[1] [2] [3] Shortlie after,Yeomen of the gard first brought in. for the better preseruation of his roiall person, he constituted and ordeined a certeine number, as well of archers, as of diuerse other per|sons, hardie, strong, and actiue to giue dailie atten|dance on his person, whom he named yeomen of his gard, which president men thought that he learned of the French king when he was in France. For it is not remembred, that anie king of England before that daie vsed anie such furniture of dailie souldiers. ¶ In this same yéere a new kind of sickenes inuaded suddenlie the people of this land, passing through the same from the one end to the other. It began about the one and twentith of September, and continued vntill the latter end of October, being so sharpe and deadlie, that the like was neuer heard of to anie mans remembrance before that time.