[1] [2] [3] At the same time died Giles lord Dawbenie the kings chéefe chamberleine, whose office Charles,The lord Daubenie dieth. ba|stard sonne to Henrie last duke of Summerset oc|cupied and enioied; a man of good wit, and great ex|perience. Soone after, the king caused Guidebald duke of Urbine to be elected knight of the order of the garter, Anno Reg 23. Guidebald duke of Ur|bin in Italie made knight of the garter. in like maner as his father duke Frede|rike had béene before him, which was chosen and ad|mitted into the order by king Edward the fourth. Sir Gilbert Talbot, and the other two ambassadors being appointed to kéepe on their iournie vnto pope Iulie the second, elected after the death of the said Pius the third, bare the habit and collar also vnto the said duke Guidebald; which after he had receiued the same, sent sir Balthasar Castalio, knight, a Man|trian borne, as his orator vnto king Henrie, which was for him installed, according to the ordinances of the order.