded againe ſumptuouſly, and chaunged the name of Shene and called it Richmond, becauſe his father and he were Earles of Richmond.

[1] The king whether to auoyde the daunger of ſo great and perillous ſickneſſe, then raigning, or to take occaſion to common with the Duke of Burgongne, he perſonally tooke his ſhip at Do|uer in the beginning of May, and ſayled to Ca|lais, whether the Duke of Burgongne, ſent to him honourable perſonages in Ambaſſade to welcome him into thoſe partyes,King Henrie the ſeuenth ſayleth to Caleys. and to declare that the ſayde Duke woulde gladly repayre per|ſonally to his preſence with ſuche a number as the King ſhoulde appoynt, ſo that it were with|in no walled towne nor fortreſſe. For hauing de|nyed the Frenche king to enter into anye of hys fortreſſes to talke with him, hee woulde be loth nowe to giue a preſident to him to deſire the lyke meeting. The kng enterteyning the Ambaſſa|dours, and thanking the Duke of hys courte|ous offer, appoynted the place at Saint Peters Church without Calais.

[1] Vpon Tueſday in Witſon weeke the Arch|duke Philippe came thither with a conuenient companie.The king of Englãd & the Duke of Bur|gongne [...]e at ſaint Peters church with|out Cale [...]. The King and the Queene with ma|ny a luſtie Lorde and Ladie road thither to wel|come him, and after moſte louing enterteyn|ments, banquettings, myrth and paſtime ſhewed amongeſt them there was communication of maryages, treating of further ſtrengthning of leagues, requeſtes of tolles in Flaunders to be miniſhed, with many other things touching the commoditie and traffike of both their countreys. And when all things were ſet in order, the two Princes tooke theyr leaue and departed, the King to Calays, and the Archduke to Saint Omers.

[1] After hys departyng, there came Ambaſſa|dours from the French King the Lorde Gron|thouſe [page 1455] gouernour of Pycardie, and the Lorde Merueiliers bailife of Amyens, which declared to the king the getting of Millane and taking of the Duke, the Kyng highly feaſted them, and re|warded them princely at their departing.

[1] An. reg. 16. Soone after when the death was ſlaked, the king returned againe into Englande aboute the ende of Iune. Shortly after there came to him one Gaſper Pons a Spaniard, a man of excellent learning and moſt ciuill behauiour, ſent from A|lexander the Biſhop of Rome to diſtribute the heauenly grace (as he termed it) to all ſuche as letted by any forcible impedimẽt, [...] of Iu| [...]. could not come to Rome that yeare to the Iubile, whiche was there celebrate, being the yeare after the byrth of our Sauiour .1500.

[1] [2] This beneuolent liberalitie was not altogy|ther freely gyuen. For Alexander looking to the health of mennes ſoules, thought to do ſomewhat for his owne priuate commoditie, and therfore he ſet a certaine price of that his grace and pardon, and to the ende that the king ſhoulde not hynder his purpoſe, he offred part of his gaine to the king. And to colour the matter with ſome fauourable pretext, and to make men the better willing and more readie to gyue frankly, hee promyſed wyth that money to make warre agaynſte the Turke.

[1] By this meanes the Pope got a great maſſe of money, and yet nothing done agaynſte the Turke, which in the meane ſeaſon did much hurt to the Chriſtians: but God amende all that is a|miſſe.

[1] About this time died three Biſhops in Eng|land Iohn Morton Archbiſhop of Canterburye Thomas Langton Biſſhop of Wyncheſter, and Thomas Rotheram Archbiſhop of Yorke. After him ſucceeded Thomas Sauage Biſhop of Lõ|don, a man of great honour and worthineſſe: in whoſe place ſucceeded William Warham, of whõ before is made mention. And Henry Deane Biſhop of Saliſburie, was made Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and Richarde Foxe was remoued from Durham to the ſea of Wincheſter.

[1] Alſo this yeare two notable mariages were concluded, but not conſummate till afterwards, as you ſhall heare in place conuenient. For king Henrie graunted his daughter Ladie Margaret to Iames the fourth king of Scottes.


[...] to [...]d Spaine And [...] to Ar| [...] Prince [...]es.

And Fer|dinando king of Spaine, gaue his daughter La|die Katherine to Arthure Prince of Wales, ſon and heyre apparaunt to the king of England.

[1] Among other articles of the maryage con|cluded with the Scottiſh king this was one, that no Engliſh men ſhoulde be receyued into Scot|lãd without letters cõmendatorie of their ſoue|raigne Lord or ſafeconduct of his Wardaine of the Marches, and the ſame prohibition was in like maner giuen to the Scottes.

[1] This yeare the Ladie Katherine of Spaine was ſent by hir father King Ferdinando with a puiſſant nauie of ſhippes into Englande,An. reg. 17. The fourth of October as Stow hath noted. where ſhe arriued in the Hauẽ of Plimmouth the ſecond day of October then being Saterday.

[1] Vpon the .xij. of Nouember ſhe was conueyed from Lambeth through London with all try|umph and honour that myght be deuiſed to the Biſhops Palaice, the ſtreetes beeing hanged and Pageants erected after the maner as is vſed at a coronation.

[1] Whileſt this Ladie ſoiourned for hir recrea|tion in the Biſhops Palaice of London, being in the meane time viſited of the king, the Queene, and the kings mother, there was erected in the bodie of S. Pauls Church a long bridge made of Tymber, extending from the Weſt doore of the Churche to the ſteppe at the entring into the Queere, which was ſixe foote from the grounde. On the ſayd bridge or ſtage, euen directly before the cõſiſtorie of the church was a place raiſed like a Mount for eight perſons to ſtand vpon, cõpaſ|ſed round about with ſteps to aſcend and deſcend, which was couered with fine red worſted, and in like wiſe were all the rayles of the ſayd ſtage. On the north ſide of this mount was a place decked & trymmed for the King and Queene, and ſuch o|ther as they appoynted to haue. On the South|ſide the ſame Mounte ſtoode the Maior and the Magiſtrates of the Citie.

[1] When all things were prepared and ſet in or|der vpon the .xiiij. of Nouember then being Sun|day, the foreſayde Ladie was ledde to the ſayde Mounte,The ſolemni|zation of the mariage be|twene Arthur prince of Wa|les & Katherin daughter to the king of Spaine. and there Prince Arthur openly eſpou|ſed hir, both being clad in White, both luſtie and amorous, he of the age of fiftene and more, and ſhe of the age of .xviij. or thereaboutes, the King and Queene ſtanding priuilye on theyr ſtage.

[1] [2] After the matrimonie celebrate, the prince and his wife went vp into the Quere, and there heard a ſolemne Maſſe ſung by the Archbiſhop of Can|terbury, aſſociate with .xix. Prelates mytred. And after the Maſſe finiſhed, the Bryde was ledde homewardes to the Biſhoppes Palayce by the Duke of Yorke, being then a goodly yong prince, and the Legate of Spaine. Next after fol|lowed the Ladie Cicile, ſiſter to the Queene, ſupporting the trayne of the ſpouſe. But to ſpeake of all the ſolemne pompe, noble compa|nie of Lordes and Ladies, and what a ſump|tuous feaſt and plentifull, was kept with daun|cing and diſguiſings, woordes myght ſooner fayle than matter worthye of rehearſall. But euery day endeth, and nyght enſueth, and ſo when nyght was come, the Prince and his beau|tifull Bride were brought and ioyned togyther [page 1456] in one bedde, where they lay as man and wife all that night.

[1] Shortly after the king and the Queene, with the newe wedded ſpouſes went from Baynards Caſtell by water to Weſtminſter, on whom the Maior and communaltie of London, in barges gorgeouſly trymmed gaue their attendance. And there in the Palace were ſuch martiall feates, va|liant [figure appears here on page 1456] iuſtes, vygorous turneys & ſuch fierce fight at the barriers as before that time was of no man had in remembraunce. Of this royall triumph Lord Edward Duke of Buckingham was chief chalenger, and Lorde Thomas Gray Marques Dorcet cheife defender, which with their aydes & companions bare themſelues ſo valiantly, that they got great praiſe and honor, both of the Spa|niards, and of their owne countrymen.

[1] During the time of theſe iuſtes and triumphs, were receyued into London, an erle, a biſhop, and diuerſe noble perſonages ſente from the king of Scots into England for concluſion of the mari|age betwene the Lady Margaret and him, which Erle by proxie, in the name of king Iames hys maiſter,

Margaret el|deſt daughter to king Henry affied to Iames king of Scots.


affyed and contracted the ſayde Ladie. Which affiance was publiſhed at Paules croſſe, the day of the conuerſion of Saint Paule, in re|ioycing whereof Te Deum was ſoong, and great fiers made through the Citie of London.

[1] Theſe things being accompliſhed, the Am|baſſadours as well as Spaine as Scotland, tooke their leaue of the King, and not without great rewardes returned into their countreys.

[1] When the Ambaſſadours were departed, he ſent his ſon Prince Arthur again into Wales, to keepe that Country in good order, appoynting to him wiſe and expert Counſaylers, as ſir Ry|charde Poole his kinſman, which was his chiefe Chamberlayne, alſo ſir Henrie Vernon, ſir Ry|charde Croftes, ſir Dauid Philip, ſir William Vdall, ſir Thomas Englefield, ſir Peter New|ton, knightes, Iohn Walleſton, Henry Marion, and Doctor William Smith, preſident of his counſaile, and doctor Charles, of the which two doctors, the one was after Biſhop of Lincolne, and the other Biſhop of Hereford.

[1] A few monethes before the maryage of prince Arthur, Edmonde de la Poole Earle of Suffolke ſonne to Iohn Duke of Suffolke, and Ladie E|lizabeth ſiſter to king Edward the fourth, beeing balde and caſhe withall, was indyted of mur|ther, for ſleaing of a meane perſon in his rage and furie, and although the king pardoned him whom hee might iuſtly haue put to death for that of|fence, yet bycauſe he was brought to the barre a|fore the kings Bench,Edmonde Erle of S [...] flieth into flaunders and arraigned (which fact he tooke as a greate maime and blemiſhe to hys honour) ſhortly after vpon that diſpleaſure hee fledde into Flaunders vnto his Aunte the Ladie Margaret, the king not being priuie to his go|ing ouer. Neuertheleſſe, whether he was per|ſwaded by his friends therevnto, whom the king hadde wylled to deale with hym therein, or whether vpon truſt of his innocencie, true it is that he returned againe, and excuſed himſelfe to the king, ſo that he thought hym to be guiltleſſe of anye cryme that myght bee obiected agaynſt him.

[1] But when the maryage betwixt the prince and the Ladie Katherin of Spaine was kept at London, this Erle eyther for that he had paſſed hys compaſſe in exceſſiue charges and ſumptu|ouſneſſe at that great tryumph and ſolemnitie, and by reaſon thereof was farre run into debt, ey|ther elſe through the procurement of his aunt the foreſayd Lady Margaret, or pricked with ſome priuie enuie, which could not paciently with open eyes behold king Henry, being of the aduerſe fac|tion to his lignage ſo long to reigne in wealth [page 1457] and felicitie, in concluſion with his brother Ry|charde fled again into Flaunders.

[1] [2] This departure of the Earle ſore vexed the king, doubting of ſome newe trouble to enſue thereof. But yet to vnderſtande the full meaning of the ſayd Erle, the King vſed his olde ſerche for immediately after the Erle was fled, he ap|pointed ſir Robert Curſon whom he had aduan|ced to the order of knighthoode, and made Cap|taine of Hammes Caſtell, a valiant man, and a circumſpect, to diſſemble himſelfe to bee one of that conſpiracie, went into Flaunders, to eſpie what was done there by the Ladie Mar|garet, and his Nephewe the Earle of Suf|folke.

[1] After that the ſayde ſir Robert Curſon was thus gone into Flaunders, the king to put hym out of al ſuſpition with the ſaid ladie Margaret & the Earle, cauſed the ſayde Earle, and ſir Robert Curſon, and fiue perſons more to be accurſed at Paules Croſſe, the firſt Sunday of Nouember, as enimies to him and his realme.

[1] To be briefe, the king by this meanes, and o|ther ſuch diligent inquiſition as hee made, tryed out ſuch as he ſuſpected partly to be deuiſers of miſchiefe agaynſt him, and partly to beare no ſincere affection towardes his perſon, ſo that hee coulde readilye name them, whereof a greate parte were within fewe dayes apprehended and taken.

[1] And amongeſt them William Lorde Court|ney, ſonne to the Earle of Deuonſhire, whiche had maryed the Ladie Katherine, daughter to king Edwarde the fourth, Lorde William de in Pole, brother to the foreſayde Erle of Suffolk, ſir Iames Tyrrell, ſir Iohn Wyndam. Both the Williams were rather taken of ſuſpition, bicauſe they were ſo neare of kinne to the Conſpyrates, than for any proued matter. But Sir Iames Tyrrell, and Iohn Windam, bycauſe they were traytours,Tyrrell and Windam beheaded. and ſo attaynted, the ſixt day of May after theyr apprehenſion, they were on the tower hill beheaded.

[1] When the Earle of Suffolke hearde what fortune thus happened to his friendes, as one in vtter diſpayre to haue anye good ſucceſſe in hys pretenſed enterprice, wandred about all Germa|nie, and France, to purchaſe ſome ayde and ſuc|cour, if by any meanes hee myght. But when hee perceyued no ſtedfaſte grounde to eatche an|chor holde vpon, he ſubmitted himſelfe vnder the Protection of Philip Archduke of Auſtriche. But his brother Richarde being a politique man, ſo wiſely ordred himſelf in this ſtormy tempeſt, that he was not entrapped either with net or ſnare.

[1] [2] The king not yet out of all doubt of ciuill ſe|dition, bycauſe a great number of euill diſpoſed perſons partakers of this conſpiracie, w [...]ll fledde into [...]rie Sanctuaries, dem [...] to haue al the Gates of Sainctuaries and places priuiledged [...] and lo [...]ked vp, ſo that [...] ſhoulde iſſue one from thence to p [...]turb [...] and vnquye [...] him. And for [...]he [...]ntent he wrote vnto Pope Alexan|der, ofſtring him by his authoritie to adiudge all Engliſh menne being fledde to Sainctuarie for the offence v [...]aſ [...] [...] enimyes to the Chriſti|an ſayth, [...]ng and prouyding the re|fuge and priuiledge of Sainctuarie, to all ſ [...] as once ha [...] enioyed the libertie and protection of the [...]ame, and after had ſle [...]de but, and eftſoones returned againe. Whiche thing after that the Pope had graunted,Sanctuation reſtrayned. turned to the great qu [...]t|neſſe of the King and his Realme. For [...]ye that had offended, for ſome to fall into daunger, returned to the due [...]ſtion of theyr Princes, and order [...] were yet from peryll, [...]e not hazarde themſelues ſo [...]ly as they durſt haue done before, vpon hope of ſuche ſt [...]tyng holes.

[1] When the king had [...] [...]led [...]ings to his owne contentation and p [...]e, there ſodainly happened to him a lamentable chaunce. For that noble Prince Arthure, the [...]ings firſt begotten ſonne, after he had been maryed to the lady [...]a|theryn his wife, [...] ſpace of that monethes,The death of Arthur Prince of Wales. [...]e par|ted out of this it [...]r if [...] in his [...]affel of Lud|low, and with great [...], was ban|ed in the Cathedrall Church at Worceſter.

[1] His brother the Duke of Yorke was ſtayed from the tylle of Prince by the [...]e of a mo [...], till to women it might appeare whether the La|die Katheryn wyfe to the ſayde Prince Arthure was conceyued with childe or not.

[1] In [...] xviij. yeare, the .xxiiij. day of Ianua|rie,An. reg. 18. a quarter of an houre afore three of the clocke at after [...]e of the ſame day,1503 the ſtill ſtone of our ladie Chapel within ye Monaſterie of Weſt|mynſter, was layde by the handes of Iohn Iſ [...]ip Abbot of the ſame Monaſterie, Sir Reigna [...]e Bray [...]ight of the [...]a [...], [...]or Barnes ma|ſter of the [...]lles, Doctor Wall, Chaplayen to the kings Maieſtie, Maiſter Hugh O [...]ham, Chaplayne to the Count [...] of Derbie & Rich|mond the kings mother, the Edwarde Stanhope knight, and diuerſe other.

[1] Vpon the ſame ſtone was this ſcripture engra|uen. P [...]ſti iſs [...] Henrieus ſeptimus rex Ang [...]ra & Franciae, & Dominus Hibernaie, poſur hanc petram in hon [...]e beatae vng [...] Maria. 24. [...]e [...]|nuarij, anno domini 1502. [...]no dic [...] Reg [...]s Hen|rier ſepriums, decimo octauo.

[1] Queene Elizabeth lying within the Tower of London, was brought a bed of a fayre [...]|der on Candlemaſſe day, which was there chri|ſtened and named Katherin, and the .xj. of the ſame month the ſayd Queene there deceaſed, and [page 1458] was buryed at Weſtminſter, whoſe daughter al|ſo lyued but a ſmall ſeaſon after hir mother.

[1] The .xviij. of Februarie the king at his Pa|lace of Weſtminſter created his onely ſonne Henrie Prince of Wales, Earle of Cheſter, &c. who afterwardes ſucceeded his father in poſſeſ|ſion of the regall Crowne of this realme.

[1] Moreouer, this yeare alſo, after the deceaſſe of that noble Queene, for hir vertue commonlye called good Queene Elizabeth, departed oute of thys worlde alſo ſir Reignalde Bray knight of the Garter,Sir Reignold Bray his death a very father of hys Countrey, for his high wiſedome and ſingular loue to iu|ſtice well worthie to beare that tytle. If any thing had beene done amyſſe, contrarie to lawe and equitie,Iuſt commen|dacions of Morton Arch|biſhop of Canterbury and Sir Rey|nold Bray. hee woulde after an humble ſorte plainely blame the King, and giue hym good ad|uertiſement, that he ſhould not onely refourme the ſame, but alſo hee more circumſpect in any o|ther the lyke caſe.

[1] Of the ſame vertue and faythfull plainneſſe was Iohn Morton Archbiſhop of Canterburie, whiche dyed (as is ſhewed aboue) two yeares before.

[1] So theſe two perſõs were refrainers of yt kings vnbrydeled libertie, where as the common people ignorant altogyther of the truth in ſuche mat|ters, iudged and reported, that the counſayle of thoſe two worthie perſonages, corrupted ye kings cleane and immaculate conſcience, contrarie to his princelye diſpoſition and naturall inclyna|tion. Suche is euer the errour of the common people.

[1] About this tyme dyed Henrie the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, whoſe rowmth Doctor Willi|am Warham Biſhop of London ſupplyed. And to the Sea of London William Barnes was appoynted, and after his death ſucceded one Ri|chard Fitz Iames.

[1] This yeare alſo the Lorde Cazimire Mar|ques of Brandenburg, accompanyed with an Erle, a Biſhop, and a great number of gentlemẽ well apparailed, came in ambaſſade frõ the Em|peror Maximilian, & were triumphantly receiued into Lõdon, & lodged at Croſbies place.

[1] [2] Theyr Meſſage was for three cauſes, one to comfort the King in hys tyme of heauineſſe for the loſſe of hys wyfe. The ſeconde for the renu|ing of amitie, and the olde league. The thirde (which was not apparant) was to moue the king to marrye the Emperours daughter, the Ladie Margaret, Duches dowager of Sauoy. The two firſt tooke effect. For the King vpon Paſſi|on Sunday road to Paules in great triumph, the ſayd Marques ryding on his left hand. And there the Bi. made to the K. an excellent conſolatorie oration concerning the death of the Queene. And there alſo the king openly ſware to keepe the new renouate league & amitie during their two [...] But the third requeſt (whether theire was on the mans ſide, or the womãs) neuer ſ [...]ted to any cõ|cluſion. The Ladie Margaret the kings daugh|ter, a [...]ied (as ye haue heard) to the king of Scots, was appointed to be conueyed into Scotland, by the Erle of Surrey: and the Erle of Northũber|land, as wardẽ of the Marches, was cõmaunded to deliuer hir at the confines of both the realmes. And ſo herevpon after hir comming to Berwike, ſhe was cõue [...]ed to Lamberton kirke in Scotlãd, where the king of Scots, with the flower of al the nobles and gentlemen of Scotland was readie to receyue hir, to whom the Erle of Northumber|land (according to his commiſſion) deliuered hir.

[1] [2] The ſayd Erle of Northumberland that day, what for the ryches of his coat being goldſmithes work, garniſhed with pearle and ſtone, and what for the galiant apparell of his Hen [...]men, & braue trappers of his horſe, beſide foure. C. talmen well horſed and apparalled in his colours, was a [...]ed both of the Scots and Engliſh men, more like a Prince than a ſubiect. From Lamberton, the foreſayd Ladie was conueyed to Edenbourgh,The mariag [...] betwene the king of Sco [...] and Lady margaret king Henry eldeſt daugh|ter. & there the day after, king Iames the fourth, in the preſence of all his nobilitie, eſpouſed hir, & feaſted the Engliſh Lordes, and ſhewed iuſtes and other paſtimes very honorably, after the faſhion of that coũtrey. And after all things were finiſhed accor|ding to their cõmiſſion, the erle of Surrey withal ye engliſh lords & ladies, returned into their [...]ey.

[1] In this yere the king kept his high Court of Parliament, in the which,An. reg. [...] diuers acts eſtemed ne|ceſſarye for the preſeruation of the cõmon wealth were eſtabliſhed, & amongſt other, it was e [...] that theeues & murderers duely conuicted by the law to die, and yet ſaued by theyr bookes, ſhoulde be committed to the Biſhops cuſtodie.

[1] [2] After this, a ſubſedie was granted, both of the temporaltie, and ſpiritualty, & ſo that Parliamẽt ended. But the king now drawing into age, and willing to fill his cheſts with abundance of trea|ſure, was not ſatiſfied with this only ſubſedie, but deuiſed an other meane how to enrich himſelfe,1504 as thus. He conſidered that the Engliſh man little regarded the keeping of penal lawes, and pre [...]ial ſtatutes, deuiſed for the good preſeruation of the common welth, wherfore he cauſed inquiſition to be made of thoſe that had tranſgreſſed any of the ſame lawes, ſo that there were but few noble mẽ, marchants, farmers, huſbandmen, groſ [...]ts, or oc|cupiers, that coulde clearely proue themſelues faultleſſe, but had offended in ſome one or other of the ſame lawes.

[1] [2] At the firſt they that were found guiltie were eaſily fined. But after there were appointed two maſters & ſurueyers of his forfeyts, the one ſir Ri. Empſon, & the other Edmõd Dudley, both lerned [page 1459] in the lawes of the realme; who, meanyng to ſatiſfie their princes pleaſure and to [...]e their com|miſſion executed to the vttermoſte ſe [...]ed, litle to reſpect the perill that might [...] [...]ſ [...]. Wherevpon they hering furniſhed with a ſort of [...] commonly called Pro [...]ters, [...]ters. or as they them|ſelues will be named [...], troubled ma|ny a man, whereby they wa [...] them great ha|tred, and the King by ſuche rig [...] [...] kings laſt the loue and [...], which [...] peo|ple before time had bene towardes him, ſo that he for ſetting th [...] worke, [...] they for [...]ng of it in ſuche extreeme wiſe, [...]an into obloqu [...] the ſubiectes of this realme.

[1] A [...] re. [...] A [...]we coyne of ſyluer was ordeyned of Grotes and halfe Grotes, and ſome [...]e [...] of the value of twelue pens were then ſtamped, [figure appears here on page 1459] althoughe verye fewe of that ſort [...] came a|broade.

The king after he had gotten a greate [...]ſſe of money,1505 togyther, hauing pitie of the people which oppreſſed with the ſharp proceedings of his greedie officers, cried dayly to God for vẽgeance, ment to haue depriued them of theyr offices (as ſome write) and that ſuche money as had beene violently [...]acted, ſhoulde haue beene reſtored and deliuered againe if hee had not beene preuen|by death. And yet by his laſt will, he commaun|ded that it ſhould be duly and truly perfourmed; but in the meane ſeaſon manye mens Coffers were e [...]tied.

An. reg. 21. In this verie ſeaſon, and the yeare of our lord 1506. Elizabeth Queene of Caſtile dyed without iſſue male,1506 by reaſon whereof, the inheritaunce of Caſtile (bycauſe that kingdome is not partible) deſcended to Ladie Iane his eldeſt daughter by king Ferdinando, the which was maryed to Phi|lippe Archeduke of Auſtriche. Wherefore the yeare following, about the ſixth day of Ianuarie, hauing a great nauie prepared, he intituled nowe king of Caſtile, ſayled out of Flaunders with his wife towardes Spaine, but by a mightie tempeſt of winde and ſoule [...] the whole nauy was diſperſed and ſp [...]nkled [...] in diuerſe places on the coaſt of Englande, the kings ſhippe with two other Veſſelles, were [...] by tempe [...]on the we [...] part of the Realme, to the Port of W [...]|mont in Dor [...]yr [...]

The king [...] with the to [...] of the [...] that [...] [...]o the minde of his Co [...] [...]ame a bunde [...] refreſh himſelfe.

Who [...] it was know at that ſtraunge ſhippes [...] arriued in that place,Philip Arch|duke of Auſ|trich landeth in the weſt partes of Englande. [...] co [...] thither a great [...], [...]ll of [...] of the count [...] [...] to be enimies. But [...] that the king of Spa [...] was then [...] of weather, ſir Thomas [...]ard [...]igh [...] [...] of the company [...] with great [...]bleneſſ [...] vn|to him, and did what he could to haue him to his houſe [...] being not [...]re off, and ſo to cauſe him to ſtay, [...]ll ſuch [...]m [...] king Henrye [...]ight be [...]ry|tified of his arriuall, to whom with [...] he ſent diuerſe poſts to aduertiſe him of K. Philip [...] landing.

In this meane while came people [...] all [...]des, vppon and [...] of the [...]ſinge Princes comming. And [...]g other th [...] ca [...] ſir Iohn Ca [...], with a goodly and of [...]. Which ſir Iohn, and ſir Thomas Trenth [...]+treated the king of Caſt [...] [...] to depart vntil ſuch time as he had ſpo [...] with the king.

The king of Caſtile excuſed him by neceſſitie of his weightie enterpri [...] [...] when he perceyued that if he would proffer to go [...]bourde to [...] ſh [...] againe, he might bee lett [...] and was likeſo to be, [...] thought good rather to aſſent to their humble requeſt, and ſo ſeeme to gratifie them, tha [...] by dr [...]ying it, to procure their euill willes, and returned the nearer of his purpoſe.

[1] When king Henrie and enfourmed of hys landing, hee was ryght glad thereof, and wente vnto Sir Iohn Gar [...], land to Sir Thomas Trencharde [...] they ſhoulde entertayne hym in the moſt [...] they coulde deuiſe, [...] he might come himſelf in perſon to welcom him.

[1] Beſide this, he ſent the Earle of Arun [...] with many Lordes and knights to attende vpon him. Which Erle according to the kings letters [...]ecei|ued him with three hundred horſes, all by thre [...] light, to the great admiration of the ſtrangers.

[1] King Philip ſeeing no remedie but that hee muſt needes tary, woulde no longer gaſe after King Henryes comming. out tooke hys iourney towardes Wyndſore Caſtell, where the King lay, and fiue myle from Windſore the Prince of Wales accompanied with fiue Erles, & diuerſe Lordes and knights, and other to the number of fiue hundred perſons gorgeouſtye apparayled, [page 1460] receyued him after the moſt honourable faſhion. And within halfe a myle of Wyndſore, the king accompanied with the Duke of Buckingham, and a great parte of the nobilitie of thys Realme welcomed him, and ſo conueyed to him to the Ca|ſtell of Wyndſore, where hee was made compa|nion of the noble order of the Garter.

[1] After him came to Wyndſore his wife Queene Iane, ſiſter to the Princes Dowager, [...]e wife to Prince Arthure.

[1] After the two kings had renued and confir|med the league and amitie betwixt them, King Henrie deſired to haue Edmond de la Poole Erle of Suffolke to be deliuered into hys handes. To whome the King of Caſtile aunſwered, that he [...]e [...]ly was not wythin hys Dominion, and therefore it lay not in him to delyuer hym. In deede he was loth to be the authour of his death, that came to him for ſuccour, and was receyued vnder his protection, yet vppon the earneſt re|queſt and aſſured promiſe of king Henrie (that he would pardon him of all executions and paynes of death) he graunted to king Henryes deſire. And ſo incontinently cauſed the ſayde Earle ſecretly to be ſent for.

[1] [2] After this to protract ty [...], till he were poſ|ſeſſed of his pray, king Henrie conueyed the king of Caſtile vnto the Citie of London, that hee might ſee the heade Citie of his Realme, & there ledde hym from Baynards Caſtell by Cheape to Barking, and ſo returned by Walling ſtreete againe, during whiche tyme there was ſhot out of the Tower a wonderfull peale of Ordinance. But he woulde not enter into the Tower, by|cauſe (as ye haue hearde before) hee had [...]owed not to enter the Forteſſe of of any foraine Prince, in the which a garniſon was mainteyned.

[1] From London the King brought him to Richmonde, where many notable feares of ar|mes were prooued both of tylte, iourney, and barriers.

[1] In the meane ſeaſon the Earle of Suffolke perceyuing what hope was to be had in forraine Princes, and truſting that after hys lyfe to him once graunted, king Henrie would briefly ſet him at his full libertie, was in maner contented to re|turne agayne into his natiue countrey.

When all partes and couenaunts betweene the kings of Englande and Caſtile were ap|poynted, concluded, and agreed, king Philippe tooke hys leaue of king Henrie, yeelding to hym moſt heartye thankes for hys highe cheare and Princely entertaynment. And being accompa|nyed with dyuerſe Lordes of Englande, came to the Citie of Exceter, and ſo to Falmouth in Cornwale, and there taking ſhippe ſayled into Spaine, where ſhortly after hee dyed being .xxx. yeares of age.

He was of ſtature conuenient,The death [...] deſeri p [...] Philip king [...] Spaine. of counte [...] amiable, of bodie ſomewhat groſſe, quick witted, bolde and hardie ſtomacked.

[1] [2] The tempeſt that he ſuffered on the Sea, was huge and wonderfull alſo vpon the lande, inſo|much that the violence of the wynde blew downe an Eagle of Braſſe, being ſet to ſhewe on which part the wynde blewe, from a pynacle or Spi [...]e of Paules Churche, and in the falling the ſame Eagle brake and battered an other Eagle that was ſet vppe for a ſigne at a Tauerne d [...]re in Cheape ſide. And herevpon men that were gi|uen to geſſe things that ſhoulde happen by [...]|king of ſtraunge tokens, deemed that the Empe|rour Maximilian which gaue the Eagle ſhould ſuffer ſome greate myſfortune, as hee old [...]|ly after by the loſſe of hys ſonne, the ſayde king Philip.

[1] Alſo ſhortlye after the departing of Kyng Philippe, the King of Englande beganne to ſuſpect Sir George Neuill Lorde of Burgey|nye, and Sir Thomas Greene of Greenes Nor|ton, as partakers in the begynning of the con|ſpiracie, wyth the Earle of Suffolke, and ſo vp|on that ſuſpition, they were commaunded to [...] Tower. But ſhortly after, when they had [...] tryed and pourged of that ſuſpition, hee commaunded them both to be ſet at libertie. But ſir Thomas Greene fell ſicke before, and remay|ned in the Tower, in hope to be reſtored to hys health as well as to his libertie, but by death he was preuented.

[1] This yeare the King beganne to be diſeaſed of a certayne infyrmitte,An. reg. [...] whiche [...]hri [...] euerye yeare, but eſpecially in the Spring tyme ſore [...]e [...]d him, and bycauſe for the moſte parte the harme that chaunceth to the Prince, is parted wyth his Subiectes, the [...]ting ſickeneſſe, whiche (as yee haue hearde) in the fyrſt yeare of this king, fyrſt afflicted the people of this realme, nowe aſſayled them agayne,The ſwe [...] fie [...]eſſe eft|ſ [...] retur [...]+neth. howbe [...] by the remedie founde at the begynning of [...], nothyng the lyke number dyed thereof, nowe thys ſecond time as did the firſt time, til the ſaid remedie was inuented.

[1] [2] [3] [4] But nowe the thirde plague [...]gall to the Pe|ſtilence enſued, by the working of the Maiſters of the forfeytures, and ſuche infourmers as were appoynted thereto. By whoſe meanes many a riche and wealthie perſon by the extremitie of the lawes of the realme, were cõdemned and brought to great loſſe and hinderance. A greate part of which theyr vndoyngs proceeded by the incon|uenience of ſuche vnconſcionable officers, as by the abuſe of exigentes outlawed thoſe that ne|uer hearde, nor had knowledge of the ſaytes commenced agaynſt them, of whiche harde and ſharpe dealyng (the harme that thereof inſueth [page 1461] conſidered) if the occaſion might be taken away by ſome other more reaſonable fourme and order of lawe deuyſed, whereby the partie myght haue perſonall warning, it woulde both preſerue ma|ny an Innocent manne from vndeſerued vexa|tion and daunger of vnmercifull loſſe of goodes, and alſo cedounde highly to the commendation of the Prince, and ſuch other as chaunced to bee refourmers of that colourable law, where they be called only in the counties without other know|ledge giuẽ to thẽ or theirs at their dwelling hou|ſes. But now to returne: ſuch maner of outlaw|ries, olde recogniſaunces of the peace, and good a|bearings, eſcapes, riottes, and innumerable ſta|tutes penall, were put in execution and called vp|pon, that euerie man both of the Spiritualtie and Temporaltie, hauing eyther lande or ſubſtance, were inuited to that plucking banket. Sir Gil|bart Talbot Knight,1307 and Richard Bere abbot of Glaſtenburie, and Doctor Robert Sherborne Deane of Pouls, were ſent as ambaſſadors from the king vnto Rome, to declare vnto Pius the third of that name newly elected Pope, what ioy and gladneſſe had entred the Kings heart for his preferment, but hee taryed not the comming of thoſe Ambaſſadours, for within a Moneth after that he was inſtalled, hee rendred his de [...] to na|ture, and ſo had ſhort pleaſure of his promotion.

[1] The Lord [...]y dieth.At the ſame time dyed Gyles Lord Dawbe|ney the kings chiefe Chamberleyne, whoſe office Charles, baſtarde ſonne to Henrie laſt, Duke of Somerſet occupied and enioyed, a man of good wit, and great experience.

[1] An reg. 23. [...] ba [...]d [...] of V [...]bin [...]ye made [...] of the [...].Soone after the king cauſed Guidebalde duke of Vrbyne to be elected knight of the order of the Garter, in like maner as his father Duke Frede|rike had beene before him, which was choſen and admitted into ye order by K. Edward the fourth.

[1] Sir Gilbert Talbot, and the other two Am|baſſadors being appointed to keepe on there iour|ney vnto Pope Iuly the ſeconde, elected after the death of the ſayde Pius the thirde, bare the habite and coller alſo vnto the ſayde Duke Guidehalde, which after he had receyued ye ſame, ſent ſir Bal|thaſer Caſtalio, knight, a Mantuan borne, as his Orator vnto king Henrie, whiche was for hym enſtalled, according to the ordinãces of the order.

[1] This yere that worthie prelate Thomas Sa|uage Archbiſhop of York departed this life at his Caſtel of Cawood, a man beſide the worthineſſe of his birth highly eſteemed with his Prince for his faſt fidelitie and great wiſdome. He beſtowed greate coſt in repayring the Caſtell of Caw [...]d and the Manor of Scroby. His body was buried at Yorke, but he appoynted by his teſtament, that his hart ſhould be buried at Maccleſfield in C [...]|ſhire, where hee was borne, in a Chapell there of his foundation, ioyning to the Southſide of the Churche, meaning to haue founded a Colledge there alſo, if his purpoſe had not beene preuented by death. After him ſucceeded doctor Be [...]bridge in the Archbiſhops ſea of Yorke the .56. Archbi|ſhop that had ſit in that ſea.

[1] About this ſame time Lewes the French king maried his eldeſt daughter named Clare, vnto Frances de Valois Dolphin of Vienne, and duke of Angoleſme, which Ladie was promiſed vnto Charles the king of Caſtile: wherevpon by Am|baſſadors ſent to and fro betwixt K. Henrye and the ſaid king of Caſtile, a mariage was cõcluded betwixt the ſaid K. of Caſtile, & the ladie Marie, daughter to K. Henry, being about the age of ten yeres. For concluſion of which mariage,1508 the lord of Barow, and other Ambaſſadors wer ſent in|to England from the Emperor Maxilian which with great rewardes returned.

[1] [2] The ſickneſſe which held the king dayly more and more encreaſing,An. reg. 24. he well perceyued that hys end drew nere, and therfore meaning to do ſome high pleaſure to his people, graunted of his free motion a general pardon to all men,1509 for al offen|ces done and cõmitted againſt any his lawes or ſtatutes, theeues, murtherers, and certaine other were excepted. He payed alſo the fees of all priſo|ners in the Gales in and about London, abiding there only for that dutie. He payed alſo the debts of all ſuch perſons as lay in the Coũters or Lud|gate, for .xl. ſs. & vnder, & ſome he relieued that wer condenmed in .x. lb. Herevpon were proceſſions generally vſed euery day in euery citie & pariſh, to pray to almightie God for his reſtoring to health & long cõtinuãce of ye ſame. Neuertheleſſe he was ſo waſted wt his long malady,The death of King Henrie the ſeuenth ye nature could [...] lõger ſuſtein his life, & ſo he departed out of thys world the .xxij. of April, in his palace of Richmõd in the yere of our lord .1509. His corps was con|ueied wt al funeral pompe to Weſtm. & there bu|ried by the good Q. his wife in a ſumptuous cha|pel which he not lõg before had cauſed to be bui [...]|ded. He reigned .xxiij. yeres, & more thã .vij. Mo|neths, & liued .lij. yeres. He had by his Q. Eliza|beth foure ſonnes, & foure daughters, of ye which three remained aliue behind him. Hẽry his ſecond ſon prince of Wales, which after him was king, Margaret Q. of Scots, & the lady Mary promi|ſed to Charles k. of Caſtile.The deſcripti|on of King Henry the ſe|uenth. He was a mã of body but leane and ſpare, albeit mighty & ſtrong there|with, of perſonage & ſtature ſomwhat higher thã the mean ſort of mẽ, of a wõderful beauty & faire complexion, of countenance mery & ſmyling eſ|pecially in his communication, his eies gray, his teeth ſingle, & heare thin, of wit in al things quick & prompt, of a princely ſtomack chante courage. In gret [...]rils; doubtful affaires, & matters of im|portance [...]pernatural & in maner diuine, for hee ordred all his doings aduiſedly and with greate [page 1462] deliberation.

[1] Beſides this, he was ſober, moderate, honeſt, courteous, bounteous, and ſo muche abhorring pride and arrogancie, that he was euer ſharpe and quicke to them that were noted with that fault. Hee was alſo an indifferent and vpryght Iu|ſticier,Iuſtice min|gled with mercye. by the which one thing, he allured to him the heartes of many people, and yet to thys ſe|ueritie of hys, hee ioyned a certayne mercyfull pitie, whiche he did extende to thoſe that had of|fended the penall lawes, and were put to theyr fynes by hys Iuſtices. Hee dyd vſe hys ry|gour onelye (as hee ſayde hymſelfe) to daunte, bryng lowe, and abate the highe myndes and ſtoute ſtomacks of the wealthie and wylde peo|ple nouriſhed vp in ſeditious factions and ciuill rebellions, rather than for the greedie deſyre of money, although ſuch as were ſcourged wyth a|merciamentes, cryed oute and ſayde, it was ra|ther for the reſpect of game, than for any politike prouiſion.

[1] In deede he left his Coffers well ſtuffed, for hee was no waſtfull conſumer of his ryches by any inordinate meanes.

[1] Out of the Biſhoppe of Rocheſters fu|nerall ſermon preached in Poules church at London.To conclude, he had aſmuch in him of giftes both of bodie, minde and fortune, as was poſſi|ble for any king to haue, his politique wiſedome in gouernaunce was ſinguler, his wytte alwaye quicke and ready, his reaſon pithie and ſubſtan|ciall, his memorie freſh and holding, his experi|ence notable, his counſailes fortunate and ta|ken by wiſe deliberation, his ſpeche gratious in diuerſe languages, his perſon, (as before ye haue hard) right comlie, his natural complexion of the pureſt mixture, leagues and cõfederations he had with all Chriſtian Princes. His mightie power was dread euery where, not onely wythin hys Realme but without.

[1] Alſo his people were to him in as humble ſubiection as euer they were to King, his lande many a daye in peace and tranquilitie, hys pro|ſperitie in battayle agaynſte his enimyes was maruellous, hys dealing in tyme of perilles and daungers was colde and ſober, with great hardyneſſe. If anye treaſon were conſpired a|gaynſte h [...]m, it came oute woonderfully. Hys buyldings moſt goodly, and after the neweſt eaſt, all of pleaſure.

[1] And ſo thys King lyuing all his tyme in for|tunes fauour, in high honour, wealth and glo|rie, for hys noble actes and prudent policies, is woorthy to bee regyſtred in the Booke of fame, leaſt tyme (the conſumer of all worthie things) ſhoulde blotte out the memorie of his name here in Earth, whoſe foule wee truſte lyueth in Heauen, enioying the fruition of the Godhead, and thoſe pleaſures prepared for the fayth|full.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Of learned menne that lyued in hys dayes, (as Maiſter Bale noteth them) theſe are recor|ded. Firſte George Rippeley a Carmelite Frier at Boſton, ſeene in the Mathematikes, and wrote dyuerſe Treatiſes, and after hys de|ceaſe was accounted a Nigromancien: Iohn Erghom borne in Yorke, a blacke Frier, a doc|tour of Diuinitie profeſſed in Oxforde, ſtudi|ous of Propheſies, as by the tytle of the wor|kes whiche hee wrote, it maye appeare: Iohn Parceuall a Chartreux Monke: Thomas Maillorie a Welchman borne, wrote I wote not what of King Arthure, and of the rounde Table: Iohn Rouſſe, borne in Warwikeſhyre, a diligent ſearcher of antiquities, wherevpon few Libraries were any where to bee ſeene in Eng|lande and Wales, where he made not ſearche for the ſame, and wrote ſundrye Treatiſes of Hyſtoricall Argumentes. He deceaſſed at War|wicke the fourtenth of Ianuarye in the yeare 1491. and was buryed in our Ladye Churche there: Thomas Scrope, otherwiſe ſurnamed Bradley, deſcended of the noble familye of the Scropes, profeſſed ſundrie kyndes of Religi|on, as that of the order of Saint Benette, and Saint Dominicke, and likewyſe hee became a Carmelite, and laſt of all hee fell to and prea|ched the Goſpell in heare and ſackecloth, tyll hee vnderſtoode hymſelfe to bee in the diſpleaſure of Walden and other (that coulde not away with ſuch ſingularitie in hym or other, ſounding, as they tooke it to the daunger of bringing the do|ctrine of the Romiſhe Church in miſlyking with the people) for then hee withdrewe hymſelfe to his houſe agayne, and there remayned twentie yeares, leading an Ankers lyfe, but yet after that tyme hee came abroade, and was aduaun|ced to bee a Biſhoppe in Irelande,Dromorenſi [...] Epiſcopus. and wente to the Roades in Ambaſſade, from whence being returned, hee went barefooted vp and downe in Norffolke, teaching in townes and in the coun|trey abroade the tenne commaundements. Hee lyued tyll hee came to bee at the poynte of an hundred yeares olde, and departed thys lyfe the fiftenth daye of Ianuarie in the yeare of oure Lorde. 1491. and was buryed at Leſſolfe in Suffolke: Iohn Tonneys a Diuine, and an Auguſtine Frier in Norwiche, wrote certaine Rules of Grammer, and other things printed by Richarde Pynſon: Geffrey ſurnamed the Grammarian: Iohn Alcock Biſhoppe of Elie, chaunged a Nun [...]ie at Cambridge into a Col|ledge named Ieſus Colledge, aboute the yeare of Chryſt. 1496. The chiefe cauſe of ſuppreſſing the Nunrie is noted to bee, for that the Abbeſſe and other of the Conuent lyued diſſolute lines: Stephen Hawes a learned Gentleman, and of ſuche reputation, as hee was admitted to bee one [page 1463] of the priuie Chamber to King Henrie the ſea|uenth: William Byntre ſo called of a towne in Norffolke where he was borne, by profeſſion a Carmelite Frier in Burnham, a great diuine: William Gaſ [...]on an Auguſtine Frier in Li [...]ne and at length beca [...]e prouinciall of his order: Ro [...]e Fa [...]n a Citizen and Marchaunt of London an Hyſtoriographer, hee was in his time in good eſtimation for his wyſedome and wealthe in the Citie, ſo that hee bare office and was [...]ceſſe in the yere. 1494: William Cel|ling, borne beſide Feuer hau [...] in Kente, a Monke of Canterburie: Thomas Bouerchier diſcended [...] the noble [...]ge of the Earles of Eſſex, was firſt Byſhoppe of Ely, and after remooued from [...]nte to Canterburye ſucceeding Iohn Kempe in that Arbiſhoppes Sea, at length created by Pope Paule the ſeconde a Cardinal: Phi|lippe Bron [...]de a Dominicke Frier, a deuine & Iohn Myles a Doctor of both the lawes, Ciuill and Canon he [...]yed in Oxforde in the Col|ledge of Br [...]ſemoſe newly founded in the day [...] of this King Henrye the ſeuenth by William Smyth Biſhoppe of Lyncolne: Richarde Shi [...] Biſhop of Chicheſter, and imployed in Ambaſſad [...] to diuerſe Princes, as a manne, moſte meete thereto for his ſingular knowledge in learning and eloquence: Robert Viduns Vi|car of Thakeſteede in Eſſex, and a Prebendarie Canon of W [...]lles, an excellent Poete: Peter Kenighale a Carmelites Frier, but borne of Worſhipfull lygnage in Fraunce, hauing an Engliſheman to his father, was ſtudent in Ox|forde, and became a notable Preacher: Iohn Mortan, fyrſt Biſhoppe of Elie, and after Arch|biſhoppe of Canterbury the .lxiij. in number that ruled that Sea, he was aduaunced to the digni|tie of a Cardinall, and by King H [...]e the ſe|uenth made Lorde Chauncellour, a worthye Counſaylour and a modeſt, hee was borne of worſhipfull Parentes in Dorſe [...]ſhire, and depar|ted this life in the yeare of oure Lorde. 1500. Henrye Medwall Chaplaine to the ſayde Mor|ton: Edmunde Dudley borne of noble Paren|tage, ſtudyed the lawes of this lande, and profi|ted highly in knowledge of the ſame, hee wrote a booke intituled Arbor Reipublicae, the [...]ret of the common wealth, of this man yet haue heard be|fore in the life of this king, and more God wyl|ling ſhall be ſaide in the beginning of the nexte king, as the occaſion of the Hiſtorie leadeth: Iohn B [...]kingham an excellent Schootman: William Blackney a Carmelite Frier, a doctor of diuinity and a Nigthmanc [...].

V [...]n .iiij.