[1] This youths name was Peter Warbecke, one for his faintnesse of stomach of the Englishmen in de|rision called Perkin Warbecke,Perkin War|becke ye coun|terfeit duke of Yorke. according to the dutch phrase, which change the name of Peter to Per|kin, of yoonglings and little boies, which for want of age, lacke of strength, and manlike courage, are not thought worthie of the name of a man. This yoong man trauelling many countries, could speake Eng|lish and diuerse other languages; & for his basenesse of birth and stocke, was almost vnknowne of all men; and driuen to séeke liuing from his childhood, was constreined to go and trauell thorough manie countries. The duchesse glad to haue got so meet an organ for the conueieng of hir inuented purpose, as one not vnlike to be taken and reputed for the duke of Yorke, sonne to hir brother king Edward, which was called Richard, kept him a certeine space with hir priuilie.