[1] [2] Then both the armies ioined and fought verie earnestlie, in so much that the Almains,The armies ioine. being tried and expert men of warre, were in all things, as well in strength as policie, equals and matches to the Englishmen. But as for Martine Sward their co|ronell, few of the Englishmen,Martine Sward a péerelesse warrior. either in valiant cou|rage, or strength, and nimblenesse of bodie was to him comparable. On the other side, the Irishmen, although they fought manfullie, and stucke to it va|liantlie; yet bicause they were (after the maner of their countrie) almost naked, without anie conuena|ble furniture of armour, they were striken downe and slaine like dull & brute beasts, which was a great discouragement to the residue of the companie. Thus they fought for a space so sore and so egerlie on both parts, that no man could well iudge to whome the victorie was like to incline.