[1] [2] [3] The mar|ques Dorset committed to the Tower.Thus disposing things for his suertie, he went to|wards S. Edmunds burie, and being certified that the marquesse Dorset was comming towards his maiestie, to excuse himselfe of things that he was suspected to haue doone when he was in France, he sent the earle of Oxford to arrest the said marquesse by the waie, and to conueie him to the Tower of London, there to remaine till his truth might be tri|ed. From thence the K. went foorth to Norwich, and tarrieng there Christmasse daie, he departed after to Walsingham, where he offered to the image of our ladie, and then by Cambridge he shortlie returned to London. In which meane time, the earle of Lin|colne had gotten togither by the aid of the ladie Mar|garet about two thousand Almains,Martin Sward a va|liant capteine of ye Almains, assistant to the earle of Lin|colne. with one Mar|tine Sward, a valiant and noble capteine to lead them.