[1] [2] [3] Moreouer, in this present parlement, he caused proclamation to be made, that all men were pardo|ned and acquited of their offenses, which would sub|mit themselues to his mercie, and receiue an oth to be true and faithfull vnto him: wherevpon manie that came out of sanctuaries and other places were receiued to grace, and admitted for his subiects. Af|ter this, he began to remember his speciall freends, of whome some he aduanced to honour and dignitie,The king ad| [...]nceth his f [...]eends. and some he inriched with goods and possessions, eue|rie man according to his deserts and merits. And to begin, his vncle Iasper earle of Penbroke, he crea|ted duke of Bedford; Thomas lord Stanleie was created earle of Derbie; and the lord Chendew of Britaine his especiall fréend, he made earle of Bath; sir Giles Daubeneie was made lord Daubeneie; sir Robert Willoughbie was made lord Brooke. And Edward Stafford eldest sonne to Henrie late duke of Buckingham, he restored to his name, dignitie, & possessions, which by king Richard were confiscat and atteinted. Beside this, in this parlement was this notable act assented to and concluded as fol|loweth; to the pleasure of almightie God, wealth, prosperitie, and suertie of this realme of England, and to the singular comfort of all the kings subiects of the same, in auoiding all ambiguities and que|stions.