[1] [2] [3] [4] Also the horssemen that were sent, without anie stop or staie came to saint Michaels mount, and there (as chance was) found the ladie Katharine Gor|don wife to Perkin,The beauti|full ladie ka|tharine (Per|kins wife) presented to the king. and brought hir streight to the king. At whose beautie and amiable countenance the king much maruelled, and thought hir a preie more meet for a prince, than for the meane souldiers, and sent hir incontinentlie vnto London to the queene, accompanied with a sort of sage matrones and gentlewomen, bicause she was but yoong. The common people that had followed Perkin, after that their chéefeteine was fled, threw awaie their armour as people amazed, and submitted themselues to the king, humblie beséeching him of mercie, which he most gentlie granted, and receiued them to his fa|uour. After this the king road to Excester, and there not onelie commended the citizens, but also hartilie thanked them for dooing so well their duties in defen|ding their citie from their enimies. He also put there to execution diuerse Cornishmen, which were the au|thors and principall beginners of this new conspira|cie and insurrection. Neuerthelesse, he vsed maruel|lous clemencie also in pardoning a great number of the rebels.