[1] King Henrie taking displeasure with the king of Romans, for that he kept not touch in aiding him a|gainst the French king, and partlie displeased with the Flemings, but speciallie with the ladie Marga|ret, for kéeping and setting forward Perkin War|becke,Flemish wares for|bidden. not onelie banished all Flemish wares and merchandizes out of his dominions, but also restrei|ned all English merchants from their repaire and traffike into anie of the lands and territories of the king of Romans, or of the archduke Philip, sonne to the same king of the Romans;The mart kept at Ca|lis. causing the mart to be kept at Calis, of all English merchandizes and commodities. Wherefore the said king and his sonne banished out of their lands and seigniories all Eng|lish clothes,English com|modities ba|nished out of Flanders. yarne, tin, lead, and other commodities of this realme. The restreint made by the king sore hin|dered the merchants aduenturers; for they had no oc|cupieng to beare their charges, and to support their credit withall.