[1] And so this king liuing all his time in fortunes fauour, in high honour, wealth and glorie, for his no|ble acts and prudent policies is woorthie to be regi|stred in the booke of fame, least time (the consumer of all worthie things) should blot out the memorie of his name here in earth, whose soule we trust liueth in heauen, enioieng the fruition of the godhead, & those pleasures prepared for the faithfull. [In memorie of whome, his manifold vertues, with the fortunat suc|cesse of his affaires, and the gratious descent of his loines, as they procured a famous report in nations farre and néere; so haue some at the contemplation of his princelinesse, and euerie waie crowned with felicitie, made memorials of his magnificence; to the immortalitie of his high praise and vnblemishable renowme: among whome (for the truth of the report iustifiable by the contents of this historie) one com|meth to mind, which may well serue for an epitaph:

Septimus Henricus factis est nomen adeptus
Praeclarum claris ventura in secula famae:
Ciuibus ille suis fuerat charissimus, hostes
Omnes iure ipsum metuebant: numinis almi
Relligiosus erat cultor, pie [...]atis & aequi,
Versutos hominésque malos vehementiùs odit.
Viginti totos charus trésque ampliùs annos
Regibus externis in summo vixit honore:
Magnanimus, iustus rex, prudens atque modestus,
Henrico haeredi moriens sua regna reliquit,
Diuitiásque, immensum argenti pondus & auri.