[1] In which atteindor neuerthelesse there were di|uerse clauses and prouisos for the benefit of their wi|ues and other persons, that had or might claime anie right, title, or interest lawfullie vnto anie castels, manours, lordships, townes, towneships, honours, lands, tenements, rents, seruices, fée farmes, an|nuities, knights fees, aduousons, reuersions, remain|ders, and other hereditaments; whereof the said per|sons atteinted were possessed or seized to the vses of such other persons: with a speciall prouiso also, that the said atteindor should not be preiudiciall to Iohn Catesbie knight, Thomas Reuell, and William Ashbie esquiers, in, of, & vpon the manour of Kirke|bie vpon Wretheke in the countie of Leicester, nor [page 763] in, of, and vpon anie other lands and tenements in Kirkebie aforesaid, Melton, Somerbie, Thropsegh|field, and Godebie, which they had of the gift & feoffe|ment of Thomas Dauers, & Iohn Lie. And further, notwithstanding this atteindor, diuerse of the said persons afterwards were not onelie by the king par|doned, but also restored to their lands and liuings.