[1] [2] Then the English ambassadors,The leag [...]e renewed be|twéene Eng|land and France. renewing the league and amitie betwixt king Henrie & the French king, for the space of twelue moneths, they returned into England, and shewed the king all things that they had either heard or séene; so that he perceiued that the French king dealt craftilie in this matter of [page 769] Britaine, still motioning peace when he meant no|thing else but warre.The king cal|l [...]th a parle|ment. He therefore called his high court of parlement, in the which it was not onelie de|termined that the duke of Britaine should be aided with a power of men against the wrongfull inuasi|ons of the Frenchmen, but also there were diuerse summes of monie granted to the furnishing foorth and maintenance of the same. And immediatlie hervpon, the king sent his ambassadors into France to certifie the French king what the estates assem|bled in parlement here in England had decréed.