[1] [2] To be breefe, the king by his meanes, and other such diligent inquisition as he made, tried out such as he suspected, partlie to be deuisers of mischéefe a|gainst him, and partlie to beare no sincere affection towards his person, so that he could readilie name them: whereof a great part were within few daies apprehended and taken. And amongst them Willi|am lord Courtneie, sonne to the earle of Deuon|shire, which maried the ladie Katharine, daughter to king Edward the fourth; lord William de la Poole, brother to the foresaid earle of Suffolke, sir Iames Tirrell, & sir Iohn Windam. Both the Williams were rather taken of suspicion, bicause they were so neere of kin to the conspirator, than for anie prooued matter. But sir Iames Tirrell and Ioh [...] Windam, bicause they were traitors,Tirrell and Windam beheaded. and so attainted, the sixt daie of Maie after their apprehension, they were on the Tower hill beheaded.